Archive for December, 2015

English Teaching For Profit

Saturday, December 5th, 2015

TEACHING ENGLISH IN GROUPS: YOU LOSE YOUR MONEY AND TIME A great number of English language courses throughout the world offer and use different teaching methods that are not always worth the investment in them funds. Very often people who want to learn English is selected and written for the course to only one criterion: price. They were not very interested in how, who and how they will teach. This approach always leads to a loss money, time, faith in my abilities and to learn a foreign language. Virtually all of today's existing English language courses in groups have a very significant drawback: students and the students get in best, half the time during which you pay for. In other words, paying, say, 100 hours of training on the course, you actually get about 50 hours of pure time allotted to you personally. How does this happen? Let us consider one common lesson of the English course in a group of several people.

Situation One: Work on conversational English tutor offers a free and begins to develop it with students, talking with each of them. He appealed to anyone of them, asking questions, trying to 'call' it. While the student or the student anything otvetichaet whole group is waiting. Having finished a little conversation with the student, tutor goes to the next in the group and so on. Until you get the chance to talk, thus developing your conversational English runs from 5 to 10 minutes. Then the teacher offers a different theme and develops it in similar scenario.

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