Archive for May, 2016

Dominican Republic

Wednesday, May 25th, 2016

Cancn, Quintana Roo, Mexico. In interview in the airport of Cancn course to the city of New York, the industralist Jeff Rosenblatt director of the agency online leader in reserves, comment in a brief interview that ” Cancn continues being in the preference of the Americans, this thanks the recovered beaches, now he has concluded to the project of beach recovery in Cancn, we are thankful for the Federal Government who invested 932 million weights, this project I help to change the image of Cancn”. Jeff Rosenblatt it explained that during the lapse in which the beaches remained eroded, competing international, as Dominican Republic were useful to make bad publicity against Cancn and the Mexican Caribbean. In addition it added ” but thanks to the great promotion that has become of this destiny in the United States, Canada and Europe, the tourists have returned their glance towards Cancn for their vacations of Summer 2010″ , I mention that year 2009 was ” more difcil” , to cause of world-wide crisis that came to us from outside, the recession in the EU, and later by the sanitary crisis (influenza AH1N1) that affection to Mexico the months of April and May of the 2009. Jeff also mentioned that the vestibule registry reservations between December of 2009 and January of this year, was observed increases in the reserves hotelkeepers superiors to those of the same period between 2008 and 2009, which demonstrates that the filling of beaches in Cancn was a great success. Jeff Rosenblatt comment some of the preferences of the users, ” 5 the most looked for stars are the hotels in Cancn, also near the hotel zone, and the majority of the reservations is originated from the United States, Canada, Argentina, and Spain, especially of the city of New York, also great amount of reservations is originated of the cities of Madrid, London, California, Paris, and China. I mention Rosenblatt in interview ” Our vestibule has been positioned like the most important site of reservations online of Hotels in Cancn, thanks to the fact that the great users can find Resorts, hotels boutique, hotels 5 stars, colonial hotels, economic hotels, also hotels with the All modality Inclusively, and a new section where it is possible to be contracted packages Cancn that includes flight but hotel with facilities of payments with its credit card, these vacations we have a promotion with the credit card BANCOMER, where you can pay to 21 months without intereses”. The industralist mentioned that has made a strategic alliance with a company of management of payments, ” If you do not count on a credit card, or she prefers to pay in cash, a easy form is realising his payment in any store Oxxo or Seven Eleven, from our page a bar code is given to him to realise the payment, you print it to you and it goes to his store but near, this modality of payment applies solely in Mxico”. Finally it commented with respect to the sales by telephone ” also we have increased reservations a traverse of our Call Center, we increased our group to 250 advisers of trips, which take care of calls the 24 hours of the day, we offer the best service to our clients, being our number (lada without cost): 01-800-272-0618 where with taste we will take care of all llamadas” it needed the industralist.

Human Resources? Concepts, Definitions And Planning

Friday, May 20th, 2016

Definitions Are a set of strategical principles and technician that contributed to attract, to keep, to motivate, to train and to develop the human patrimony of any organization. Another definition is supplied in them by TOLEDO (1986), according to which Human resources would be ' ' the branch of specialization of the science of the Administration who develops all the actions that have as objective the integration of the worker in the context of the organization and the increase of its produtividade' '. Ahead of this, it can be affirmed that this area of the organization deals with to the conscription, the election, the training, the development, the maintenance, the control and the evaluation of the employees of a company. Being thus, it can be considered that the existence of the area of Human resources directly is related to the improvement of the effectiveness of the employees in the companies, implying in the best organizacional effectiveness. (CHIAVENATO, 1981). Concepts To manage people if became an activity strategical inside of the companies, therefore the globalization and the acirramento of the competition had leveled the organizations in the products and the prices. Being thus, to each moment it is more important to select new employees who demonstrate capacity of absorption of new abilities and one strong trend to react positively to the motivacionais processes. The election of professionals with this profile, allied to the systems of evaluation of performance focados in results and complemented by motivacionais systems, will be able to take the companies if to detach in the market. Of this form, the adoption of the Management of People will be the great differential between the companies, since, each time more, the good attendance to the customers (internal and external), the rationalization of the costs, the care with the goods of the company (products, insumos and asset) and the permanent motivation of its Human resources will be basic conditions of survival in a market each more competitive and globalizado time.

So Paulo

Sunday, May 15th, 2016

This trend of formation of isolated land divisions of the nucleus most compact would have as root cause the real estate speculation, therefore the purchaser of isolated lots had the conscience of that the city would not delay in reaching the place, valuing it. According to Raquel Rolnik (2001: 17), are at this moment that if constitutes one of the first beddings of the urbanstica order that governs the city until the current historical moment: a central region onslaught for urbanism (with infrastructure, destined exclusively to the elites), opposed to a purely functional space, normally ' ' without regras' ' , distant of this center, where if they mix the world of the work and of the housing of the poor persons. Of this form, the land divisions in So Paulo of the end of century XIX and beginning of rich and poor century XX already disclose a space segregated between. It is with the immigration of free workers that occurs a clearer space landmark between classrooms, the masters and workers. The occupation of the calls ' ' quarters operrios' ' it was part of this strategy to segregate poor, in the case of So Paulo, direction to fertile valleys subject to flooding, considered unhealthy and citizens floodings, in opposition to hills, areas of the land divisions of the social classes of bigger incomes. the Register of Towers, in turn, is a differentiated form of register, therefore an accomplished time, supplies to the proprietor a heading with absolute force time that against it is not admitted test in the opposite. It is the only form of register that enjoys of this conclusive presumption in Brazil. These companies, acting in some sectors, had for objective, according to conclusion of Mnica Silveira Brito (2000: 22), to explore the different possibilities of involved income and profit in the real estate market, or the least if to consider to this, articulating the opening of land divisions with the construction of the habitations, the installation and exploration of services urban as water supply and collective transport, the production/commercialization of materials for construction and the cession of credit for acquisition of the property.

Genuine Inkjet Cartridge

Monday, May 9th, 2016

Simultaneously with a computer and a printer is usually acquired. Just a few years ago, the default printer is worth a lot of rubles, and the purchase of the cartridge to it too costly to. Due to the high cost for printing multiple copies of the document most often used copier, not the printer. But with technological progress, a gradual decrease in prices and increase in prosperity, printers began to become more popularity. When buying a printer, most people are interested in print speed, and only the most experienced of users pay attention to the cost model. Printer manufacturers use different tricks to increase sales of its products, such as large print report printing speed and resolution of the model.

However, if we have to print multipage documents, where in addition to black involved only one color (Eg, blue logo and black text), it is advisable to buy a printer, in which each color has a separate cartridge. In addition, buying a printer, you should first pay attention not to speed printing, and the performance of the cartridge. There are many ways to reduce the amount of ink and, therefore, increase the number of pages printed without changing the cartridge. We need to develop habits that reduce the amount of ink. One of the simplest ways is to transfer the printer is set to "draft". If the printed document is intended for personal use, work in this mode will significantly reduce the amount of ink.

Since models with similar technical specifications can be found at all manufacturers, selecting the printer you should pay particular attention to the performance of the ink cartridge. Some commercially available heavy-duty printers have cartridges that allow no additional cost to print 300 pages more. Some think it profitable to buy nefirmennye cartridges that are cheaper and serve the same term. The savings is not justified, since nefirmennyh cartridges are often used low-quality ink, so they quickly fade or smudge during printing. So, when buying a printer should first find out what the performance of the cartridge, and only then interested in print speed. Since the power cartridge and print quality is mainly dependent on the quality of the ink, although a firm ink and are more expensive, it is preferable to use them, because they increase the productivity of your printer.

Maria Agriculture

Sunday, May 1st, 2016

Ribeiro says: ' ' The fair free is one of the institutions most solid of Minas Gerais; mainly of the North, Northeast and the Northwest of the State. It is part of the economy and cultura' ' (RIBEIRO, 2006, p.97). For being one it and co-ordinated by the association of feirantes practises cultural regional, the fair of Major Prates keeps its permanence the twenty and five years, without aid governmental, that takes care of of all organizacional structure. A member of the association says: In 1985 one appears the fair of Major Prates getting numbers considerable of feirante, having the necessity to expand the fair. In 2005 association of feirantes is created that it searchs for improvements in the same one and takes care of of all organization opening chances to that they desire to commercialize. The Association has conscience of the commercial importance, therefore the fair contributes with the economy of familiar agriculture and also with it practises cultural regional. But this commercialization is a reality and a necessity for the agricultural families, therefore the ones that they get as profit helps in the familiar expenditure, complementing the income together with the governmental benefit (stock market family). Story of feirante Maria: I live in Saint next Barbara agricultural zone the Clear Mounts.

I and my family live of manual agriculture and have a small creation of animals (hens and pigs). We are part of familiar agriculture the only incomes that we have and the aid of the stock market family and of the sales that we get to the sundays in the fair (interviewed Mr. Maria). The agricultural families make use of little land, the majority of them practises a manual agriculture having as tools hoes and machetes for the agricultural manuscript. Because of the culture simplicity, many products lose in the plantation, for not having access the resources technician and financiers the agriculturists find difficulties to produce and to organize the commercialization.

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