Archive for September, 2015

Commerce International

Thursday, September 24th, 2015

The signage was part of the reflections made during his speech at the working meeting which held with counterparts from Paraguay, Bolivia and Uruguay at the headquarters of the Paraguayan Government, Palacio de Lopez, in Asuncion. For years I have been saying that the Andean Community of Nations is wound of death and today I can say that it is dead, said Chavez, for whom the signature by Colombia and Peru Treaty of free trade with the Government of States United precipitated the fall of the CAN. She was killed. Does not exist, even we are preparing to denounce it: Venezuela is out of the Andean Community of Nations. It makes no sense, you have to do anything. That (CAN) serves the elites, to transnational corporations, but do not serve Indians, blacks, whites or the poor.

Does not serve our people and not only not serves him, it affects them, he explained. It was also felt on the need to restructure to MERCOSUR Fund to prevent its disappearance. We do not want to die MERCOSUR, we come here with the idea that a transformation of this South American union instrument is born. It is with this intention that Venezuela wants to join MERCOSUR. Why is this meeting seems so important, because it feels a desire for change towards a new MERCOSUR. THE threat was IMPERIAL Professor of Commerce International of the program of postgraduate’s Faces, University of Carabobo before this decision taken by the current Government of President Chavez, considers, that Venezuela currently is a monoproductor country (oil), while other countries are characterized by great variety of industries of all kinds of goods. It should be noted that exports from other countries to Venezuela have increased, such is the case of Colombia than the whole of produced goods, 75% for export, they are placed in Andean markets, highlighting great part toward the Venezuelan market.

General Company

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

A law, dated of 1680 also existed, that it forbade the escravizao of indians in lands of the colony. However, the proper heads of province ignored these prohibitions, what she generated serious conflicts between the colonists and the diverse operating religious missions in the region. To skirt the conflicts and to guarantee the man power, the solution was the adoption of the existing slavery of blacks already in other regions of Brazil. The flow of black slaves increased considerably from the second half of century XVIII, when the State of Grain-Par and Maranho was formed, tying the administration of the region directly Portugal. The purchase of black slaves was subsidized by the General Company of Commerce of Grain-Par and Maranho in exchange for the monopoly of the commerce in the Amazon region.

In the period that invigorated of 1755 the 1778, the company more than brought to the region 25 a thousand slaves. Of this total, 15 a thousand if had approximately established where today it is the State of Par. With the extinguishing of the company, the commerce of slaves continued, however in lesser number. From this time, the blacks had started to come of other regions of the country or through the contraband. The traffic remained active until the first decades of century XIX.

The slaves brought of Africa had worked in agricultural activities (in the tobacco and cacao, cotton, sugar cane-of-sugar farms), in the extrativismo of the calls ' ' drugs of serto' ' (as the cinnamon, vanilla, cravo, the aromatical roots, salsaparrilha, urucum and the oleaginosas seeds), beyond serving in domestic works and public and private urban constructions. The increase of offers of African man power in the Amaznia did not eliminate the aboriginal slavery. ' ' Blacks of terra' ' ' ' blacks of the frica' ' they had divided, for much time, the same work world.

Commercial Ethics

Thursday, September 17th, 2015

The levels of ethical standards understood to be moderate or low for the superior managers in: In its proper professions or commerce: 53,8% In the commercial community in general: 74,4% In youth in the work: 77,4% However, it must be recognized that optimum voluntary code is only efficient, if the advice of director of the emprea to determine that it must be. The directors must assume the responsibility to verify the application and the comment of the codes of the company, being recognized that they can be half staff to free its obligations to conserve the legal and moral criteria of the company. It is understandable that, in the present situation of great corruption and legal uncertainties very spread out, much company that look international contracts, they are reluctant in running the risk to lose businesses for that they pay bribes. However, all the company can welcome give to the Anti-Corruption Pacts taxes for certain countries to all the adjudicatrios of main contracts public. In these Pacts, all the players start in the level of the field of games and, although still to subsistir some risk of bribe, it greatly it is reduced. It seems to be a considerable objectivo of the associations and international professional federacies to include a mandatria clause anti-corruption in its ethical codes, with expulsion of its members as sanction for not the observance.

When such association is strong in terms of world-wide associates, its members has relatively little to fear in relation to the not-members that gain an unjust advantage with the bribe. For example, the financial institutions can be considered as supporting members of an adjusted professional association against the not-members. Finally, the company of the private sector must recognize that the great corruption is the enemy of the high standards and the efficiency. When a decisor is influenced by a bribe, is created chances for the executants below of the average to gain a contract to the cost of those whose product, reputation or ability would become them the probable winners of a competition joust.

National Bank

Sunday, September 6th, 2015

The cost of tuition and accommodation for six days – 1,200 hryvnia for residents of Ukraine, or $ 200 for foreign nationals, according to the National Bank of Ukraine at the moment payment. A group of directors of small businesses shop – from 15 to 28 March 2009, more on the training planu.Stoimost tuition and accommodation for two weeks – 1,500 hryvnia for Ukrainian citizens, or $ 250 for foreign nationals according to the National Bank of Ukraine at the time of payment. A group of furriers – 1 to February 21, 2009, the next group – 5 to July 25, 2009, and further on the training planu.Stoimost tuition and accommodation for three weeks – 1,100 hryvnia for residents Ukraine, or $ 200 for foreign nationals, according to the National Bank of Ukraine at the time of payment. A group of tanners – from 1 to February 21, 2009, the next group – from 5 to 25 July 2009, further training on curriculum and planu.Stoimost stay for three weeks – 1,100 hryvnia for residents of Ukraine, or $ 200 for foreign nationals, according to the National Bank of Ukraine at the time of payment. Procedure for admission to courses: Those who wish to undergo training, reported in the center of its intention to mail a letter, email or by phone referral service. A student, mail sent to the program activities and contract in 2 copies. The listener sign contracts and a returns the copy of the contract. .

Work On The Internet

Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015

Currently, more and more people are trying to be independent from anyone, including the bosses. Many leave from his previous work and try to find a monetary fortune, his steady source of income, which in no way will depend on anyone else except themselves. Some open their own businesses and become individual entrepreneurs, others take a loan from the bank and open their own firms, and others seek their fortune on the Internet. In recent work on the Internet is becoming more popular among the relatively young population. Many dream of earning a decent, not leaving the house.

And spend many hours sometimes even days searching for information on how to make money on the Internet. Some find the "right" materials, some stand up on the wrong road, because lot of information, but it is not enough high-quality, durable materials. But now do not know. Most beginners (9 of 10) who are trying to make money online go the distance, because frustrated in their abilities and skills, especially in the very possibility of actually earn. They have lost some euphoria and motivation, they are confident that earnings in the Internet – this is scam and kidalovo. A tenth of the rest do not give up and finally realize that in order to really make money from home, you need a lot of time and effort to understand that in the first 3-6 months, a lot of money they earn. So, browsing the Internet – is a difficult and laborious process, as an ordinary everyday work, but there's only one advantage – it's full freedom of action.

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