May 23rd, 2012
The United Kingdom was also the center of the revolution that it would industrialize to the globe. Nevertheless, the Pope was to them indispensable to obtain it then, for the new workers who work twelve or more hours daily in the factories and mines, this one was fast and easy to them to cook and it provided to them with many carbohydrates and energy. There this one was so important that, when was a plague in the cultures of the Irish Pope in 1845-48, the greater extreme hunger took place than has registered this kingdom (a million of died). Until now, Ireland, although one has become one of the most prosperous nations of the planet, as soon as it contains 50% of the population that it had until before this epidemic. Still today Elizabeth II will be able to boast of being the Chief of State that more territories dominates in the world, but in his house the Pope is the queen of his tables. In Great Britain there is no typical plate that does not use it or there is no school that daily does not cook tens of kilos of this one. One of the arms that island had to avoid to be invaded by the Germans in the two world wars was his balanced diet of fried Pope and fish. Each country that it looks for to be industrial power has had to follow the example English to amass the production and the consumption of the Pope.
The USA for a long time has been producing more potatoes than Peru. The Soviet Union would get to produce one hundred million tons from this one to the year, bases then matchless. The nation who Pope consumes more by inhabitants is the German, the power axis of Europe and the Euro. Today, when China and India come filling from new factories the Pope expands there quickly.
May 17th, 2012
In SEB Center, we counted on a service professional and guaranteed in facilities plumbing and Barcelona heating. Our Barcelona plumbers are specialistic in plumbing facilities stops: water cleanings, networks of provision, water saving, boilers and heaters, stop cocks, to repair sanitary water flights, bajantes, services, water-drainages and other services but in repairs and facilities plumbing. We count on a specialized personnel of Barcelona plumbers, we take care of the 24 hours of the day all the year to him, our movable units are equipped with the material and the suitable tools to serve fast and efficient, we only arrived at its address in 20 minutes. SEB counts on an excellent personnel of specialized Barcelona plumbers in installation and repair of heating to a reasonable price, we handled different types and heating models, we are in capacity to solve any problem in its radiator; in our company of services we have an ample experience in facilities plumbing, we counted on a specialized personnel that carries out an efficient and guaranteed work as regards the Barcelona heating, boilers, radiators, storage cells, heating to gas and diesel oil. We have come taking care of for more than 25 years to the capital of Barcelona and near localities. In a radius approximated of 30Kms. In SEB Center, we have created a division of facilities plumbing that has a group of Barcelona plumbers, undergone as regards plumbing and Barcelona heating, we have served our during many years to communities, trains, the commercial premises and houses, as much in installation as in repair and revision to satisfy the needs with our clients in plumbing workings and shop. It considers that the majors inconveniences when soliciing a service of plumbing nonspecialized, are in the speed of the service, the availability of the personnel, in addition in the profit to a good done and guaranteed work, all these advantages will find in SEB Center, llmenos without no commitment. Contctenos by means of the gratuitous telephone line: 900 100 002 – email: – In addition " receives a preferential tariff consulting ours; coupon descuento" in our Web site, to receive 18% of discount in manpower. We are in center of Barcelona and we take care of all the province.
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May 16th, 2012
' The nature made the happy and good man, but the society depraves it and becomes it miservel' ' (Jean Jacques Rousseau) I do not want, nor desire a needy society, but yes, to pronounce on the capitalism that destines the sacrifice of the work of all for the enrichment of a minority. ' ' Because I am small, well pequena' ' (Renata Feuser). We can attenuate, but cure In fact, we live in a society lastimavelmente influenced by the medias, to the frantic consumption. Where it prevails the game of offers and looks for. By the way, the mediocre media, pushed in them for alienation of the consumerism and the value, under the domain of the economic groups that empoe.
I still would say that an unknown crisis patrol the world – the crisis of the money. Its recent impacts show a scene of darknesses on the humanity and the planet. That is, one wants that the civilization of the money, continues, to another one wants to surpass it. The first one, come back to the consumerism and the logic of the value. second, of the alert o to refuse it. Lamentable, but real, the capitalism that currently it is presented is of increasing social deterioration, with unemployment, hunger and deep misery. It grows and it grows uncontrollable. future
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May 15th, 2012
This present work has for purpose to demonstrate to an analysis and quarrel of the thinkers in what it says respect to the concept of Capital stock, in a metodolgica boarding and of chronological order. Quarrel this placed by the diverse points of view of the main authors who discourse on the subject, being they: Bourdieu (1972, 1980, 1986), Baker (1990), Burt (1992), Fukuyama (1999), Granovetter (1974), Grootaert and Bastelaer (2001), Coleman (1986), Locke (2001), Transports (1987, 2000), Putnam (1993), Schiff (1992) and Uphoff (2001). The general objective of this article is to sketch a metodolgica construction on the capital stock, pointing out of form to try to understand in the best possible way the thoughts of each contribuidor author for the advance it capital stock. In order to approach the thought of these, since the primrdios thoughts until most current. Thus assigning to the points divergent correlatos and points between both, of a side, demonstrating moments where the authors if approach and if distanciam in its thoughts.
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May 14th, 2012
In the ticket in the Way of feudal Production for the capitalism, changes in the old way of production had been observed that they corroborate with the marxist analysis. Not the stimulaton the hand of enslaved workmanship, entravando all the process of development of the productive forces was one of the factors internal more important for the aceleramento of the fall in the way of feudal production. As external factor it is distinguished the constant Roman conflicts, culminating with the defeat for the Barbarians.
Of this form the estagnadas relations of production are had initially, hindering changes in the productive forces. In the Way of capitalist production the work force leaves of to be enslaved and the development process if it becomes each efficient time faster e. Let us see the main characteristics in the way of capitalist production, according to Hunt (1989): ) Production of merchandises guided by the market the value of the product of the human work in the capitalism is given by two distinct reasons: value of use and value of exchange. The products can be vendidos in the market because they have value and the productive activity of a person in has any direct bonding with its consumption. Economic Inter-relations and extremely complex dependences exist and that they do not involve interaction and direct personal association. The individual only interacts with the impersonal social institution of the market, in which it changes to merchandises for currency and currency for merchandises. In the reality what if it observes is only one series of impersonal relations between things, that is, between merchandises. Each individual depends on the impersonal forces of the market of purchase and sales, or offers and looks for, for satisfaction of its necessities. b) Private property of the means of production? The society of a certain people the right to determine as raw materials, tools, scheme and buildings destined to the production can be used.
May 11th, 2012
They are more than 10 thousand people those that have been damaged by the effects from the forts and prolonged heavy showers that afflict to the capital of the country. Sources near the Colombian Civil defense assure that at the moment several localities are under a considerable threat product of the strong winter and that Holy districts as the Antonia of Bosa and the Good Vista of San Cristbal have already presented/displayed laborious events between the inhabitants of the sector, such as slidings and dangerous falls of trees. Like measurement from attention to the complex situation, the administration of the city has declared from the 17 of November alert status Yellow and ordered to the aid mechanisms to remain in disposition of attention to disasters the 24 hours of the day to avoid that the situation worsens. However, the climatologic conditions tend to get worse and the personnel prepared by the administration seems not to give supply. The first buds of protests product of the effects of this laborious situation have already appeared in Bosa where a group near the two hundred people it is pronounced arguing lacking of attention on the part of the authorities. According to councilman Brown Hiplito, Bogota sufficiently it is not prepared to confront a winter wave of the magnitudes that the present one is wave presenting/displaying and raises that the city requires of at least 100 my million weights to contribute to the fortification of the organizations in charge as far as possible to take care of and to prevent this type with situations. Independent of the different opinions around the effectiveness from the present administration, it is evident that Bogota must be equipped with the sufficient infrastructure, especially in the south of the city, that provides the population with worthier conditions to not only confront this type of fluctuations in the climate but in addition that solves the serious indices of risk to which the population of this zone of the country is exhibited. Carlos Fajardo is an expert in insurances against accidents in Bogota, to see major information on insurances against accidents, approaches a:www.segurodeaccidentes..
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April 22nd, 2012
The company in question understands despite its success depends on the performance of its collaborators, in this direction, becomes fullfilled training with all the employees since the box operator, salesman the logistic operators. Lectures given for suppliers are carried through, enrolling information on characteristics of the acquired products and procedures of storage. This method provides knowledge, on the part of employees of all the processes, generating automotivao and specialization of one all in detriment of a part, still provides, the direction of collective and work in team in favor of the organizacionais objectives internalizados by the organization as a whole. After the act of receiving and verification due of the materials in comparison to the demanded standard, the next step is the storage or stockage, not less important and that it demands a multicriteria work that it uses of techniques that assist in a more efficient performance. 4-STORAGE OR STOCKAGE OF the MATERIAL Storage is a set of reception functions, finished and half-finished raw material discharge, shipment, arrumao and conservation, products. It appears as one of the functions that if add to the logistic system, therefore in the suppliment area is necessary to adopt a system of rational raw material storage and insumos. ' ' The storage process involves merchandises, this only produces resulted when an operation is carried through, in the existences in transit, with the objectivo of them to add valor' ' (Days, 2005, P. 189).
Pode to define the mission of the storage as the commitment between the costs and the best solution for the companies. In the practical this it is only possible will have in account all the factors that they influence the storage costs, as well as the relative importance of mesmos' ' (Casadevante, 1974). The company, that we interview, uses the terms ' ' armazenagem' ' ' ' estocagem' ' frequently to identify similar things.
March 28th, 2012
However, it indicates a great renewal in the functional pictures and strong presence of the call generation Y (situated generation between the 25 and 35 years). Table 1 – Escolaridade Even so the minimum level of escolaridade, demanded for this sector, either average education, salient the great number of individuals with complete superior level and after-graduation. It calls the attention, the fact of 3,1% of the respondents to declare after-graduation in mestrado level of, that is, 3 individuals in a population of 98, what it denotes the concern of the workers of these institutions with the personal improvement, in special making possible the encarreiramento. As much in the private institutions how much in the public, existence of previous experiences highly is desired, in order to speed the process of integration to the routines and activities. With regard to the civil state and children, 57% of the searched population are married or keep steady union and 49% possess children. This data are excellent for influencing excessively the life of the worker and can contribute for its maintenance in the job and to become bearable a bigger load of estresse, however can contribute, in some cases, also, for the sprouting of problems of relationship and burnout. Through the applied instrument, it can be evidenced that the degree of satisfaction of the bank clerks, analyzed in this sample, meets in a good platform, as presented in the graph to follow.
Table 2 – Satisfaction In accordance with the research, 94% of the sample had answered to be between satisfied or total satisfied I obtain exactly. The degree of satisfaction with the familiar nucleus demonstrated that more individuals (95%) present themselves satisfied. In regards to the work in Bank (financial institution), 82% had demonstrated satisfaction in being in the banking branch, however with regard to encarreiramento, environment of work and current position, the results are in 78%, 74% and 70% respectively.