Archive for December, 2013

Ambiguous Interpretation

Tuesday, December 31st, 2013

Currently there is no unity in the understanding of the rules of the sixth and seventh articles fifty-five point five gdc Russia, which determine what should include requirements for issuing certificates of admission to the construction works, of the possibility of including them in conditions that are not mentioned in the law. Defining conditions that must be presented when issuing certificates of admission, the legislator has not stated that their list is not exhaustive. In result, some organizations have included a requirement not related to the presence of a candidate member of the sro in the construction of qualified personnel and assets (such, for example, as a requirement of a candidate certificate of quality management system issued some voluntary certification system, the availability of laboratories, etc.). It should be noted that this is not the only case when the norms of the Russian Federation on the gdc SROs permit their ambiguous interpretation. For example, in Part 12 of Art.

55.5 gdc Russia, revealing the possible content of the rules of self-regulation does not specify whether the proposed law in their exhaustive list or the word 'rules self-regulation can be installed 'can be interpreted as permitting an expansive interpretation of the list. For a correct understanding of these rules of law should be analyzed in conjunction with the norms of third article fifty-five point five gdc Russia, which prohibits the sro in the building to create and receive documents that establish rules for chlenovSRO for their activities, not taking into account the creation and approval of the documents 'big five'. If the legislator allowed the broad interpretation of law, determining the contents of the requirements for issuing certificates of admission to the construction work, standards and regulations SROs in the construction, then this restriction would not make any sense. The idea of the legislator, I suppose, was to establish a confidential list of mandatory requirements that SROs can bring to their Members, therefore, the norms of six, seven, twelve articles fifty-five point five gdc Russia must be understood as not allowing a broad interpretation.

Modernizing Confucian Manifestations

Tuesday, December 24th, 2013

Societe Generale dio un nuevo impulso a su red francesa, con una aceleracion en el crecimiento desde 1966 tras la youtube eliminacion de la autorizacion previa para la apertura de nuevas oficinas. La expansion internacional Ernst fue igual de energica. Ya no estaba limitado, como anteriormente, en Asset Management los principales centros financieros (Londres, Nueva York), en los paises vecinos (Belgica, Espana) University of Southern California y en las antiguas colonias, con el principal proposito de facilitar los negocios de las companias francesas, pero tambien estaba dirigido a garantizar la presencia del banco alla donde se desarrollaran nuevos mercados, tanto para la exportacion de la habilidad que habia adquirido en ciertos campos o para mantener sus contactos con multinacionales.
gave new impetus to its French network, with an acceleration in growth after 1966 following elimination of prior authorisation for opening branch offices. International expansion was just as vigorous. It was no longer limited, as before, to the main financial centres (London, New York), neighbouring countries (Belgium, Spain) and the former colonies, with the primary aim of facilitating the business of Asset Management French firms, but was also aimed at guaranteeing the bank’s presence where new markets were developing, either to export the technical expertise it had acquired in certain fields, or to keep up its contact with the multi-nationals.’
1966 y 1967 representaron un giro fundamental en las regulaciones del banco gracias a la atenuacion de la distincion entre banca de deposito y de inversion y la ceacion del mercado de funds hipotecas domesticas. Societe Generale adquirio una posicion de liderazgo en nuevas tecnicas finacieras disenadas en principio para empresas especializadas en este objetivo. Los anos 70 se caracterizaron por dos grandes progresos: finance expansion de la red internacional y la introduccion de las tecnologias de la informacion
1966 and 1967 represented a fundamental turning point in banking regulations, the main development being Children’s Hospital attenuation of the distinction between deposit and investment banking, and creation of the home mortgage market. Societe Generale took advantage of this and acquired leading positions in some new financing techniques designed primarily for companies, such as finance leasing, setting up specialised credit subsidiaries for this purpose. The 1970s were characterised by investment two major developments: expansion of the international network and across-the-board introduction of IT facilities to cope with FOX news extension of Fox the customer base and the development of deposit money. In 1971, the appearance of automatic cash machines crowned the success and development of the credit card. From the beginning of the 1980s, against a backdrop of deregulation and technological change, internationalisation of the markets and the emergence of new financial instruments, Societe Generale set itself two commercial objectives. It focused increasingly on private customers via its network of branches and by acquiring specialised subsidiaries. It pursued and expanded interview its activities in the capital markets in France, and then, on a selective basis, in the different international financial centres. On 29 July 1987, Societe Generale was privatised. It had been chosen from among the three leading French commercial banks nationalised in 1945 for its excellent risk-coverage, equity and productivity ratios.

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Austrian Freud

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

The Psychoanalysis can transmit we educators ethics, a way to see and to understand practical the educative one. The professor is it of superior education or of other modalities of education, he must have as first of its action a pedagogia based on the formation and development of the personality human being who includes all the dimensions of the life: the body, psique, the nature and the society. To kill symbolically the master to become the master of itself exactly, is and a lesson that we can extract of the proper life of Freud. Bibliographical references BREUER, J.; FREUD, S. (1895). Studies on would histeria. In: FREUD, S. Brazilian standard Edition of the complete psychological workmanships of Sigmund Freud.

v. 2, Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 1990. OF FIGUEIREDO, Vinicus. (2010). Philosophers in the classroom. Publishing company: Berlendis & Vertechia, Volume 2. FREUD, S. in the matter.

(1894). The Neuropsicoses de Defesa. In: FREUD, S. Brazilian standard Edition of the complete psychological workmanships of Sigmund Freud. v. 3, Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 1990. FREUD, S. (1900). The Interpretation of Dreams. Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 2001. FREUD, S. (1915). The Unconscious one. In: FREUD, S. Written on the psychology of the unconscious one. v. 2. Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 2006. JOLIBERT, Bernard. (2010). Sigmund Freud. Publishing company: Massanga of the Foundation Joaquin Nabuco and printed matter in Brazil, Translation and organization: Elaine Terezinha Dal But Days. 1AlunodoInstitutoFederaldeGois CampusInhumas, CursandoosegundoperododeLicenciaturaemQumica. 2Sigmund Freud, born in 6 of May of 1856 in Freiberg in Mahren, Morvia, Austrian Empire (currently Czech belongs to the Republic), died in 23 of September of 1939 to the 83 years, in London, England. Son of Jacob Freud and its third woman Amalie Nathanson. Jocob a Jew proceeding from Galicia and woollen trader. Sigmund Freud was a medical neurologist founding Jew-Austrian of the psychoanalysis, it initiated its studies for the use of hipinose as method of treatment for patients with would histeria. 3Em psychology insight a process for which the human beings pass, to the times and involuntarily, to arrive at a conclusion on something. In the intuition, the reasoning that if uses to arrive the conclusion is purely unconscious, fact that makes many to believe that the intuition is a paranormal process or the holy ghost. Its functioning and even though its existence is an enigma for science. Although already many theories to exist on the subject, none are given as still definitive. The intuition takes the subject to one to believe with determination that something will be able to happen. 4Psicanlise a clinical field and of theoretical inquiry of psique independent human being of the psychology, even so also inserted nestadesenvolvido by Sigmund Freud, doctor born Austrian neurologist in 1856 that one considers to the understanding and analysis of the man.

Japanese Economy

Sunday, December 1st, 2013

In Japan it was not different: the Japanese economy lived one boom nofinal of the decade of 1950 and during the decade of 1960. The exportations flutuarammas had grown, the investments and the saving was high, the use detecnologia, the innovation and the invention was pungentes, action the Nikkei indices, that had beginning with 100 in May of 1949, already was in 5.000 in the start of dcadade 1970, and in 10.000 in 1984. The volume of 120 negotiated actions was of bilhesde action in 1983 for 280 billion in 1989. Comtodo this optimism, the real estate market could not be stops backwards, umndice of prices for residential property in six great cities, comeandocom 100 in 1955, reached 4,100 in 1970 middle, 5,800 for 1980 return, reaching the peak of 20.600 in 1989. Em1991, the added value of the property of Japan reached 18 trillions of dollar, four times the price of all the building and houses of the United States at the time. But the land of the Imperial Palace, in Tokyo, value more than all casase together building of California. Ocrash was inevitable.

It had beginning in January of 1990 when reveladouma was series of scandals involving loans of great clientesfavorecidos banks for, implying in serious losses that had been occulted for fantasiosa umacontabilidade. Ospreos of the property had been even when the Nikkei indices fell, comeandomais late a slow movement of fall, to a large extent due to paralisaodas operations in that market. Naimprensa was divulged daily stories of relative losses mausemprstimos to them carried through for banks and Japanese financial institutions, in suamaioria real estate operations that had reached 550 billion approximately dedlares. Commercial and industrial companies had declared insolvent in average of 1.000 for month. Three great unions of credit had had that to be salutes for the government it was eacreditava at the time that only some few rotten banks did not have credit in its wallets. The result of this was that Japan entered in one longoperodo of economic stagnation that if extends until today.

Nempreciso to say that the phenomenon of the real estate bubbles is not new, nor foiinventado yesterday. Since the lies of the Japanese crisis had not been learned ahistria economic gave in them plus a chance. It remains to know what we will make comela: to study it or to forget it. Bibliography Beinstein, senile Jorge.Capitalismo the great crisis of the global economy. Translation of RytVinagre. Rio De Janeiro: Record, 2001. Canuto, Otaviano. The Japanese financial crisis. Institute of Advanced Studies dUniversidade of So Paulo. 1999. Available text in Kindelberger, Charles Poor. Crazes, panic and crashes. Rio De Janeiro: New Fronteis, 2000. RevistVeja, edition 1939 of 18 of January of 2006. The biggest dahistria economic bubble. For Alexsandro Rebello Bonatto in 29 of November of 2008.

Candle Painting

Sunday, December 1st, 2013

It opened it and it remained contemplating it awhile. One was his painting, a much more beautiful version that the one that had spoiled with the red. One smiled. It put it in a site in view of all. To the morning following, Candle went to the study but this time touched the door first. From inside Pablo it said to him that it could happen and did she it. – Good morning, young lady -. – Good morning -.

Pablo continued painting. – He wanted to be thankful for his flattery, was beautiful -. – Don’t mention it, he is less than he could do after putting the leg, I hope has excused the error to me -. And he smiled to him. – It was forgotten -.

He continued painting a little more. Candle realized that no longer was that one picture in the study, was wondered had done what it. It will be it kept that it in some other site? . It was asked. – Bela Young lady, What age have you? I know that he would not have to ask the age, but he gives curiosity to know me -. – I will fulfill twenty-four in a pair of months -. – When it had his age I fell in love with a gorgeous girl, Lucrecia call of Vienna. She had fame and already she had money, and knew she it. Clumsily I believed in her and I gave all whatever him I could. One was never interested in some of my pictures, the painting seemed to him boring. It only thought about traveling and spending money, I however I loved a family, to paint and to be happy. I gave everything him what could but never was sufficient, and deceived to me with another one.

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