Archive for January, 2013

Arctic Monkeys

Saturday, January 26th, 2013

Astrud and Lori Meyers was thrilled to the patriotic public. Chronicle of the second day: more contact lenses and less gafapastas. His recent albums have divided his followers, who have seen the band from Sheffield (England), born at the beginning of the post-punk revival scene, tortured his compositions with arid twists and psychedelia. Despite this, Arctic Monkeys, poster for the third day of the FIB heads, were received and celebrated by the audience of the festival as real gods. They offered one of the most popular concerts that are remembered in Benicassim.

The fibers from the United Kingdom, a country where each of the disks in the Group Brit Awards is concluded with a prize and in which his soloist, Alex Turner, has been elevated to the category of urban poet contributed to this. Training flailed with ferocity the themes of his later works the best moments are the instruments, when the group builds cathedrals of noise neopunk and It makes them explode with the intensity of the battery-. Then a short Turner smile the rest of the time showed hieratic and thuggish and a drop of sweat on his neck revealed that the heat from the public had managed to reach the stage and recalled his condition in the flesh. Hours earlier, the performance of Astrud reconciled Spanish attendees more culturetas with a festival at which they accuse of having become an verbenera appointment addressed to the English-speaking public. The Catalans shone alongside Col.lectiu Brossa, a project that has enriched their pop melodies with arrangements, new instruments and experimental vocation.

Astrud always stressed among his contemporaries for its innovative character. Today it seems that he has left those very backwards. Their live was an intelligent, hilarious and lyrical delirium presented by Genis. Their occurrences and their towering patent leather stilettos have no rival. Other than encadilaron to the patriotic public were Andalusians Lori Meyers. Almost filled the main stage of the sample and its hits high fidelity, A-ha have become? -, sounded huge to be echoed by the public. It gave all. So much so that his vocalist, Antonio Lopez, alias Noni, concluded the exhausted concert, without tie or shirt. As the great song.

The Case

Saturday, January 19th, 2013

We cannot leave to see the other side, the problems that the globalization brings for the provincial peoples. These problems come with the technological and informacional illiteracy, making with that thus the inferior classrooms do not have no information, to transforming into object of this impious system of the capital. In one it analyzes on the northeast development, to make reference the industry becomes necessary, therefore, presents itself as one of the main ones, if not main it half of entrance of the region in the processes of modernizations. The inherent processes to northeast industrialization as all, if of the one in way to an ample space, where the workmanship hand immensely is devaluated in relation to country. These industries come if installing in the interior, more aggressively in recent years, aiming at all these structural exemptions intentionally orquestradas.

These desenvolvimentistas industrial processes come searching each time a bigger depreciation of its employees who if become dependents of such industries completely. This comes occurring with much violence on the part of this industries, which is making nothing more, nothing less than game of process capitalist globalizado, that in turn understands the great gamma of consequncias for the population that is not the pair much less in the domain of the current situation, for one better substantial agreement of the arcabouos of the system. Many of the transformations in the space are pparently excellent for the great majority of the populations, people ' ' leigas' ' of agreement of this widely perverse structure and the demagogies and fallacies politics. These are understood as tranquility of an industrialization and modernization widely global, however these bonanas are not the priorities of these structures. The tax incentives offered by the governments are the dictators of rules in the industry northeastern, that is, so that these industries and such modernizations are installed in the empty spaces, empty speaking and industrially uninformed of the interior northeastern she is necessary that governments of state and city halls deem the commercial maximum of possible exemptions for many industries and companies; we can see in the case of the industries gauchos who Pear tree (2000) standes out in its work.

Joaquin Shiraishi

Saturday, January 12th, 2013

Therefore, for the beginning of the equality, the State also has to recognize the quebradeiras of coconut and the forms of social reproduction of this group. 3. The fights and the rights It is emphasized that it is of so great importance that the access to the coconut palms is not denied, therefore babau is activity that condiz the income exerted for a group of women, the quebradeiras of coconut. They carry through extrativa activity of the raw material (coconut) and thus can usufruct with the production of products that from the sales will get income, these women still stop many fights with regard to the commercialization of these products and against the farmers with the only objective of to exert its activity with dignity, as mentions Cynthia Martins, After the intense conflicts that had resulted in the dispossession, had a reinforcement of the collective forms of mobilization from the creation of the ASSEMA of the associations of the agricultural workers and of movements as the MIQCB, that had brought proposals of improvement of the production and organization of the workers in cooperatives. It is in this context that is servants, with support of the CNPT, the cooperatives, whose main objective was centered in the organization of an commercialization line whom the figure of the intermediary eliminated consequently and, sales more joust. 7 Another great problem to be faced is again against the owners of lands, the farmers, therefore they allege private property, but the 1988 constitution looked for to recognize the distinct social groups and for this it assured in constitution one ' ' society fraterna, pluralstica and without preconceitos' '. 8 Moreover, the constitution of the 1989 Maranho it approaches in art. 190 ' ' in lands you publish and vacant of the state it will be made sure exploration of the babauais in regimen of familiar economy and comunitria.' ' 9 the private property must then be funcionalizada had to the quebradeiras, being that in relation to the legal scope this implies to recognize them as social group and to accomplish its rights contained in the legal system, thus salient Joaquin Shiraishi, the proper civil code of 2002 if it reserved, separating of the property of the ground, determined goods, that do not consist in object of property of the ground, determined goods that do not consist in property object, with effect, are not unaware of that the state always was warned, reserving for itself some goods or, in the hypothesis of not making, the right of legislating surplus they, over all when its economic value is unaware of.

Black Plague

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

From the new forms of social organization, the vision of the society divided in three invariant orders passed to be questioned, sanctions as well as it social left exclusively of being decurrent of the land ownership. The money accumulation (capital), it started to be seen as a form of social asceno (seed of the Capitalism). It was appearing a new set of values, beliefs and traditions called for the historians of Modern Mentality. In the field, considering the custosa and little productive servitude very, had looked for to you to breach with contracts of obligator service and had organized a mixing system with wage-earners and free arrecandatarios, that second its vision produced more. However, exactly with the alterations in the production system many times the amount of foods was not enough for the population, generating increase of the prices and hunger.

The deficiency of the feeding and the lack of hygiene in the urban centers had favored the appearance of illnesses and epidemics as the Black Plague, for example. As well as a series of wars between the European regions, in sc.XIV and XV, being the main a War of the One hundred Years, between English and Frenchmen. To the few the old way of life was being substituted for another one, after the end of the Average Age, characterized for the production of excesses, for the commercialization on a large scale, wage-earning work, new order politics, for a new mentality and I accumulate of money. Valley to stand out, that many characteristics of the Average Age continued existing in the Modern period, as for example, the majority of the Europeans continued liveing in the field. On the other hand, the seeds of a new age sprouted. Amongst them, they are distinguished the balance between the two classrooms, since the bourgeoisie enriched each time more, the technological new features had gained prominence with the firearms (cannons), the invention of the press, caravelas, the steel mill, asiderurgia, etc.

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