Austrian Freud

The Psychoanalysis can transmit we educators ethics, a way to see and to understand practical the educative one. The professor is it of superior education or of other modalities of education, he must have as first of its action a pedagogia based on the formation and development of the personality human being who includes all the dimensions of the life: the body, psique, the nature and the society. To kill symbolically the master to become the master of itself exactly, is and a lesson that we can extract of the proper life of Freud. Bibliographical references BREUER, J.; FREUD, S. (1895). Studies on would histeria. In: FREUD, S. Brazilian standard Edition of the complete psychological workmanships of Sigmund Freud.

v. 2, Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 1990. OF FIGUEIREDO, Vinicus. (2010). Philosophers in the classroom. Publishing company: Berlendis & Vertechia, Volume 2. FREUD, S. in the matter.

(1894). The Neuropsicoses de Defesa. In: FREUD, S. Brazilian standard Edition of the complete psychological workmanships of Sigmund Freud. v. 3, Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 1990. FREUD, S. (1900). The Interpretation of Dreams. Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 2001. FREUD, S. (1915). The Unconscious one. In: FREUD, S. Written on the psychology of the unconscious one. v. 2. Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 2006. JOLIBERT, Bernard. (2010). Sigmund Freud. Publishing company: Massanga of the Foundation Joaquin Nabuco and printed matter in Brazil, Translation and organization: Elaine Terezinha Dal But Days. 1AlunodoInstitutoFederaldeGois CampusInhumas, CursandoosegundoperododeLicenciaturaemQumica. 2Sigmund Freud, born in 6 of May of 1856 in Freiberg in Mahren, Morvia, Austrian Empire (currently Czech belongs to the Republic), died in 23 of September of 1939 to the 83 years, in London, England. Son of Jacob Freud and its third woman Amalie Nathanson. Jocob a Jew proceeding from Galicia and woollen trader. Sigmund Freud was a medical neurologist founding Jew-Austrian of the psychoanalysis, it initiated its studies for the use of hipinose as method of treatment for patients with would histeria. 3Em psychology insight a process for which the human beings pass, to the times and involuntarily, to arrive at a conclusion on something. In the intuition, the reasoning that if uses to arrive the conclusion is purely unconscious, fact that makes many to believe that the intuition is a paranormal process or the holy ghost. Its functioning and even though its existence is an enigma for science. Although already many theories to exist on the subject, none are given as still definitive. The intuition takes the subject to one to believe with determination that something will be able to happen. 4Psicanlise a clinical field and of theoretical inquiry of psique independent human being of the psychology, even so also inserted nestadesenvolvido by Sigmund Freud, doctor born Austrian neurologist in 1856 that one considers to the understanding and analysis of the man.

Japanese Economy

In Japan it was not different: the Japanese economy lived one boom nofinal of the decade of 1950 and during the decade of 1960. The exportations flutuarammas had grown, the investments and the saving was high, the use detecnologia, the innovation and the invention was pungentes, action the Nikkei indices, that had beginning with 100 in May of 1949, already was in 5.000 in the start of dcadade 1970, and in 10.000 in 1984. The volume of 120 negotiated actions was of bilhesde action in 1983 for 280 billion in 1989. Comtodo this optimism, the real estate market could not be stops backwards, umndice of prices for residential property in six great cities, comeandocom 100 in 1955, reached 4,100 in 1970 middle, 5,800 for 1980 return, reaching the peak of 20.600 in 1989. Em1991, the added value of the property of Japan reached 18 trillions of dollar, four times the price of all the building and houses of the United States at the time. But the land of the Imperial Palace, in Tokyo, value more than all casase together building of California. Ocrash was inevitable.

It had beginning in January of 1990 when reveladouma was series of scandals involving loans of great clientesfavorecidos banks for, implying in serious losses that had been occulted for fantasiosa umacontabilidade. Ospreos of the property had been even when the Nikkei indices fell, comeandomais late a slow movement of fall, to a large extent due to paralisaodas operations in that market. Naimprensa was divulged daily stories of relative losses mausemprstimos to them carried through for banks and Japanese financial institutions, in suamaioria real estate operations that had reached 550 billion approximately dedlares. Commercial and industrial companies had declared insolvent in average of 1.000 for month. Three great unions of credit had had that to be salutes for the government it was eacreditava at the time that only some few rotten banks did not have credit in its wallets. The result of this was that Japan entered in one longoperodo of economic stagnation that if extends until today.

Nempreciso to say that the phenomenon of the real estate bubbles is not new, nor foiinventado yesterday. Since the lies of the Japanese crisis had not been learned ahistria economic gave in them plus a chance. It remains to know what we will make comela: to study it or to forget it. Bibliography Beinstein, senile Jorge.Capitalismo the great crisis of the global economy. Translation of RytVinagre. Rio De Janeiro: Record, 2001. Canuto, Otaviano. The Japanese financial crisis. Institute of Advanced Studies dUniversidade of So Paulo. 1999. Available text in Kindelberger, Charles Poor. Crazes, panic and crashes. Rio De Janeiro: New Fronteis, 2000. RevistVeja, edition 1939 of 18 of January of 2006. The biggest dahistria economic bubble. For Alexsandro Rebello Bonatto in 29 of November of 2008.

Candle Painting

It opened it and it remained contemplating it awhile. One was his painting, a much more beautiful version that the one that had spoiled with the red. One smiled. It put it in a site in view of all. To the morning following, Candle went to the study but this time touched the door first. From inside Pablo it said to him that it could happen and did she it. – Good morning, young lady -. – Good morning -.

Pablo continued painting. – He wanted to be thankful for his flattery, was beautiful -. – Don’t mention it, he is less than he could do after putting the leg, I hope has excused the error to me -. And he smiled to him. – It was forgotten -.

He continued painting a little more. Candle realized that no longer was that one picture in the study, was wondered had done what it. It will be it kept that it in some other site? . It was asked. – Bela Young lady, What age have you? I know that he would not have to ask the age, but he gives curiosity to know me -. – I will fulfill twenty-four in a pair of months -. – When it had his age I fell in love with a gorgeous girl, Lucrecia call of Vienna. She had fame and already she had money, and knew she it. Clumsily I believed in her and I gave all whatever him I could. One was never interested in some of my pictures, the painting seemed to him boring. It only thought about traveling and spending money, I however I loved a family, to paint and to be happy. I gave everything him what could but never was sufficient, and deceived to me with another one.

Indigo Children

Club parents 'indigo children' in Moscow is closed, but not because of elitism, it's just a necessary precaution, because without understanding and, most importantly, trained adults 'star' child – it is always white crow among their peers. Meanwhile, the phenomenon of so-called "indigo children" has long been exploring the world's best psychologists. These children, so named for the color of their aura, now called the children of light, a new civilization or generation of the new millennium. They are familiar with the angels and other worlds, other times remember who they were in a past life, and know why they came into this world. The existence of the aura or astral body, now accepted by virtually all scientists.

Aura – this expression of the force field of the human body. Just as the electric, the force field is a person of different color. Richer field of energy and with higher frequency oscillations (frequency property as inherent to electricity) – from blue-gray to dark blue. Indigo. Children with such an aura of color – a generation with very special qualities that we are used to assign a clairvoyant psychics and sorcerers.

They were always, at all times and in all civilizations, and were considered geniuses or obsessed. Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, Lomonosov – typical indigo. According to the newspaper 'version', all authors of books about 'indigo children' describe that in contrast to normal children, such children are born with an already codified in an internal moral code. They are very well aware of what a 'good – not good, it is dangerous – not dangerous.

Snails Business Prosperous

A real event to laugh and not weep. My mother and I decided to start a family business, and after seeing the proposal of the helicicultores and the promising thing was to engage in that activity on various news programmes not doubt it more and we headed to the above address. The taxi journey from Lebanon Street to the Canelones Street in the Centre of the city of Montevideo Uruguay was twenty-five minutes.First impression mutual among the taximetrista, my mother and I was amazement before the ruined facade of the alleged club of a bank; so much so that the taximetrista was called by radio to confirm the address, doubt it that there existed a local operation. Once confirmed the direction we descended the taxi, prior reading of a rudimentary and tiny little sign whose text was helicicultores the meeting day and time of the 19 hs… how we got thirty minutes early, we decided to take a tour of Apple, without being previously lit window of an antiquarian.Step Next we decided to enter the bar in the corner; We ask a tea and a Crescent of ham and cheese.Staying at the table filled with vessels with the liquid element and their respective bags that they danced to the beat of the spoon and one than another impertinent blowing so this is cool; thing that we could not achieve and after veinteminutos we retreated, being proud and untouchable two glasses of tea on the table.We went with all the illusion of riding a profitable company thanks to the snails. And there he began our adventure of contradictions.In charge of knowledgeable in the subject (supposedly producers); two hours and half the talk revolved around the behavior and biological functioning of the same..

Joseph Marie Jacquard

Jacquard – this is a very complex intricate weaving, as well as the fabric created by this type of weaving. In appearance similar to Jacquard tapestry, because it has a pronounced embossed and has a high strength and nobility. Jacquard can be multicolored with different yarns such as cotton and silk in the traditional colors. Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a unique machine for the manufacture of this type of tissue in 1801. His way of automatically monitoring a thread on the loom was to use special cards with drilled certain places holes.

The uniqueness of jacquard mechanism is the ability to control individual threads of the foundations of the formation of a canopy for each direction of the thread. Hundreds of such filaments can be used to create intricate patterns on the loom. With cards, punched cards programmed sequence of formation for each direction of the thread pattern. Punch cards later became the basis not only looms, but telegraph, and all modern computers! The first computers, as we recall, it worked with punch cards. Until now, the principle of a jacquard fabric remains unchanged, except one – a modern computer-controlled machine.

It is known that Napoleon I awarded a pension in 3000 Jaccard, Franks and allowed him to collect the award from each of the existing machine in France. In Lyon, a monument to Joseph Marie Jacquard – son weaver, the inventor of the original machine for weaving jacquard. 100% bamboo – a sleek, silky shine with iridescent, bamboo bedding sets Issimo Home extraordinarily soft and absorbent fine. Ecologically pure and natural, high-fiber bamboo has anti-bacterial properties and zapahoudalyayuschimi. Ranfors – a fabric made from 100% natural cotton. The softness and tenderness of the material creates a sense of comfort and security. Beautiful picture of bed linen can present mood, feeling good, home heat. The classic natural material makes this a natural linen gentle, elegant, fun. Ranfors easy to wash, it is more practical flax, 'adjusted' by the air temperature in winter lingerie at a warm, cool in summer. Modal (Modal) – a modernized spinning viscose fiber, which is produced from cellulose, derived from wood. Tensile strength is higher than in viscose, and it is superior in hygroscopicity of cotton (1.5 times). Unlike cotton, the fabric of fashion has a small percentage of shrinkage, stays soft after washing for by the fact that fashion is not a smooth surface allows impurities (lime or detergent) to remain on the fabric, making it hard to the touch. Modal fiber is very easy. Ten thousand meters of this fiber weigh only one gram. All of this Modal makes an ideal component in mixed fabrics. The density of weave, that is, the number of threads per square inch – important information, which is sometimes indicated on the packaging of high-quality bed linen. The classification is as follows: low density (20-30 threads per 1 cm 2), below average (35-40 threads), medium (50-65 threads), above average (65 – 80), high (85-120) and very high (130-280). The tighter the clothes, the more durable. Low density has a lawn, below medium and medium – linen, cotton; above average – Turkish silk, synthetic fabrics, high – percale, Chinese silk, satin, synthetic fabric, very high – gloss, satin and silk Japanese.

Curriculum In English For Young Learners

Curriculum in English for young learners in today’s world labor if someone wants to extend must have more skills than the rest of its competitors. Many times a listing of employment has dozens of prospective students, everyone can have the requirements and the corresponding years of study, as well as professional qualifications, then optional studies that each professional takes make the difference. One of these points in favor may be that the curriculum vitae see Advanced English, and another point in their favor may be that it has taken English courses foreign this way are able to be a step ahead the rest of applicants to the same job that we want to obtain, we are already times stay idly waiting for decent workIt’s time to fight for him doing everything to be one of the best but the best. Young people now know the rules of the game, know that you always have to go more than the average, worry about studies of higher degrees and almost all have English courses, however, the question would be where to study English? There are many academies, many institutes and teachers, but why not go further and opt to study English in the same country of origin. English courses England, is one of the best options, make a trip to England already is an unforgettable experience, and much better if it is to make something productive rather than simple holiday. Doing an English course in England, not only opens the gates of knowledge, but you learn the culture of this country, you know local people and students from other countries who want to learn this language. Then don’t think more and starts to make a difference, get ready to get better results in your professional life. Source: Press release sent by renaton7.

For Christmas

I could not see in the eyes of Sophie that feeling that she tried to hide but that could not. Therefore, in addition to sadness he felt rage. I wished with all his heart that this man went away completely the life of them three. I knew that it was impossible. He had returned, and this time to not leave. The day following Sophie continued even sad and remembering Word for Word the letter from Alex. Luckily, the preparations for the next day birthday had her busy enough as to that the return Pete, at night, not see her so depressed.

During the birthday, Joey was pirate dress all the time. The disguise seemed sensational. He played with his friends until exhaustion. It had seemed to him the best gift he had received, and that he had received many. For Christmas, Sophie received the second postcard of Alex. Like the first time, she cried bitterly at what life had removed.

The postcard said: Dear joey this is my first Christmas as Pope. As I told you in my previous card I regret not sharing it to your side. I hope with much anxiety to reach that day when we are all together, and that I may hug you with all my soul. I found another set of pirates which seemed fantastic, I hope you also like it. Your MOM has told me that he loved you that you send for your birthday and you play a lot with him. I want to continue telling you little by little, as you promised, the story of our separation. One day, I had an accident and had to get away from England. Then I knew that MOM was pregnant. I learned five years later when returned for the first time back. Of having known, probably never I had gone regardless of the consequences that this might have caused.

Knowing The Siamese Cat

Knowing the Siamese cat Siamese cats, as its name indicates it, they were bred for the first time in Siam, what we know today as Thailand. Somehow, the curious history of Thailand, one of the few Asian territories that were never British colony, is reflected in the personality of this cat. Thai Land, terms that give rise to the current name can be translated as land of the people free; and that is what is the Siamese cat: free and independent. The Siamese cat loves his home. It suffers a lot when you have to move, perhaps more than other breeds of cats. Considers his house as his refuge, and rarely ventured outside, except for courting a female in estrus, or meet other cats in the neighborhood. His education is very simple, because they are very intelligent, and quickly learn the rules of behavior.

However, when something is not to your liking, they will not have problem to let him know their owners. As to other breeds of cats, love Siamese cats to sleep throughout the day. Busiest hours are the of the Dawn and dusk. If the idea is to lift late one weekend, it is therefore necessary to provide that the animal has food and water by hand, and enough place to move and play and his dusky handmade. There are two sub breeds of Siamese cats well distinguished: the modern Siamese cat, hair rather short, easily distinguishable by its stylized factions, a rather prominent snout, and large, slanted eyes. This breed was introduced to England in 1880, and about ten years later, was brought to the United States. Very soon, the modern Siamese cat became the favourite exhibitors and breeders, by their stylized lines. The other sub Siamese cat breed is the traditional Siamese, of distinctly different, much more rounded factions.

The pattern of coloration of the fur is extremely distinctive: they usually have the tips of the limbs, tail and face well dark color, while the rest of the coat is light coloured, feature which gives you that so special than all Siamese cats personality they have. The cat Siamese is very curious and playful, and is always exploring when something draws attention. Without a doubt, this feline breed has become one of the more sought after by lovers of pets, due to its charm and personality. Source: Press release sent by the cat at home.

Emily Dickinson

The biography of Emily Dickinson (Amhers, New England, 1830-1886) is full of oddities and silences. Jorge Luis Borges wrote about his life: there is, I know, a life more passionate and more solitary than this woman. He preferred to dream of love and perhaps imagine it and fear it. In their reclusive village of Amhers sought the seclusion of his house and, at his home, the seclusion of white color and the not to be see by a few friends that he received. In those years of voluntary closure, election that took very young, built one of the strongest works of universal literature. He was smart, rebellious and cultured, as his own poetry. Emily published six poems in life. Almost all appeared in local newspapers on the initiative of his sister-in-law and against their will. After his death were discovered 1775 poems, most written between 1858 and 1865, which revealed before critics and readers as one of the great poets of all time. Four years after his death, in 1890, was published a first volume with part of his work. Today there are countless publications of his obras completas in hundreds of languages. There also a copious and interesting correspondence that he held with characters such as Emerson and Samuel Bowles. To me particularly excited me letters exchanged with her cousins, the Norcross sisters, therefore in are everyday life becomes the purest of poems: I open my window, and the room is filled with white dirt. I think that Dios should be cleaning the dust; and the wind is blowing so I hope to read in The Republican warning signs for Amhers or absolutely boat has sailed from Phoenix Row life is so Rotary that desert touches each unoa ever. (letter to Louis and Frances Nocross in March 1873).The story of Emily is a drop that struggle at sea.

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