Archive for January, 2015

History Of The Money In Brazil

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015

The present study it has for objective to weave consideraes, exactly quebreves, on the History of the Currency in the world, arriving at Brazil under suaforma of use, and passing for diverse mutations until arriving at quehoje we know for transactions of values, observing to the half maisimportantes of these uses, commented exemplificadasparticularmente and. 1INTRODUO the present study has for objective to weave consideraes, mesmoque brief, on the History of the Currency in the world, arriving at Brazil under suaforma of use, and passing for diverse mutations until particularly arriving what we hojeconhecemos for transactions of values, observing to the most important meiosdessas uses, commented and exemplificadas. 2 Origin eevoluo of the money Currency-Merchandise was the first step for the sprouting doque today uses and calls money. The used methods for acquisition debens desired I begin, it was done with the exchange of merchandises, where sepossua something sobrando, as for example culture products, deanimais hunting and creation; These that possuam some proportional value to the desired one, use-silk exchanges for the consignment contract of these. Some of the item more passed to be looked than others, thus guaranteeing differences of prices between some goods and others, estabelecendoum value standard as base of exchanges and the times ace renderings of services. This way also gave left to the wage, normally paid, at the time, with salque origin of the word wage for the Greeks as remuneration. Naviso de Wassily Leontieff (2005) the currency is the value that is equivalent to the sum detodas the merchandises.

Its phases of evolution can be detached in seissesses: 01. The Age of the Trade: Ox and Salt; 02. The Age of the Merchandise Currency; 03. It was of the Metallic Currency; 04. It was of the Paper Currency; 05. The Currency Trustee; 06. Currency Would bank Contractual. 2.1ODINHEIRO IN BRAZIL. In Brazil, this way of I deal was very used dodinheiro printed matter before, for commercialization of sugar, tobacco, wood (mainly wood-Brazil), tobacco, etc.

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