General Company

A law, dated of 1680 also existed, that it forbade the escravizao of indians in lands of the colony. However, the proper heads of province ignored these prohibitions, what she generated serious conflicts between the colonists and the diverse operating religious missions in the region. To skirt the conflicts and to guarantee the man power, the solution was the adoption of the existing slavery of blacks already in other regions of Brazil. The flow of black slaves increased considerably from the second half of century XVIII, when the State of Grain-Par and Maranho was formed, tying the administration of the region directly Portugal. The purchase of black slaves was subsidized by the General Company of Commerce of Grain-Par and Maranho in exchange for the monopoly of the commerce in the Amazon region.

In the period that invigorated of 1755 the 1778, the company more than brought to the region 25 a thousand slaves. Of this total, 15 a thousand if had approximately established where today it is the State of Par. With the extinguishing of the company, the commerce of slaves continued, however in lesser number. From this time, the blacks had started to come of other regions of the country or through the contraband. The traffic remained active until the first decades of century XIX.

The slaves brought of Africa had worked in agricultural activities (in the tobacco and cacao, cotton, sugar cane-of-sugar farms), in the extrativismo of the calls ' ' drugs of serto' ' (as the cinnamon, vanilla, cravo, the aromatical roots, salsaparrilha, urucum and the oleaginosas seeds), beyond serving in domestic works and public and private urban constructions. The increase of offers of African man power in the Amaznia did not eliminate the aboriginal slavery. ' ' Blacks of terra' ' ' ' blacks of the frica' ' they had divided, for much time, the same work world.


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