Archive for December, 2012

Portugal Trips

Monday, December 17th, 2012

Thornton starts its book trying to explain the origins and reasons of the navigations in Atlantic, clarifying us that in some regions, as much Africa how much America, already knew and practised the commerce. For in such a way, Thornton leaves clearly that both the continents made use of fluvial routes for ends deal, mainly in the internal routes as the rivers and as well as the Europeans, in the attempt to expand its commerce, the Africans had also made attempts to sail for the Atlantic coast, however these attempts badly had been succeeded. The author still cites the theory of Ivan Van Sertima of that the diverse Africans would have fact trips to America since about 800 d.C., pointing out that this to occur would be necessary a more advanced naval technology and that the short African trips do not make possible this advance. However we can perceive that Thornton is ' ' encima of muro' ' when it says that these trips can have happened accidentally due the strong flow of the equatorial chain of the west of the Senegmbia to the Caribbean basin, leaving clear its position in relation to the theory does not dispatch by post. On the other hand the Europeans who of beginning they had not obtained to sail in the Atlantic, by the simple satisfaction of the discovery and to break the commercial monopoly of the mulumanos in the east, also had been financed by infant D. Enrique, the Navigator, prince of Portugal and Isabel queen of Spain, providing a fast advance in the naval technology, what it made possible so mentioned navigations of the Atlantic. It is well-known and important, therefore, the other point of view mentioned for the author, of the Portuguese historians Duarte Leite and Vitorino Magalhes-Godinho, who emphasize that the trips and the exploration had been carried through gradually for a long period of time and that they had been stimulated by the expectation of a great profit in short term.

The Word

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012

There, then one will see signals of the coming of Jesus will come to separate its people (Mateus 24-1 to the 31). II? THAT PEOPLE IS THIS? History says in them that the people chosen for God was Israel. To direct this people, God sent its son so that the way was, for he himself, disclosed to the men, therefore it said: ' ' I am I walk, the truth and the life; nobody will arrive at the Father seno for mim' ' (Joo 14-5). But, this people did not accept it, come the order of God so that Pablo nailed the heathen ones, people this that was awarded by Mr. and that we are all. Walking of Jesus in the land reflected, during its 33 years of life, a model so that the man trod this way.

It lived of humble form, thus showing to everything that was despicable to the man, also the rituals practised for the Israeli people with regard to the religion, therefore they kept the day of Saturday and they were incapable to express mercy, the point to ignore a man spanked for robbers and played to the soil (Lucas 10:25 the 37). The religion hardly was fought by Jesus, therefore at that time, it dared to desbancar the merchants who acted in the synagogues, commercializing its products in the house of God, whose main end age to learn the word of perpetual life and to pray. Jesus gave to the example of life and responsibility the one that the men would have to follow, therefore worked heavy helping its father, since infancy, in a carpentry workshop, argued with the doctors of the Law, nullifying and teaching everything to them it would take what them to have a life straight line ahead of God and criticized the religiosidade without workmanships, where the customs if overlapped justice and the mercy.

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