Archive for October, 2013

For Christmas

Sunday, October 27th, 2013

I could not see in the eyes of Sophie that feeling that she tried to hide but that could not. Therefore, in addition to sadness he felt rage. I wished with all his heart that this man went away completely the life of them three. I knew that it was impossible. He had returned, and this time to not leave. The day following Sophie continued even sad and remembering Word for Word the letter from Alex. Luckily, the preparations for the next day birthday had her busy enough as to that the return Pete, at night, not see her so depressed.

During the birthday, Joey was pirate dress all the time. The disguise seemed sensational. He played with his friends until exhaustion. It had seemed to him the best gift he had received, and that he had received many. For Christmas, Sophie received the second postcard of Alex. Like the first time, she cried bitterly at what life had removed.

The postcard said: Dear joey this is my first Christmas as Pope. As I told you in my previous card I regret not sharing it to your side. I hope with much anxiety to reach that day when we are all together, and that I may hug you with all my soul. I found another set of pirates which seemed fantastic, I hope you also like it. Your MOM has told me that he loved you that you send for your birthday and you play a lot with him. I want to continue telling you little by little, as you promised, the story of our separation. One day, I had an accident and had to get away from England. Then I knew that MOM was pregnant. I learned five years later when returned for the first time back. Of having known, probably never I had gone regardless of the consequences that this might have caused.

Knowing The Siamese Cat

Saturday, October 19th, 2013

Knowing the Siamese cat Siamese cats, as its name indicates it, they were bred for the first time in Siam, what we know today as Thailand. Somehow, the curious history of Thailand, one of the few Asian territories that were never British colony, is reflected in the personality of this cat. Thai Land, terms that give rise to the current name can be translated as land of the people free; and that is what is the Siamese cat: free and independent. The Siamese cat loves his home. It suffers a lot when you have to move, perhaps more than other breeds of cats. Considers his house as his refuge, and rarely ventured outside, except for courting a female in estrus, or meet other cats in the neighborhood. His education is very simple, because they are very intelligent, and quickly learn the rules of behavior.

However, when something is not to your liking, they will not have problem to let him know their owners. As to other breeds of cats, love Siamese cats to sleep throughout the day. Busiest hours are the of the Dawn and dusk. If the idea is to lift late one weekend, it is therefore necessary to provide that the animal has food and water by hand, and enough place to move and play and his dusky handmade. There are two sub breeds of Siamese cats well distinguished: the modern Siamese cat, hair rather short, easily distinguishable by its stylized factions, a rather prominent snout, and large, slanted eyes. This breed was introduced to England in 1880, and about ten years later, was brought to the United States. Very soon, the modern Siamese cat became the favourite exhibitors and breeders, by their stylized lines. The other sub Siamese cat breed is the traditional Siamese, of distinctly different, much more rounded factions.

The pattern of coloration of the fur is extremely distinctive: they usually have the tips of the limbs, tail and face well dark color, while the rest of the coat is light coloured, feature which gives you that so special than all Siamese cats personality they have. The cat Siamese is very curious and playful, and is always exploring when something draws attention. Without a doubt, this feline breed has become one of the more sought after by lovers of pets, due to its charm and personality. Source: Press release sent by the cat at home.

Emily Dickinson

Wednesday, October 9th, 2013

The biography of Emily Dickinson (Amhers, New England, 1830-1886) is full of oddities and silences. Jorge Luis Borges wrote about his life: there is, I know, a life more passionate and more solitary than this woman. He preferred to dream of love and perhaps imagine it and fear it. In their reclusive village of Amhers sought the seclusion of his house and, at his home, the seclusion of white color and the not to be see by a few friends that he received. In those years of voluntary closure, election that took very young, built one of the strongest works of universal literature. He was smart, rebellious and cultured, as his own poetry. Emily published six poems in life. Almost all appeared in local newspapers on the initiative of his sister-in-law and against their will. After his death were discovered 1775 poems, most written between 1858 and 1865, which revealed before critics and readers as one of the great poets of all time. Four years after his death, in 1890, was published a first volume with part of his work. Today there are countless publications of his obras completas in hundreds of languages. There also a copious and interesting correspondence that he held with characters such as Emerson and Samuel Bowles. To me particularly excited me letters exchanged with her cousins, the Norcross sisters, therefore in are everyday life becomes the purest of poems: I open my window, and the room is filled with white dirt. I think that Dios should be cleaning the dust; and the wind is blowing so I hope to read in The Republican warning signs for Amhers or absolutely boat has sailed from Phoenix Row life is so Rotary that desert touches each unoa ever. (letter to Louis and Frances Nocross in March 1873).The story of Emily is a drop that struggle at sea.

Image Components

Monday, October 7th, 2013

Many times we hear that the first impression is what counts and perhaps we aren’t so aware of the importance of the first impression we give to each other in our interaction. In those first few seconds, we suffer in the other a perception based on our gestures, our clothing, our face, the way in which we communicate (verbally and nonverbally). We currently have tools for enhancing the image and achieve a positive effect in the interaction with other people, from the first impression to the continuous treatment in circumstances that are (business, personal). The image is a resource that we should know and use in order to obtain optimal results. Few people are aware of the importance of the image and benefit from what they projected to the outside world. Our image is the external manifestation of who we are at home, our values and beliefs. Many times we hear that the first impression is what counts and we are perhaps not so aware of the importance of the first impression we give to each other in our interaction.

In those first few seconds, we suffer in the other a perception based on our gestures, our clothing, our face, the way in which we communicate (verbally and nonverbally). We currently have tools for enhancing the image and achieve a positive effect in the interaction with other people, from the first impression to the continuous treatment in circumstances that are (business, personal). The image is a resource that we should know and use in order to obtain optimal results. Few people are aware of the importance of the image and benefit from what they projected to the outside world. The image that we show from the external is deeper in what many may believe that it also consists of a manifestation of inner of each person, their values, beliefs and traits. In other words, our image realizes our personality. The image is a form of communication with others through the clothing, accessories, makeup, hair, posture, the smile and the gestures, among others. Our image is perceived with the five senses and affects the perception of others in these five areas.

More than 50% of communication is nonverbal: a person never ceases to communicate, although currently not be communicating verbally. A sloppy or not arranged image can significantly affect our chances of progress in labor, while we are highly trained to make progress in our work. We must boost our image through the above mentioned components (hair, clothing, footwear, accessories, make-up, posture, grimacing) but always bearing in mind our personality. We can avail ourselves of trends within fashion, but the idea is to achieve a harmonious balance between the interior and the exterior without ceasing to be oneself. It is not projecting anything that we are not our personality shall be demonstrated in one form or another. It is important to work on our personal strengths and from there, improve our image abroad.

Think Like A Millionaire To Succeed On The Internet

Tuesday, October 1st, 2013

How do you think a millionaire? Do you have the same thoughts than others? It acts like the others? Definitely, there is a large gap between the thoughts of a millionaire and one that wants to be it, but isn’t it. Once you ever stopped to investigate personality, habits, actions and beliefs of men and women who have accumulated wealth? I believe that there is a common factor in those who achieve financial success: these are able to visualize the benefits that would bring them trace precisely their economic goals. You want to say with the above, that they have a definite plan, which follow the letter and are convinced that to follow his plan good results come at any time. They nourish with good habits that make them be more productive, they are disciplined and self-confident. They know that they may be failing and lose sometimes, but thats not an obstacle to withdraw his plan. A millionaire acts without fear and goes full security because he knows what he does, for that is has prepared, the smarter decisions knows enough to Thomas. If you are thinking on make money online you have to think like a millionaire, I don’t know if someday you go to it to become practicing this profession of Network Marketing, but will more likely achieve this if your mindset is similar to these people who have been successful throughout his life. The ability to visualize one future more prosperous through internet business it is not a utopia, it is a reality that many are already living at this very moment. If you want to take only part of this crew you have to commit yourself to 100% with your venture, do not take it as a hobby because it is more than that, it is your business. Fear is a clear indication of the next thing you have to do greetings, wishing you the greatest success.

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