Archive for April, 2014

Archaeological Museum

Sunday, April 27th, 2014

The town of El Jem, as almost all Roman cities of Tunisia, was built on a Punic settlement. With a less arid climate that the current, El Jem prospered in the century II thanks to the cultivation of the olive tree, becoming an important center of production and export of oil. At the beginning of the 3rd century, coinciding with the construction of its famous Amphitheater, El Jem played Hadrumet (now Sousse) the rank of second Roman city in North Africa, after Carthage. Today, El Jem owes its fame to its amphitheatre. The best preserved of all is the Roman amphitheatre large in Africa and the fourth in the world after those of Rome, Capua and Pozzuoli, but surely. Its impressive architecture stands out above the low houses of the city thanks to its 3 floors in height, that reach 36 meters. It had capacity for about 35,000 spectators and dimensions of 148 meters in length by width 122.

Until the 17TH century the Amphitheater of El Jem remained practically intact, but was thereafter when they began to its stones used in the construction of the houses in the village and were also transported to Kairouan to be used in the Grand Mosque. The Amphitheatre of El Jem was declared patrimony of humanity by Unesco in 1979. In addition to the visit to the Amphitheater, it is advisable to visit the Archaeological Museum of the Jem. The Museum is arranged in an old Roman House, where it is preserved classical architecture of these mansions, with the rooms arranged around a central courtyard. In the Museum we can see sculptures, ceramics and especially mosaics found in the city of El Jem and its surroundings. All these findings give us an idea of the luxury of the residences that were built here and where they lived aristocratic families who built his fortune thanks to the production of oil. original author and source of the article

World War

Monday, April 7th, 2014

One gave credit that sociology, when studying, to explain and to intervine in the facts of the society would be the scientific link that would bind the order of the society to continuous progress. Comte structuralized its thought from a philosophy of peculiar history where the man would be the main being, since he showed endowed with a nature characterized for an irresistible social trend; so that it was developed completely, learning to use its intelligence as inspired source of the actions, the man would have to pass for three states. The first state of the humanity was defined as theological, where God would be the center of all the references human beings; God would be the regent of the social life and the man it directly would be tied. As been he was defined as Metaphysical, would be intermediate it between the three states, where the explanation of the society would not pass only for the recital in the divine initiative; God would not be more the absolute regent of the social life, and yes an essence onipresente it. the third state would be the positivismo and would find its expression in the modern capitalist society, where the man left of an anthropocentric conception and if he would place in the condition of regent of the social life.

Of this form, the positive spirit would definitively supply the basic rules the conception of a unit for the new order seated in the reason. The Intellectual mile Durkheim during its life witnessed the period where she understood the apex of the European monopolista capitalism and its first great internal crisis, beyond the Second Industrial Revolution and the ecloso of the World War I. How much the relation individual/Durkheim society believed that the society would predominate on the individual, a time that it is that it would impose joint it of norms of social behavior; it had as focus the emancipation of sociology in relation the social philosophies, trying to construct it as he disciplines scientific rigorous, endowed with systemize methods, objectifying to define with clarity the object and the applications of this new science being left of the paradigms and theoretical models of natural sciences.

Philip Shrimp

Tuesday, April 1st, 2014

This, the essence of the patrimonialismo. Esse’ ‘ cloth of fundo’ ‘ cultural, obviously, it was transplantado for Brazil, quandoLisboa a sufficiently advanced metropolis already, in century XV imposed, particularly from 1534, with the Hereditary Captainships, then legal seuordenamento as the Manuelinas Ordinances, of 1521, and asFilipinas, of 1603 to a population of aboriginals, banished slaves and, total incapable to understand it and to absorb it. Therefore we accustom in them to abuscar and of some form to pay – the solutions for our problems in entesfsicos e> 1640), this was sketched to forge of a nationality, in the Good Arraialde Jesus, having for arqutipos the white Matias de Albuquerque, negroHenrique Days and the indian Philip Shrimp, that had fought the good combat in Guararapes.Todavia, defeated the dutches and findo the Spanish Domain, otrono was restored Portuguese, with D. Joo IV. It returned, therefore, the lusitano yoke on asterras braslicas, esvaindo that embryo of nationality: all lenders in the Quarter of Abrantes. Difficult No to see indistinctly, in this pleaded historical, the roots of certoscomportamentos, that we know well, common well and badly-born.

One of maisgraves of them, seems me, is to ignore that the legal system if destines noapenas to guarantee the rights> the Rule of law call. However, nabusca incessant of survival, enrichment, power, recognition eoutros yearnings defined in the Pyramid of Maslow, frequently desconsideramoso unquestionable principle of that the rights of one are locked in when if we initiate of outrem. From there the infindveis conflicts are born and deal that it competes to the Justiadirimir, et pour cause, are in the seumbito that more reflect our ancestral vices. However, the ones that aexercem, for being equally human e, as such, carrying of the mesmostraos, also fails frequently. Essamultiplicidade de Equvocos from that they proceed to the edge of the Justice, of that they ademandam me the faith, from that exert it etalii badly characterizes the mentioned process well of I spoil of one sociedadeque lost the moral compassing, that permeia, one by one, ‘ ‘ Bandidos stories; ‘ of JooUchoa: each one faithful portraies ours mazelas, that we would have, since> ‘ ‘ valley escrito’ ‘ – of what to its essence.

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