Austrian Freud
The Psychoanalysis can transmit we educators ethics, a way to see and to understand practical the educative one. The professor is it of superior education or of other modalities of education, he must have as first of its action a pedagogia based on the formation and development of the personality human being who includes all the dimensions of the life: the body, psique, the nature and the society. To kill symbolically the master to become the master of itself exactly, is and a lesson that we can extract of the proper life of Freud. Bibliographical references BREUER, J.; FREUD, S. (1895). Studies on would histeria. In: FREUD, S. Brazilian standard Edition of the complete psychological workmanships of Sigmund Freud.
v. 2, Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 1990. OF FIGUEIREDO, Vinicus. (2010). Philosophers in the classroom. Publishing company: Berlendis & Vertechia, Volume 2. FREUD, S. in the matter.
(1894). The Neuropsicoses de Defesa. In: FREUD, S. Brazilian standard Edition of the complete psychological workmanships of Sigmund Freud. v. 3, Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 1990. FREUD, S. (1900). The Interpretation of Dreams. Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 2001. FREUD, S. (1915). The Unconscious one. In: FREUD, S. Written on the psychology of the unconscious one. v. 2. Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 2006. JOLIBERT, Bernard. (2010). Sigmund Freud. Publishing company: Massanga of the Foundation Joaquin Nabuco and printed matter in Brazil, Translation and organization: Elaine Terezinha Dal But Days. 1AlunodoInstitutoFederaldeGois CampusInhumas, CursandoosegundoperododeLicenciaturaemQumica. 2Sigmund Freud, born in 6 of May of 1856 in Freiberg in Mahren, Morvia, Austrian Empire (currently Czech belongs to the Republic), died in 23 of September of 1939 to the 83 years, in London, England. Son of Jacob Freud and its third woman Amalie Nathanson. Jocob a Jew proceeding from Galicia and woollen trader. Sigmund Freud was a medical neurologist founding Jew-Austrian of the psychoanalysis, it initiated its studies for the use of hipinose as method of treatment for patients with would histeria. 3Em psychology insight a process for which the human beings pass, to the times and involuntarily, to arrive at a conclusion on something. In the intuition, the reasoning that if uses to arrive the conclusion is purely unconscious, fact that makes many to believe that the intuition is a paranormal process or the holy ghost. Its functioning and even though its existence is an enigma for science. Although already many theories to exist on the subject, none are given as still definitive. The intuition takes the subject to one to believe with determination that something will be able to happen. 4Psicanlise a clinical field and of theoretical inquiry of psique independent human being of the psychology, even so also inserted nestadesenvolvido by Sigmund Freud, doctor born Austrian neurologist in 1856 that one considers to the understanding and analysis of the man.