Archive for the ‘News’ Category


Wednesday, February 12th, 2014

Argentina has disappointed thousands of fans to Draws 1 to 1 with Paraguay for the seventh round of the South American qualifiers towards South Africa 2010, the distressing result which was reached at the Monumental stadium in Buenos Aires made clear that no national team is at the height of the great world powers such as Italy, Germany, France or England. Although FIFA considers the squad led by Alfio Basile one of the best in the world at football, if faced with possibly one of the countries mentioned above do not get a favorable outcome. The Argentine team was unable to specify any of the hazards that were submitted early in the first half. The speed and dribbling skills of Carlos Tevez, the excesses of Angel Di Maria next to the talent of Lionel Messi and Juan Roman Riquelme seemed to be the solution to defeat once and for all the table Guarani. However, at 13 minutes into the match, there was a clash between Gabriel Heinze and Roberto Abbondanzieri, the embarrassment of the Argentina defense and lack of communication between defender and goalkeeper led to the first goal of the game friendly group led by Gerardo Martino. Then the goal, goalkeeper, injuries from the crash, had to be replaced by Juan Pablo Carrizo.

After 30 minutes, a fact the fans left speechless Argentine Carlos Tevez who by then had emerged as the great figure of the first half was expelled for giving him a hard kick to Paulo Da Silva, the referee had no hesitation in Rio Simon punish. From that moment there was a shift in the party, the misunderstandings in the defense Blanquiceleste were remarkable and only the presence and good work of former River Plate goalkeeper allowed Paraguay not convert his second goal. Argentina started supplementing with two variants in its starting lineup, Sergio Aguero appeared among the 11 starters instead of Angel Di Maria, a key amendment to the definition of the party and Gabriel Heinze, very badly in the first half, was replaced by Daniel ‘Cata’ Diaz. The entry of these two players gave him a respite from ‘Coco’ Basile and who saw the match from their homes or in heavy rain. But the big moment came in the afternoon, a run of Lionel Messi, accompanied by a great wall with Riquelme, led to what would be the equalizer for Argentina at the foot of Maradona’s son, Sergio ‘Kun’ Ag ero, who through a shot became the goal that the Argentines were claiming both. However, despite having done a very good second half, the passing of the minutes showing that this selection was ‘great’ was a sad shadow of the national team “Sub23” that a few days ago won the gold medal at the Games played in Beijing Olympics.


The Catholics

Friday, January 31st, 2014

These processed to the King and was sentenced to death on gallows and Carlos I died beheaded on 30 January 1649. (9) It is said that the Queen on his deathbed nodded with a gesture that Jacobo IV of Scotland outside his successor to hear his name, but his State of unconsciousness caused by his agony suggests that single was a grimace that was probably intended to express the opposite, but that was interpreted by those present as a gesture of conformity, since Isabella died within a few hours. Whatever that gesture, the importance of their interpretation by those who were present lies in two fundamental aspects, the legitimacy of the succession and avoid a possible war for the throne of England as the lived one hundred years ago.

Occurs in this way the real union between Scotland and England under the figure of a King himself. (10) The Catholics proved hardest with the persecutions of Jacobo I, so trying to put an end to the strife in 1605 carried out an attack on the monarch who is known as the gunpowder conspiracy, because they placed barrels so that they exploded causing the death of the sovereign. They were unsuccessful and the organizers were executed. The Calvinists and Puritans were also subjected to persecution but chose to emigrate to the American colonies in the present-day United States. (11) The trend toward absolutism of Carlos I made to keep very tense relations during his reign with the English Parliament, who sought to control their arbitrary creations of taxes and its religious reformism. (12) The King simulo accept the document, but in 1629 by signing peace with Spain and France, ignoring the request returned to dissolve Parliament to continue on the throne as an absolute monarch in a period that lasted until the year 1640, known as the eleven years of tyranny.

State of Gois

Friday, January 24th, 2014

The division of the state of Gois can be had as example that created been of Tocantins. Gois as being a developed place more only had to evolve, but Tocantins still is in an evolution process, perhaps either for having less high a economic status. This division can until having its favorable side, some cities can yes evolve, grow economically, improve the health, education, infrastructure and other aspects. With this division, in the point of view of many, the been future of Carajs would be the state richest, therefore it is a state that has as if to keep for the great concentration of ore, industries and other flows economic. Par can improve still or not.

But, the Tapajs could be a poor region in some aspects, as for example, in the culture and the economy. For many, Santarm is a city that only has to be favored with this division, therefore concentration of being able has a great strong there, the great majority of interested in this in the division of the state is intent in the same one. Nor always to divide serves to multiply, can be that this division deducts still more. Many wait optimum with this division. Some people with a vast knowledge on the subject, other go only for the opinion of somebody. NOR YES NOR NOT: HERE IT IS INDETERMINATION! DARIELME OAK 4 Par is as the biggest one Been of Brazil, and is passing for a crisis where many believe that the solution is dividiz it in three States (Par, Carajs Tapajs), will be that this is really? The main problems to be detached are: economy, development of the regions politics. It will be that dividing Par this goes to improve? The abandonment of cities as Itaituba, is one of the reasons for the division of the State, another reason for this division is long-distance of the Capital for the cities, this makes with that some regions are forgotten.

Integrated Control

Friday, January 17th, 2014

The IOCB still detaches that the presence of residues of insecticides and acaricidas on the fruits in the harvest must diminish increasing it the maximum the stated periods of lack and scrumbling it the minimum the chemical treatments in regimen of after-harvest. When possible, application directed of products sends regards to it directly on the targets and must be established the maximum volume of Calda applied for hectare in function of the volume or transport of the plant. atual.REFERNCIAS also sends regards that the people carry through the applications with knowledge and training in spraying techniques, respecting itself always to the CONSULTED BIBLIOGRAPHICAL legislation: GALLI, J.C. ; PAZINI, W.C. Selectivity of Inseticidas and Acaricidas: it emends for disciplines of chemical Control and Selectivity for Arthropods of the CPG/Entomologia Agrcola/FCAV-UNESP.

Jaboticabal-SP, 2011. 30p.GRAHAM-BRYCE, I.J. Chemical methods. IN: BURN, A.J. ; COAKER, T.H.

CLT Employees

Saturday, January 11th, 2014

Legally the employees of the CORSAN, as well as of any another public company or mixing economy, do not possess stability, therefore they are prevailed by the CLT and not for the statute of the State servers. In a superficial evaluation this could seem a disadvantage in relation to the employees of the direct administration. In the practical one, however, thanks to the collective agreements, the employees and unions of these companies had obtained to join conveniences of the Estatudo of the Servers with the ones of the CLT. The employees of the CORSAN have, for example, weekly day of 40 hours, when the majority of the workers of the private initiative conducted by the same consolidation, works 44 hours per week. Another example is how much to the stability in the job: Nenhumn officially employee of public company has stability guarantee, in the practical one, however, the company simply does not fire its employees.

She is notable as these protectionistic characteristics not planned administratively and hardly imaginable in a private company, they finish bringing some benefits. We perceive that the majority of the employees found in this environment a place adjusted for the exercise of its professional life. The natural election was puted in charge to homogeneizar the picture of the company: The unsatisfied employees with the lack of perspectives and the previsibility of the plan of positions and wages finish if disconnect, others finish if adaptando, many find in it the ideal job and produce realtivamente well. One group that we perceive to be sufficiently significant is of people who search perspectives of cresimento in the market but time in the company is remained sufficiently, therefore perceives in it the chance to acquire experience while they search to improve its professional qualification for the academic formation being also considered the possibility of installment of competition in the proper company for positions for which they will be apt. Still thus, the number of completely not motivated people, and until moved away for psychological problems as depression, in function mainly of the lack of perspectives and challenges is considerable.

The biggest joined difficulties mention the knowledge to it that the majority of the employees has of the market, to supply a comparison parameter and thus to be able to evaluate the proper functional situation under the perspectives of the external way. The majority of the employees – about 75% of the picture of the searched superintedncia – is in the company has 15 years more than and amongst these the majority has in the CORSAN its only job. new employees had been almost unanimous in considering the company as excellent to work, they compared when it with its last job, and, according to its you command the production between these employees is considerably to mair that of old fucionrios. We discover that the relations of being able and the efficient leadership depend very on the contigenciais factors. In the case of the CORSAN, as the presented diagnosis, many factors are favorable for the leader beyond these many times not to more have the looked characteristics in the leadership. However, in an environment of freedom with little pressure for goals and almost the inexistence of the unreliability of the empregabilidade, the employees finish positively contributing for the matuneo of this order. The CORSAN does not depend on the safes of the government to remain itself, presents efficient management, although not necessarily efficient, and still you make use of proper resources to invest

Formulation Members

Friday, January 10th, 2014

– To observe in detail the concepts learned during the theoretical phase. – The control of the efficiency of the learning through its demonstration in a real situation. – Taking of brings back to consciousness as much of the accessible problems doing them rational as emotional. – The participants transfer and translate the concepts learned in the theoretical session to real situations. – To solve existing conflicts with a more favorable climate for its solution.

– To be applied to overcome the stagnation of a group. – Problem analysis. – To present you rule of behavior. The characteristics of the group, according to the group dynamics, are: – A two more person or association. – The members are considered like group, have a perception collective of unit, a conscious identification of with others. – It exists shared intentions.

The members have the same objective. – A sense of reciprocal dependency in the satisfaction of needs exists. The members need to help themselves mutually to obtain the intentions for whose fulfillment they met in group. – The members can be communicated with others. The principles for the group development are: – Ambient propitious in the meetings: Reference to the physical space becomes the one that must be adapted to the number of members and the form of work of the same one. They must feel comfortable. – Reduction of the intimidation: It must tender obtain good interpersonal relations, reduce the tensions. – Distributed Leadership: To foment that all the members put into play their aptitudes and abilities to facilitate the group process and the profit of the objective. – Formulation of objective adapted to the interests of the group: The objective must be chosen by common agreement between all the members, never must be tax. It must adapt to the age, potentialities and possibilities of the members with the purpose of to avoid the frustration of the members by the failure before inadequate objectives. – Flexibility: The group does not have to be rigid, must adapt as much to the changes of the external circumstances as internal. – The consensus in the adoption of decisions: All the resolutions that the group takes must start off of this one. The base is the participation total in democratic means. – The understanding of the process to orient or to modify the objectives: The participants must have brings back to consciousness of how she occurs the interaction, the communication and the productivity, with the object of structuring and reconstructing situations that favor the group process. – Continuous Evaluation: The group must analyze its process and how they are achieved the proposed aims, by means of a permanent evaluation. It is important in all dynamics: – To know the group and its characteristics. – To know the differences between the individual work and the group one. – To analyze the phases by which the group evolves. – To know the characteristics the groups – To know the structure the group. – To analyze the paper of the guide-mediator in the group. – To know the different techniques group. – To know how to select and to apply a group technique.

Roman Lupercalia

Thursday, January 9th, 2014

A treaty about this marriage was signed on May 2, 1381. They were married eight months later, when the King was 13 or 14 years old and she 14. In the liturgical calendar, the name day of May 2 is Valentin de Genova. This St. Valentine was a Bishop of Genoa who died around the year 307.

Readers incorrectly assumed that Chaucer referred to February 14 as St. Valentine’s day. However, in England the month of February which is not suitable for birds mate. The Parliament of Foules is presented in a fictional context of an ancient tradition, but the fact is that such tradition there was no before Chaucer. The explanations have perpetuated until respectable historians are speculative of ancestral sentimental custom, which appears as a historical fact, has its origin in the antiquarians of the 17TH century, notably Alban Butler, author of Butler s Lives of Saints (lives of Saints, of Butler) Most notably, the idea that the custom of celebrating Valentine’s day comes from the Roman Lupercalia has been accepted with some criticism and has been repeated in various ways until the present day. Very interesting what It gives us Wikipedia, when he relates as it celebrates this day in some countries, adding that it is is typically Western, since it dates back to the ancient Greece and Rome, but currently it has spread to other countries, such as China, Japan and Taiwan. In Brazil the so-called day two Namorados (Valentine’s day) is on June 12.

The couples changed gifts and cards. In Chile is known as Valentine’s day, being a day where couples (whether pololos, boyfriends or husbands) celebrate the love and union with the other. In Colombia it is known as the day of love and friendship and is not celebrated on February 14, but in September, as in most of the country February is the month of the school season.


Monday, January 6th, 2014

In matches of magical realism, which plays the great writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez, coincided the time that was reading the book, with the filming of the movie in Cartagena. My soul rejoice reading it, as he watched the advances of the filming by the news. I waited with eager movie, and when finally premiered, I was about to give up on the idea by the criticisms that I read and listened to, but these criticisms fell my positive level of expectation, so I went to see it with a criterion more objective. In general seemed to me a good job, very well achieved and faithful to the novel. Music and Shakira, unbeatable.

Regarding the poor performance of the characters, I think that it is the actual interpretation of simple and uncomplicated lives. I became disillusioned with the appearance of Dr. Juvenal Urbino, she imagined a different. Very memorable work of actor Javier Bardem but his physique not helped him, gives an athletic and rustic, image that is not precisely that of Florentino Ariza, full of poetry. And in regards to everything that is romantic in the novel, the film seems silly, I think having a single explanation: cultures may never be totally globalize.

For a latino, it is very difficult to laugh with English humor, it seems silly to us, the same must pass with the interpretation of Colombian feelings by English without diminishing the excellent work which the Director Mike Newell and his team did, despite the drawbacks that they had to overcome to be able to shoot the film in Colombia, why have come foreign has done what the Colombians must do? How many resources, time and energies are lost in unproductive conflicts, which should be used in care that are proud of the Colombian people: their cultural heritage. Who better than them to translate their Costena spontaneity, when Fermina Daza, upon returning from the burial of her husband, expels Florentino Ariza from the House shouting, who was to reiterate their undying love. As says Juanes: here speaks Spanish, or better said espanol-americano. All native idioms is lost to an I love you Fermina Daza. A fresh wind comes when you hear some laughs and screams Colombian actress Catalina Sandino, because that is a universal language that does not need legend at the bottom of the screen. We are accustomed to quickly view images to keep reading, but when viewed in Spain, where they translate all films, will be more funny even the characters with a Spanish accent, using the different sounds of the letters b, v, c, s, and z that we do not distinguish, mixed with some asshole and fuck, with what still missing part of the essence of the work. Note: Take this opportunity to thank Spain language so rich that they have bequeathed us and ask forgiveness for the distortion that has suffered in our mouths, especially in Argentina, but it is understood that the language is life and is transformed. I fight every day to defend their spelling.

Ambiguous Interpretation

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013

Currently there is no unity in the understanding of the rules of the sixth and seventh articles fifty-five point five gdc Russia, which determine what should include requirements for issuing certificates of admission to the construction works, of the possibility of including them in conditions that are not mentioned in the law. Defining conditions that must be presented when issuing certificates of admission, the legislator has not stated that their list is not exhaustive. In result, some organizations have included a requirement not related to the presence of a candidate member of the sro in the construction of qualified personnel and assets (such, for example, as a requirement of a candidate certificate of quality management system issued some voluntary certification system, the availability of laboratories, etc.). It should be noted that this is not the only case when the norms of the Russian Federation on the gdc SROs permit their ambiguous interpretation. For example, in Part 12 of Art.

55.5 gdc Russia, revealing the possible content of the rules of self-regulation does not specify whether the proposed law in their exhaustive list or the word 'rules self-regulation can be installed 'can be interpreted as permitting an expansive interpretation of the list. For a correct understanding of these rules of law should be analyzed in conjunction with the norms of third article fifty-five point five gdc Russia, which prohibits the sro in the building to create and receive documents that establish rules for chlenovSRO for their activities, not taking into account the creation and approval of the documents 'big five'. If the legislator allowed the broad interpretation of law, determining the contents of the requirements for issuing certificates of admission to the construction work, standards and regulations SROs in the construction, then this restriction would not make any sense. The idea of the legislator, I suppose, was to establish a confidential list of mandatory requirements that SROs can bring to their Members, therefore, the norms of six, seven, twelve articles fifty-five point five gdc Russia must be understood as not allowing a broad interpretation.

Modernizing Confucian Manifestations

Tuesday, December 24th, 2013

Societe Generale dio un nuevo impulso a su red francesa, con una aceleracion en el crecimiento desde 1966 tras la youtube eliminacion de la autorizacion previa para la apertura de nuevas oficinas. La expansion internacional Ernst fue igual de energica. Ya no estaba limitado, como anteriormente, en Asset Management los principales centros financieros (Londres, Nueva York), en los paises vecinos (Belgica, Espana) University of Southern California y en las antiguas colonias, con el principal proposito de facilitar los negocios de las companias francesas, pero tambien estaba dirigido a garantizar la presencia del banco alla donde se desarrollaran nuevos mercados, tanto para la exportacion de la habilidad que habia adquirido en ciertos campos o para mantener sus contactos con multinacionales.
gave new impetus to its French network, with an acceleration in growth after 1966 following elimination of prior authorisation for opening branch offices. International expansion was just as vigorous. It was no longer limited, as before, to the main financial centres (London, New York), neighbouring countries (Belgium, Spain) and the former colonies, with the primary aim of facilitating the business of Asset Management French firms, but was also aimed at guaranteeing the bank’s presence where new markets were developing, either to export the technical expertise it had acquired in certain fields, or to keep up its contact with the multi-nationals.’
1966 y 1967 representaron un giro fundamental en las regulaciones del banco gracias a la atenuacion de la distincion entre banca de deposito y de inversion y la ceacion del mercado de funds hipotecas domesticas. Societe Generale adquirio una posicion de liderazgo en nuevas tecnicas finacieras disenadas en principio para empresas especializadas en este objetivo. Los anos 70 se caracterizaron por dos grandes progresos: finance expansion de la red internacional y la introduccion de las tecnologias de la informacion
1966 and 1967 represented a fundamental turning point in banking regulations, the main development being Children’s Hospital attenuation of the distinction between deposit and investment banking, and creation of the home mortgage market. Societe Generale took advantage of this and acquired leading positions in some new financing techniques designed primarily for companies, such as finance leasing, setting up specialised credit subsidiaries for this purpose. The 1970s were characterised by investment two major developments: expansion of the international network and across-the-board introduction of IT facilities to cope with FOX news extension of Fox the customer base and the development of deposit money. In 1971, the appearance of automatic cash machines crowned the success and development of the credit card. From the beginning of the 1980s, against a backdrop of deregulation and technological change, internationalisation of the markets and the emergence of new financial instruments, Societe Generale set itself two commercial objectives. It focused increasingly on private customers via its network of branches and by acquiring specialised subsidiaries. It pursued and expanded interview its activities in the capital markets in France, and then, on a selective basis, in the different international financial centres. On 29 July 1987, Societe Generale was privatised. It had been chosen from among the three leading French commercial banks nationalised in 1945 for its excellent risk-coverage, equity and productivity ratios.

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