Archive for December, 2017

Tao Tao Study

Friday, December 8th, 2017

It is not transmissible. You can either be object of study. Who knows you do not speak of the. Who speak do not know it. The more it’s define and describe, one more away from the. Why the Tao way is contrary to the path of the study. Through the study skills to accumulate they are piling up, and to dedicate yourself to the Tao are decreasing the acquired knowledge, until reaching even non – acting, without do by reaching not work nothing is same. ( the word Tao means road, path.

Some translators, following a later Chinese interpretation, describe it as celestial path due to a symbolic correspondence with the milky way. Others use the word rule or rule Celeste, being able to understand in a normative and dogmatic sense which does not correspond to the metaphysical conception of the Taoists. It seems much worse use of the term reason, which goes back, as we believe, to the versions of the missionaries. In addition to referring to the logical and discursive thought – that has nothing to do with the Tao – no note that Chinese prefer the implications of implicit in the concept image. Lao Tse is made, aware that his Tao is not a scientific acquisition. Men higher when they hear of him, follow him implicitly. Inferior men they doubt, and follow him as soon as they leave as soon as. Foolish men, when they hear talk of the they laugh out loud, not laugh out loud, it had not been of the true Tao Tao that can be named is not the Eternal Tao.The name that can be named is not the unchanging name.Non-existence is the beginning of heaven and Earth.The existence is the mother of everything.From the eternal non-existence we contemplate in calm the mysterious principle of the Universo.Desde the eternal existence we see with clarity the superficial distinctions.Existence and existence are not one and the same in its origin; They are only separated when they manifest themselves.This unit is called depth.

Advice To Invertir Your Money In Bottoms De Inversion

Thursday, December 7th, 2017

If you want to invest your money in bottoms, It holds to read these advice! I assure to you that they will be to you very useful so that your investment is everything a success. It is extremely important that you ask the managing organization any doubt that you have, you never forget that what is in game is your capital, and to ask always turns out to be an intelligent act. Tomato the time to compare options of bottoms according to the risk that each of them has and to your needs that logically you must define previously. On the other hand, if you are an inexperienced investor, he is always recommendable who you begin in investment societies, since it is the best way to arrive to finally know the market that surrounds to you and to win to him to the inflation. If you are young, it is recommended generally that you realise more aggressive investments; nevertheless, you must much more of being cautious with details like the terms of the bottom in which you invest. It is important also that at the time of choosing, you consider especially that one identity that more confidence gave you, where explained the risks more in detail to you than you run. To that you platique that you do not run risks and that the yields always will be high, is better than it discardings. To invest in bottoms can turn out to be quite advantageous, but never you forget that he is indispensable to know each detail your investment. Already mentioned yet, I hope that your next investment is everything a success and that these advice are to you of very many utility. Original author and source of the article

Web Race

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

In the Ferrari equipment one has been in favor of not using in the circuit of Silverstone the hard compound, when understanding that this one does not adapt well to 150 Italy. . " In the Great Prize of Great Britain the tires will be the duros and the soft ones, the same election that has marked the first part of campeonato" , del explains Alonso in the newspaper that arranges in the Web of Ferrari. " For us no longer it is a challenge, more than to demonstrate the capacity who we must to make work of the best way possible each neumtico" , it adds. " The tires are equal for all and is useless to discuss if the election of compounds favors to or to others. It depends on the equipment to know how to adapt and to improve the single-seater to remove the best thing from the tire, as much in benefits as in duration of the same " , it indicates the bichampion Spanish. Fernando Alonso also has written envelope which has done after the race of Valencia: " Finally rest.

After the weekend in Valencia I went directly to Maranello, where I have spent two days with different commitments, as much in the technical aspect as of promotion. This morning I have returned to house to have days of rest before the next Great Prize, this British ground time, in Silverstone". " In the equipment we have analyzed the last race and the development plans in the short and mid term. I take a beautiful memory of Valencia; it was a good weekend, especially in the race, that it filled a hollow in my collection of trophies. Tuna more was to see how the public enjoyed when I advanced to Mark (Webber); first in the track and later after the shutdown in boxes. To run in Spain always is something especial" , it adds.

" In Maranello I had the opportunity to know a pilot who made history in Formula 1 and Ferrari: John Surtees. We attend a promotional act organized by our technical partner ' Shell' and he was very interesting to speak with him and to compare the experiences of the pilots and, mainly, to share our way to live one escudera special like Ferrari. He is pleasant to meet some personages and knowledge of alive voice how tiempos&quot was Formula 1 in those; , it indicates Alonso. Source of the news: Alonso: " I do not have a crystal ball to affirm with certainty when ganaremos"

Two Deceptions Obama Black

Tuesday, December 5th, 2017

They are things that we can not wrong for more than good faith push to find hope after the faces, up secretly between the teeth. Of course, nothing healthier than read between the lines, as in intelligence work, searching for a signal, message, true intentionality of who in the midst of the policy cannot express beyond the moorings of his position and commitment. Why what was said? Is that we continue perhaps accusing the man of silly poor dreamer, padeciente of unreality left (as said Borges in one of his stories), shot by flying theories, lacking of earthliness, who does not understand the political game and passes it is letting go of the opportunity to interpret the signals between racks of speeches and gestures, forging uselessness to orient a political project? Probably. Am not talking today about Hugo Chavez or Barack Obama, the first facing to the left and the second as the big screen of the imperial gambit where have sought the signals to identify, figures (step) of great political responsibility with respect to which it is easy to infer accusations. For the case, the first has given samples always living under a State of alert, slope of the political scene and the wink of the eye of the contrary, denouncing him when he has sensed the fraud, the double discourse. Proof of this was the recent Summit of the Americas, at which wine Obama rehearsing speeches of fellowship then make the fool returning to his house; on the occasion, Venezuelan President was among the first to denounce it, with everything and that limiting diplomat has against her as head of State. The second seems already exhausted both drain the bulk. Cannot find how reconciling Redeemer discourse that led him to the Presidency of the United States with current practical position that forces it to be one piece of the framework where very powerful families domenan to the world’s population.


Monday, December 4th, 2017

Selfish desire to evolve only in man, whereas in all other parts of creation (Still, vegetative, animal) is unchanged. It is increasing desire to obtain new pleasures and finding ways to meet them and determine the level of civilization and all that we call a word "Progress." Due to the fact that we are constantly growing desire, humanity is moving forward. Selfishness develops along the time axis is gradually and continually: it increases quantitatively, and with the growth becomes qualitatively different desires. Macro-anthropology shared by the entire complex of human desires into five levels, each of which develops is a kind of pleasure: 1. primary desire – physical (food, shelter, procreation), 2. desire for wealth, 3.

the desire for honor, power and glory; 4. thirst for knowledge, 5. spiritual level – the desire to comprehend the meaning of life, the concept of creation. These levels are consistently appear in person for thousands of years to form stage of human development. Primary desires are also called "animal desires", as they are inherent and animals.

Even in isolation, a person experiences hunger and sexual desire. Desire wealth, power and knowledge – it is "human desires", as there are under the influence of social environment, and to meet them one must be with their own kind, that allows you to create classes and various hierarchical structure. In light of the concept review of such areas of human activity, such as culture, education, science and technology, leads us to conclude that it is developing in a person selfishness spawned all of our ideas, inventions and innovations.

HomeForHome – Worldwide Home Exchange

Saturday, December 2nd, 2017

Home Exchange is extremely exciting House – and apartment exchange. It is clear that if you have an apartment on the beach or in a very sought-after area, it receives more requests for a home Exchange. Actually there are many people with a villa or luxury apartments in major cities, which just a different place to the relax search. A large family can save up to thousands of euros for a home Exchange. The only really big money issue is the change of location, or the cost of transfer to the resort.

Once arrived, it spends just as much money as home. Many people who understand a home Exchange, do not, in order to save money, but also for fun, to make new experiences, adventure or simply to connect with other people. Although it appears at first foreign, home Exchange is very modern and each year the number of people who practice home Exchange is growing worldwide. Basically, home Exchange is that you be home against another person for a certain period of time in mutual Exchanges agreement. There is only one rule, at least in HomeForHome: so leave the House or apartment, you’ve found it. As also your home exchange partner will make it, so you should treat his house, as if it were their own. The majority of the exchanges will take place at the same time, but there is no rule. There are many people who change at different times, the House with another family.

Statistically, the cars are replaced with. The money for a car with an exchange of the cars are either way saved. Everything depends on whether it is required in the area and the type of home Exchange. In all offers for the exchange of houses is pointed out explicitly whether or not animals are allowed. The home Exchange in practice to implement, is enough to register, using the appropriate form, to introduce the House and with other members in connection set. Curious? Tried it but just out of fun. Carmen V.

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