Archive for August, 2012

Boris Fausto

Friday, August 24th, 2012

With twenty years last five hundred cooperative warehouses existed more than, being then created ' ' Great Association of Manchester for sales in atacado' ' , with the pioneers of Rochdale, representing an important consuming market and starting to have great influences social and politics. Being also responsible for the foundation of some cooperatives of production in other areas. The Cooperativismo in Brazil Analyzing Brazil of middle of century XIX, when great changes occurred in the old world and from now on the system Brazilian economic partner starts to be questioned, the main generating force of wealth in Brazilian soil, starts to receive critical. country adheres to the liberal chains influenced by the Europe, that are each stronger time in function of the estruturao of the capitalism, entering in contradiction when allowing enslaved work in its territory, such situation generated a serious problem for Emperor D. Peter II to manage. Brazil suffered great pressure on the part from England that interested in extending the consumption of its products, enxergavam in the consuming potential captives, in case that they started to receive wages.

Boris Fausto in its workmanship ' ' Concise history of the Brasil' ' it deals with this subject: In 1826, England pulled out of treat Brazil one by which three years after its ratification would be declared illegal the traffic of slaves for Brazil of any provenincia. England if still reserved the right to inspect in suspicious auto-sea ships of illegal commerce. The agreement entered in vigor in March of 1827, having, therefore to have effectiveness from March of 1830. A law of 7 of November of 1831 searched to put in progress the treat one, when foreseeing the application of severe penalties to the dealers and to declare free all the captives who after entered in Brazil that date. All pressure exerted from the first decades of century XIX, collaborated so that the slavery was gradual being extinct in Brazilian territory.

Colonial America

Monday, August 6th, 2012

This linguistic explosion that, emalgumas sets of ten of millenia, gave to place the hundreds of muitodiferentes languages, grouped in return of some sets of ten of families, is witness deum rigorous isolation of the human peoples. 4 As we can see in this ticket, this isolation is> ; ‘ proposal for the History of America. Macrocospic and microscopical contact between o’ ‘ velho’ ‘ ‘ ‘ novo’ ‘ world ‘ ‘ They killed more than the wars, and in these they recrudeoke, until as a poisonous sorcery of inimigo’ ‘. 5 Existiram some factors that had taken the European the exit desua land appealing great navigations, as the mercantilism with novasrotas commercial. With the arrival of Cristovo Columbus in America in 1492, an immense cultural and historical historical luggage is arrived organisms that had together had with maiorparte of the globe diverse mutation levels.

In this I break up, we can still perceive the analysis of autorreferente to the aboriginal contact with the European, being made it difficult by longoperodo where the sailors needed to sail in precarious conditions of higienebastante. The arrival of each new fleet brought a new infection, because to the departure of England the sanitary controls were not rigorous econhecemos the horrible promiscuity and the deficient hygiene well that existed boarding during the trip of some months; to the arrival, the local authorities nopodiam to impose fortys days to the ships of the crown! 6 Is notable who the Europeans brought> I obtain one variedadeimensa of patgenos that to the few would go to reveal in the bodies of povosautctones, in form of varied illnesses that they possuam a virulnciamarcante degree, causing in this way processes epidemiologists in chain, provoking the famous Epidemics in Colonial America, as the Smallpox and oSarampo. Of the point of view of the Europeans, the illnesses not them assolavaefetivamente, because already they brought I obtain a capable genetic patrimony to deimunizar them against the manifestations epidemiologists who appeared in a space detempo each lesser time in a bigger ratio, destroying many pillars dasociedade of those native peoples.

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