Commercial Ethics

The levels of ethical standards understood to be moderate or low for the superior managers in: In its proper professions or commerce: 53,8% In the commercial community in general: 74,4% In youth in the work: 77,4% However, it must be recognized that optimum voluntary code is only efficient, if the advice of director of the emprea to determine that it must be. The directors must assume the responsibility to verify the application and the comment of the codes of the company, being recognized that they can be half staff to free its obligations to conserve the legal and moral criteria of the company. It is understandable that, in the present situation of great corruption and legal uncertainties very spread out, much company that look international contracts, they are reluctant in running the risk to lose businesses for that they pay bribes. However, all the company can welcome give to the Anti-Corruption Pacts taxes for certain countries to all the adjudicatrios of main contracts public. In these Pacts, all the players start in the level of the field of games and, although still to subsistir some risk of bribe, it greatly it is reduced. It seems to be a considerable objectivo of the associations and international professional federacies to include a mandatria clause anti-corruption in its ethical codes, with expulsion of its members as sanction for not the observance.

When such association is strong in terms of world-wide associates, its members has relatively little to fear in relation to the not-members that gain an unjust advantage with the bribe. For example, the financial institutions can be considered as supporting members of an adjusted professional association against the not-members. Finally, the company of the private sector must recognize that the great corruption is the enemy of the high standards and the efficiency. When a decisor is influenced by a bribe, is created chances for the executants below of the average to gain a contract to the cost of those whose product, reputation or ability would become them the probable winners of a competition joust.


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