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The Case

Saturday, January 19th, 2013

We cannot leave to see the other side, the problems that the globalization brings for the provincial peoples. These problems come with the technological and informacional illiteracy, making with that thus the inferior classrooms do not have no information, to transforming into object of this impious system of the capital. In one it analyzes on the northeast development, to make reference the industry becomes necessary, therefore, presents itself as one of the main ones, if not main it half of entrance of the region in the processes of modernizations. The inherent processes to northeast industrialization as all, if of the one in way to an ample space, where the workmanship hand immensely is devaluated in relation to country. These industries come if installing in the interior, more aggressively in recent years, aiming at all these structural exemptions intentionally orquestradas.

These desenvolvimentistas industrial processes come searching each time a bigger depreciation of its employees who if become dependents of such industries completely. This comes occurring with much violence on the part of this industries, which is making nothing more, nothing less than game of process capitalist globalizado, that in turn understands the great gamma of consequncias for the population that is not the pair much less in the domain of the current situation, for one better substantial agreement of the arcabouos of the system. Many of the transformations in the space are pparently excellent for the great majority of the populations, people ' ' leigas' ' of agreement of this widely perverse structure and the demagogies and fallacies politics. These are understood as tranquility of an industrialization and modernization widely global, however these bonanas are not the priorities of these structures. The tax incentives offered by the governments are the dictators of rules in the industry northeastern, that is, so that these industries and such modernizations are installed in the empty spaces, empty speaking and industrially uninformed of the interior northeastern she is necessary that governments of state and city halls deem the commercial maximum of possible exemptions for many industries and companies; we can see in the case of the industries gauchos who Pear tree (2000) standes out in its work.

Joaquin Shiraishi

Saturday, January 12th, 2013

Therefore, for the beginning of the equality, the State also has to recognize the quebradeiras of coconut and the forms of social reproduction of this group. 3. The fights and the rights It is emphasized that it is of so great importance that the access to the coconut palms is not denied, therefore babau is activity that condiz the income exerted for a group of women, the quebradeiras of coconut. They carry through extrativa activity of the raw material (coconut) and thus can usufruct with the production of products that from the sales will get income, these women still stop many fights with regard to the commercialization of these products and against the farmers with the only objective of to exert its activity with dignity, as mentions Cynthia Martins, After the intense conflicts that had resulted in the dispossession, had a reinforcement of the collective forms of mobilization from the creation of the ASSEMA of the associations of the agricultural workers and of movements as the MIQCB, that had brought proposals of improvement of the production and organization of the workers in cooperatives. It is in this context that is servants, with support of the CNPT, the cooperatives, whose main objective was centered in the organization of an commercialization line whom the figure of the intermediary eliminated consequently and, sales more joust. 7 Another great problem to be faced is again against the owners of lands, the farmers, therefore they allege private property, but the 1988 constitution looked for to recognize the distinct social groups and for this it assured in constitution one ' ' society fraterna, pluralstica and without preconceitos' '. 8 Moreover, the constitution of the 1989 Maranho it approaches in art. 190 ' ' in lands you publish and vacant of the state it will be made sure exploration of the babauais in regimen of familiar economy and comunitria.' ' 9 the private property must then be funcionalizada had to the quebradeiras, being that in relation to the legal scope this implies to recognize them as social group and to accomplish its rights contained in the legal system, thus salient Joaquin Shiraishi, the proper civil code of 2002 if it reserved, separating of the property of the ground, determined goods, that do not consist in object of property of the ground, determined goods that do not consist in property object, with effect, are not unaware of that the state always was warned, reserving for itself some goods or, in the hypothesis of not making, the right of legislating surplus they, over all when its economic value is unaware of.

Black Plague

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

From the new forms of social organization, the vision of the society divided in three invariant orders passed to be questioned, sanctions as well as it social left exclusively of being decurrent of the land ownership. The money accumulation (capital), it started to be seen as a form of social asceno (seed of the Capitalism). It was appearing a new set of values, beliefs and traditions called for the historians of Modern Mentality. In the field, considering the custosa and little productive servitude very, had looked for to you to breach with contracts of obligator service and had organized a mixing system with wage-earners and free arrecandatarios, that second its vision produced more. However, exactly with the alterations in the production system many times the amount of foods was not enough for the population, generating increase of the prices and hunger.

The deficiency of the feeding and the lack of hygiene in the urban centers had favored the appearance of illnesses and epidemics as the Black Plague, for example. As well as a series of wars between the European regions, in sc.XIV and XV, being the main a War of the One hundred Years, between English and Frenchmen. To the few the old way of life was being substituted for another one, after the end of the Average Age, characterized for the production of excesses, for the commercialization on a large scale, wage-earning work, new order politics, for a new mentality and I accumulate of money. Valley to stand out, that many characteristics of the Average Age continued existing in the Modern period, as for example, the majority of the Europeans continued liveing in the field. On the other hand, the seeds of a new age sprouted. Amongst them, they are distinguished the balance between the two classrooms, since the bourgeoisie enriched each time more, the technological new features had gained prominence with the firearms (cannons), the invention of the press, caravelas, the steel mill, asiderurgia, etc.

Portugal Trips

Monday, December 17th, 2012

Thornton starts its book trying to explain the origins and reasons of the navigations in Atlantic, clarifying us that in some regions, as much Africa how much America, already knew and practised the commerce. For in such a way, Thornton leaves clearly that both the continents made use of fluvial routes for ends deal, mainly in the internal routes as the rivers and as well as the Europeans, in the attempt to expand its commerce, the Africans had also made attempts to sail for the Atlantic coast, however these attempts badly had been succeeded. The author still cites the theory of Ivan Van Sertima of that the diverse Africans would have fact trips to America since about 800 d.C., pointing out that this to occur would be necessary a more advanced naval technology and that the short African trips do not make possible this advance. However we can perceive that Thornton is ' ' encima of muro' ' when it says that these trips can have happened accidentally due the strong flow of the equatorial chain of the west of the Senegmbia to the Caribbean basin, leaving clear its position in relation to the theory does not dispatch by post. On the other hand the Europeans who of beginning they had not obtained to sail in the Atlantic, by the simple satisfaction of the discovery and to break the commercial monopoly of the mulumanos in the east, also had been financed by infant D. Enrique, the Navigator, prince of Portugal and Isabel queen of Spain, providing a fast advance in the naval technology, what it made possible so mentioned navigations of the Atlantic. It is well-known and important, therefore, the other point of view mentioned for the author, of the Portuguese historians Duarte Leite and Vitorino Magalhes-Godinho, who emphasize that the trips and the exploration had been carried through gradually for a long period of time and that they had been stimulated by the expectation of a great profit in short term.

The Word

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

There, then one will see signals of the coming of Jesus will come to separate its people (Mateus 24-1 to the 31). II? THAT PEOPLE IS THIS? History says in them that the people chosen for God was Israel. To direct this people, God sent its son so that the way was, for he himself, disclosed to the men, therefore it said: ' ' I am I walk, the truth and the life; nobody will arrive at the Father seno for mim' ' (Joo 14-5). But, this people did not accept it, come the order of God so that Pablo nailed the heathen ones, people this that was awarded by Mr. and that we are all. Walking of Jesus in the land reflected, during its 33 years of life, a model so that the man trod this way.

It lived of humble form, thus showing to everything that was despicable to the man, also the rituals practised for the Israeli people with regard to the religion, therefore they kept the day of Saturday and they were incapable to express mercy, the point to ignore a man spanked for robbers and played to the soil (Lucas 10:25 the 37). The religion hardly was fought by Jesus, therefore at that time, it dared to desbancar the merchants who acted in the synagogues, commercializing its products in the house of God, whose main end age to learn the word of perpetual life and to pray. Jesus gave to the example of life and responsibility the one that the men would have to follow, therefore worked heavy helping its father, since infancy, in a carpentry workshop, argued with the doctors of the Law, nullifying and teaching everything to them it would take what them to have a life straight line ahead of God and criticized the religiosidade without workmanships, where the customs if overlapped justice and the mercy.

Sandoval Robert President

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

Somewhat sense, Jesus Perez Lopez remembered the words of the mayor Sandoval Robert: the president said that it had commitment with the town solely and I mean that we also are town (), however, the one that supports retailers of Morolen, of Leon Guanajuato and that allows to the increase to the informal commerce that is to govern for other people and it does not stop who we deserve ourselves respect. Reason why the president of the CANACO said to me and by the declaration that I listened to Monday of the mayor of Tepic, he could deduce that everything is part of a lack of communication. There is no necessity that the retailers feel displaced and who they threaten cancelling the payment of his taxes. The ideal would be that the capital edile and the members of the CANACO agenden an encounter to dissolve the understood evil, as simple as that. They celebrate changes Whereas President Felipe Caldern informed that the functions of the Secretariat of Tourism will happen to the Secretariat of Economy, whereas the Secretariat of the Agrarian Reformation is into the hands of the Secretariat of Social Development (Sedesol) and the Sagarpa, settled down that the Secretariat of the Public Function will be replaced by one contralora federal, that will depend directly on the President.

The propose measures to the Congress would generate income to help Mexican more poor men a to palliate the effects of world-wide the economic crisis. Briefly, these changes they would generate significant a budgetary saving for 2010, and that it would be possible to be increased in 2011 once finishes the process of reconstruction of the federal public administration. To sum up, in the 2010 savings until by 180 billions would be generated. In relation the changes in SAGARPA, PEMEX and PGR, the deputy panista Angel I castrate Bush thought that the decision could be due to that the civil servants already had fulfilled their cycle in the secretariats and dependencies where they were.

Brazil Automobile Activity

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

The company in principle did not obtain great productive expression, therefore of any form she kept the strategy to be present in a inexpressivo market in relation to the European and American. The boxed vehicles arrived at the country and disassembled, the first product was the Ford T that got great acceptance. The decision of if installing in the country left of the proper Henry Ford that objectified to produce the rubber of the proper tires of its cars, established a city, the Fordlandia in the state of Par, where they would be planted seringueiras. That is, the American company had strategical interests in what she refers to its performance in the Brazilian market. The General Motors arrived at the country in 1925, installing itself in a small shed in the So Paulo quarter of the Ipiranga.

It initiates its activity with capacity of production of 25 daily cars. From the great gotten commercial success (the company the same entered the sales of 5.597 vehicles in year), GM was seen needed to extend its production for 40 daily cars. In 1930 in the city moves to a land of 45.000m of Is Caetano of the South. At this moment the country if showed as a promising market, and its sales already revealed of some excellent form. The Volkswagem is implanted in Brazil from 1953 and in the same way that GM and Ford only mount its vehicles Fusca and Kombi, that had arrived at the country disassembled in boxes in system CKD. The great data of this moment are that the national fleet in the period between 1920 and 1930 jumped of 30.000 units for 250.000 units, that is, an increase of 90% in 10 years.


Friday, September 14th, 2012

The principle we had as masters the Jesuit priests, who with its jesutica education, followed the model of academic education of the time where education and religion walked together, wanted to catequizar and to save the indians of the ignorance with a classic education and humanist as the European, in the second half of century XVIII for reasons politicians the Jesuits had been expulsos of the country for threatening the power of the crown, to substitute them in the education of the natives the same crown as been tried to assume for the first time responsibility of the education with certain delay, the professors all of the masculine sex were paid with many delays for the State and as almost all pedagogical organization of the Jesuits he was abandoned, the country took certain time to place in practical the ideas of the marquis of Pigeon house, therefore the masters had been formed by the Jesuits and its ideas prevailed, authority of the master, memorization, classic education, only with the coming of the imperial family we had the first institutions of superior education and only for the classroom that could pay it; with the advent of the republic we have a moment that if would become crucial for the Brazilian society that lasts until today, the bifurcation of education, for the ruling classes superior and academic, it stops the people primary and professional school, the professionals also they were the adjusted ones to take care of to each requirement. With the new school it was tried democratization of education in country, with education lay public school, but the thought to form the responsible elite for the commercialization of the agrarian product of the parents, and the remain for the production of this product, with the change geographic for urban-industrial, in the education little it moved, but the necessity of if characterizing this population technical, in 1961 we have the first LDB that also it confirms these estimated, in the decade of 1990 we have the second LDB that it tries again this ideal to take care of to all the Brazilians in the question education of quality, however what we see until today for results as of the international evaluation of ensino2 it is that the debt of rescue to the right to an education that not only serves for the material reproduction and the economic development, as well as for sociocultural rise that allows the construction of a national identity for the dependent Brazilian population of the public education, not yet was reached.

Emily Dickinson

Saturday, September 8th, 2012

(letter directed to Louis and Frances Nocross in March of 1873). The history of Emily is the one of a drop that struggles in the sea. If so that battle was not stops to excel, on the contrary she looked for to disappear. In a poem she wrote: How horrible to be somebody! /Impudicia What. What would think Emily Dickinson of their world-wide fame? Its poetry renewed the panorama of Literature and since then its name is a reference forced for specialists and readers. According to their biographer, George Frisbie, the poems of Emily Dickinson, the last and, from an artistic point of view, more perfect product of the Renaissance of the New England, have calmly reached the rank of classic of North American Literature. and I diminish more ahead in the same paragraph he affirms Its work, he has gained an increasing number of readers who understood the high integrity of their poetic crafts and those who it would not happen oneself to them to exclude it from the North American letters, as could not do it with Poe, Emerson or Whitman. More recently Harold is it to Bloom including in its canon of the West like the unique woman deserving poet of such privilege.

The translations of the three poems that accompany this note were made on the other writer admirable, the Argentinean Silvina Ocampo. 89 Some things birds have fly hours bumblebee of these does not have chose. Some things it has are, that are there pain mountains eternity nor these worried to me. Some it has resting, rise. Can I interpret skies? How immovable the riddle lies! (1859) 190 It was weak, I was strong later he left I made I it pass I I was weak, and the strong era then left I it guided to me house. The door was not far was closed was not dark he also advanced was no noise, he did not say to anything that was what I more wished to know. The day no burst in we had to separate to us was stronger now he fought I I also fought We did not do in spite of everything! (1860) 376 Is clear that I said and to God it mattered to him? it concerned so much to him as if a bird in the air struck with its leg and would shout dame reason life that had not had without more pious you had been in the tomb of the atom to leave me glad, annihilated, happy and dumb instead of this penetrating misery.

Boris Fausto

Friday, August 24th, 2012

With twenty years last five hundred cooperative warehouses existed more than, being then created ' ' Great Association of Manchester for sales in atacado' ' , with the pioneers of Rochdale, representing an important consuming market and starting to have great influences social and politics. Being also responsible for the foundation of some cooperatives of production in other areas. The Cooperativismo in Brazil Analyzing Brazil of middle of century XIX, when great changes occurred in the old world and from now on the system Brazilian economic partner starts to be questioned, the main generating force of wealth in Brazilian soil, starts to receive critical. country adheres to the liberal chains influenced by the Europe, that are each stronger time in function of the estruturao of the capitalism, entering in contradiction when allowing enslaved work in its territory, such situation generated a serious problem for Emperor D. Peter II to manage. Brazil suffered great pressure on the part from England that interested in extending the consumption of its products, enxergavam in the consuming potential captives, in case that they started to receive wages.

Boris Fausto in its workmanship ' ' Concise history of the Brasil' ' it deals with this subject: In 1826, England pulled out of treat Brazil one by which three years after its ratification would be declared illegal the traffic of slaves for Brazil of any provenincia. England if still reserved the right to inspect in suspicious auto-sea ships of illegal commerce. The agreement entered in vigor in March of 1827, having, therefore to have effectiveness from March of 1830. A law of 7 of November of 1831 searched to put in progress the treat one, when foreseeing the application of severe penalties to the dealers and to declare free all the captives who after entered in Brazil that date. All pressure exerted from the first decades of century XIX, collaborated so that the slavery was gradual being extinct in Brazilian territory.

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