Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Friday, May 23rd, 2014

The wine is a world-famous beverage and is the oldest. If you think you know everything about wine, may be you’re wrong, because thanks to its history, variety and more wine is a beverage that has more curiosities. Don’t need to know all these facts in order to enjoy a good glass of wine, or to declare you a lofty connoisseur, however, is never others know what the rest do not know. For example, all know that grapes are used to make wine, but you know more or less how many grapes are needed for a bottle? Approximately with a kilo of grapes can be necessary for a standard bottle of wine. If ever you have eaten a grape, you can notice that seed to bite them taste bitter but very special, do you know in what contribute seeds of the grapes to the wine? The grape seeds, contain tannins, a compound of vegetable origin that are present on the skin of the grape, the seed and the wood of the barrels containing wine. Red wine has more tannins than white, but all have more or less the same bitter taste that makes to dry us mouth, and between more tannins, stronger will be the wine. Surprise your friends with the new data that you know about wine and enjoy it in the company. Original author and source of the article


Friday, May 16th, 2014

If you say something that is of interest to someone, it surely engage a conversation with you, although you may not know you, presentareis I and hablareis of topics you have in common. If you have a company, for example, it is likely that late or early talk of it. If the people who you are listening to you are not interested in your conversation, you will simply not answer, but if anyone is interested probably will ask also for your work you can leverage to ask people about a particular subject, for example, see someone in your group with an iPhone, and ask if you know how to configure this or what function with this example we can see that a public event can open you many doors You can use it for whatever you want to promote your company, to discuss issues of interest to you, find information, meet people, and according to what interests you act in one way or another. Because Twitter passes something, once of you sign up, the first thing you do is find friends or acquaintances, then people who share topics of your interest, you follow them and everything that comment appears on your screen. If something of what they say you are interested respond you by pressing on the button answer, because if you do the online what’s happening, this person won’t see it, since you don’t even follow.

Your answer will see it your interlocutor in its wall, but also all his followers will see it this way you become known, and someone possibly answer something like what happens in a face-to-face conversation, don’t you think? In addition, when you decide to follow someone, this person gets a message in your e-mail telling you to follow him, and the natural reaction is to this person to click on the message to see who you are, you will look at your profile (which you’ve filled out at the time of sign up, indicating your information, your interests, etc.), and according to their interests, will decide to follow you or I do not think that Twitter is a platform that allows you to learn about and engage in conversation with people who neither you imaginary power do it. When I started with Twitter, looked for well-known people, people around me and with my interests and hobbies, and also decided to follow people I admire for their work, one of them is Arturo Perez-Reverte. I looked at his profile to assure me that he was actually (has a link to her website, in addition to having more than 60,000 followers). And one evening, which was my surprise to see that it was connected, speaking of topics today (the Government we have, exactly). I decided to respond on the issue that I was trying to, and we had a conversation. Something really difficult if it weren’t for Twitter, do you not believe?. In future posts we will see some tricks to enhance the use of Twitter. You already use Twitter? Why what you wear? Leave your comment original author and source of the article

The Issuer

Saturday, May 10th, 2014

Semiotic phenomenon there is a transfer, through a sign, a some form of relations that is in the mind of a producer into the interpreter, i.e. There is a sign produced by a transmitter, interpreted by a receiver, then what made explicit in a communication process in which several items are displayed:-code: System of signs and rules for combining these. metalinguistic function. -Channel: physical medium through which communication is transmitted. phatic function. -Issuer: subject responsible for transmitting the message from a codification of this process. function Emotiva. -Receiver: person to which it is addressed communication and that decodes the message.

conative function. -The message: what we want to communicate that is encoded by the issuer and decoded by the receiver. poetic function. -The situational context: is the referent, context in which the message is transmitted and which contributes to its meaning. It is necessary for a proper decoding of the message. referential function. In this process the sign, as a fundamental entity in the semiotic process is of vital importance and that is understood as a lake that is instead of something else not as a substitute for, but as a representation of (according to Peirce); It is an expression pointing to a content that exist outside of the same sign and has two functions: expression and content (Hjelmslev); It is psychic entity where the meaning has existence only in our minds and is independent of possible external references and materials, where the signifier is also mental, because it is the successor of the acoustic image, which already is image (Saussure). The analysis of the semiotic sign acquires particular interest in the artistic field, and within this, in the spectacular scenic representation in its broadest (theatre, opera, classical, modern, contemporary and folkloric dance, pantomime, puppets, among others), is where the sign is manifested with greater richness, variety and density. Everything in the theatrical representation is sign.


Saturday, May 3rd, 2014

Author’s Note: this article due to its length was divided into two parts, to be published one weekly. Then part 1: before starting to write this article I must apologize for the raw story, because as I always do, my writings of the law of attraction in my own experiences and in this I base in particular it is important to not hide any fact from you, because through them they may be giving account of how appeared me that initial feeling of impotence and like this it was growing with the passing of the days. And also ask permission for the vulgar language in this case I’m going to use in various parts of the article, since although the same concept can be transmitted using a language rich in words, in the case of the feelings and emotions there are times that the words that best describe them are will read below and through them I can achieve that you perceive what I felt at that moment, because on the other hand, all human beings or the vast majority at least use this same language when

Archaeological Museum

Sunday, April 27th, 2014

The town of El Jem, as almost all Roman cities of Tunisia, was built on a Punic settlement. With a less arid climate that the current, El Jem prospered in the century II thanks to the cultivation of the olive tree, becoming an important center of production and export of oil. At the beginning of the 3rd century, coinciding with the construction of its famous Amphitheater, El Jem played Hadrumet (now Sousse) the rank of second Roman city in North Africa, after Carthage. Today, El Jem owes its fame to its amphitheatre. The best preserved of all is the Roman amphitheatre large in Africa and the fourth in the world after those of Rome, Capua and Pozzuoli, but surely. Its impressive architecture stands out above the low houses of the city thanks to its 3 floors in height, that reach 36 meters. It had capacity for about 35,000 spectators and dimensions of 148 meters in length by width 122.

Until the 17TH century the Amphitheater of El Jem remained practically intact, but was thereafter when they began to its stones used in the construction of the houses in the village and were also transported to Kairouan to be used in the Grand Mosque. The Amphitheatre of El Jem was declared patrimony of humanity by Unesco in 1979. In addition to the visit to the Amphitheater, it is advisable to visit the Archaeological Museum of the Jem. The Museum is arranged in an old Roman House, where it is preserved classical architecture of these mansions, with the rooms arranged around a central courtyard. In the Museum we can see sculptures, ceramics and especially mosaics found in the city of El Jem and its surroundings. All these findings give us an idea of the luxury of the residences that were built here and where they lived aristocratic families who built his fortune thanks to the production of oil. original author and source of the article

World War

Monday, April 7th, 2014

One gave credit that sociology, when studying, to explain and to intervine in the facts of the society would be the scientific link that would bind the order of the society to continuous progress. Comte structuralized its thought from a philosophy of peculiar history where the man would be the main being, since he showed endowed with a nature characterized for an irresistible social trend; so that it was developed completely, learning to use its intelligence as inspired source of the actions, the man would have to pass for three states. The first state of the humanity was defined as theological, where God would be the center of all the references human beings; God would be the regent of the social life and the man it directly would be tied. As been he was defined as Metaphysical, would be intermediate it between the three states, where the explanation of the society would not pass only for the recital in the divine initiative; God would not be more the absolute regent of the social life, and yes an essence onipresente it. the third state would be the positivismo and would find its expression in the modern capitalist society, where the man left of an anthropocentric conception and if he would place in the condition of regent of the social life.

Of this form, the positive spirit would definitively supply the basic rules the conception of a unit for the new order seated in the reason. The Intellectual mile Durkheim during its life witnessed the period where she understood the apex of the European monopolista capitalism and its first great internal crisis, beyond the Second Industrial Revolution and the ecloso of the World War I. How much the relation individual/Durkheim society believed that the society would predominate on the individual, a time that it is that it would impose joint it of norms of social behavior; it had as focus the emancipation of sociology in relation the social philosophies, trying to construct it as he disciplines scientific rigorous, endowed with systemize methods, objectifying to define with clarity the object and the applications of this new science being left of the paradigms and theoretical models of natural sciences.

Philip Shrimp

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

This, the essence of the patrimonialismo. Esse’ ‘ cloth of fundo’ ‘ cultural, obviously, it was transplantado for Brazil, quandoLisboa a sufficiently advanced metropolis already, in century XV imposed, particularly from 1534, with the Hereditary Captainships, then legal seuordenamento as the Manuelinas Ordinances, of 1521, and asFilipinas, of 1603 to a population of aboriginals, banished slaves and, total incapable to understand it and to absorb it. Therefore we accustom in them to abuscar and of some form to pay – the solutions for our problems in entesfsicos e> 1640), this was sketched to forge of a nationality, in the Good Arraialde Jesus, having for arqutipos the white Matias de Albuquerque, negroHenrique Days and the indian Philip Shrimp, that had fought the good combat in Guararapes.Todavia, defeated the dutches and findo the Spanish Domain, otrono was restored Portuguese, with D. Joo IV. It returned, therefore, the lusitano yoke on asterras braslicas, esvaindo that embryo of nationality: all lenders in the Quarter of Abrantes. Difficult No to see indistinctly, in this pleaded historical, the roots of certoscomportamentos, that we know well, common well and badly-born.

One of maisgraves of them, seems me, is to ignore that the legal system if destines noapenas to guarantee the rights> the Rule of law call. However, nabusca incessant of survival, enrichment, power, recognition eoutros yearnings defined in the Pyramid of Maslow, frequently desconsideramoso unquestionable principle of that the rights of one are locked in when if we initiate of outrem. From there the infindveis conflicts are born and deal that it competes to the Justiadirimir, et pour cause, are in the seumbito that more reflect our ancestral vices. However, the ones that aexercem, for being equally human e, as such, carrying of the mesmostraos, also fails frequently. Essamultiplicidade de Equvocos from that they proceed to the edge of the Justice, of that they ademandam me the faith, from that exert it etalii badly characterizes the mentioned process well of I spoil of one sociedadeque lost the moral compassing, that permeia, one by one, ‘ ‘ Bandidos stories; ‘ of JooUchoa: each one faithful portraies ours mazelas, that we would have, since> ‘ ‘ valley escrito’ ‘ – of what to its essence.

Make Money Filling Out Surveys Online

Monday, March 17th, 2014

It is likely that you’ve seen many ads and emails announcing that it is possible to make money filling out surveys online. The truth is that very few of them actually pay you to complete a survey. There are too many sites that charge you to be able to work with them so that you be paid for completing surveys. With the exception of very few, are all a fraud and the only thing they want is take away your money. You should not pay anyone to fill surveys, these people are just trying to steal your money.

Before you do anything you will need to investigate and analyze network site to find out if it is genuine or not. Because legitimate paid surveys sites need our services to complete their surveys has no need to charge us to work for them. Therefore it is important to be very careful with these sites. Sites that have paid surveys exist and do not charge a penny to start working for them. Registering with them is completely free. All you have to do is sign up for their Web site and they send you invitations to participate in their surveys. To receive the highest possible amount of invitations to participate in surveys will need to fill not only the general profile requested if not any another annex that is available on the Web site. These profile formats are very similar to the surveys and will focus on basic matters of home, employment, travel, holidays, finance etc.

It is important that you complete these surveys of profile to have greater opportunities for invitation to paid surveys. These invitations are made on the basis of preferences and trends only. Another advantage of making money filling out surveys online is that you should not take much time to complete them. A maximum of fifteen to thirty minutes will be enough to do it when you have a little free time.

Make Money

Monday, March 10th, 2014

All people who one way or another want to enter this world of how to make money online, and we wonder How do you keep the people who supposedly make much money online?, For, though we try and do the impossible to achieve it is given. Do you think there is an answer or many answers to this question?, Let me tell you so. Making money online is something that any ordinary person can develop from the comfort of your own home, it is obviously necessary to learn certain techniques and tricks that only those who are doing know, and it is precisely what we can learn through lessons and tips well supported by the gurus of this item.

If you want the life you’ve dreamed? no other concern to get up when you want, not having to stress you in traffic in the morning, buy the car and the house of your dreams, travel wherever you want without restriction of schedules or dates, have a life without debts and Best of all, lay off your boss or pattern. You are at the perfect moment. This opportunity is only for seriously and with an immense desire to do everything you want in life, the results are almost immediate just follow the instructions to the letter on E-books that you will receive, with five forms of income Internet which can be different in your hands now and I can assure you they are totally different. More information here: count on my support and that of multi-program, in this wonderful opportunity to make money online.

The Ego

Monday, February 24th, 2014

Money is power like everything around you. All material things are there in abundance, since we live in a universe of abundance to enjoy them, the problem arises when be slaves of these material goods and we forget to cultivate what is important, our interior. You only have to give a walk through a cemetery to make you remember that material nothing is anger with you, not even your body. However what if love is anger with you that have shared, the spiritual growth that you have reached in this life, the lessons learned, the compassion distributed to other human beings. Trace your goals and intentions with a real purpose and not simply because we must have a House more large or more money.

He meditates and tomato your time to set your intentions to be sure that they are truly your intent and not the wishes of your ego. There is a big difference between a purpose, an intention of your higher self that will bring you a joy hard to explain with words, an immense happiness and desires and whims of the ego that you provide a fleeting moment of vanity and emptiness after internal. It is important that each of your goals have a purpose. You want a House more big, para que?, what are you doing with that House more big?, does Esa casa mas grande is what your truly Wikipedia and makes you happy? We all know what a House more large brings it to our ego, the admiration and in many cases envy of others, but the important thing is that you will bring to you, whom you’re really that bigger house. Any goal that traces with a real purpose materialise without any resistance and provide you not only material wealth, but also emotional and spiritual. I wish that the year 2011 bring you much happiness, peace, prosperity and that all your intentions will materialize in a perfect way and in harmony for everyone.

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