A new marketing initiative promotes the value at trade fairs. Under the name of boost your sales”has formed a marketing initiative, who wants to make measuring not only measurable, but more efficient and effective in terms of sales success. Three leading agencies in the field of exhibition & event cooperate for the realization of the project. With a dose of spunk, clear objectives and clear words bundle guest-one from Wuppertal as well as step one and ‘ concept both from Hamburg, not only the resources and experiences. You bring the interdisciplinary mix consisting of from the areas of trade, communication and data reconcile. Waste of money uncovering the initiators of boost know from years of experience your sales”only too well, that a fair value to be desired in many cases can be. As a main reason the initiative did defect, misunderstandings and lack of communication between marketing and sales.

Often we locate one at this point “real money of waste of”, Gerd Wutzler, white CEO of step one GmbH, from practice to report and adds: marketing and sales must pursue the same goals. ” Because: An average 11 percent of company sales pulverize themselves at the intersection of marketing and sales. Often without any effect. Cooperation or the pursuit of common objectives no speech can be often”, puts Oliver Maitre, Managing Director of guest-one, the finger in the wound little more successful trade fair appearances. Same goals for sales and marketing at this sensitive point boost puts your sales”on.

The initiative demands when it comes to measuring”the seamless connection of all of a company’s resources, Achim Schmitzer summarizes the basic idea, which is often ignored in practice. The communication has evolved rapidly. Who remains in yesterday, loses its customers”, Schmitzer reveals the seriousness of able. It aims to create new links and to increase the intelligence of sales per square meter.

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