England Brazil

Happily the English is offered in some schools of initial series, in special of the state of the Paran, exactly that in experimentation character, by means of projects developed for city halls. In Cornlio Procpio, one of the cities that year offers to English of 1 to 5, is in development the extension project ' ' A Colaborativa Action between the University and the Municpio' ' , which is a partnership enters the course of Letters of the Uenp and the Municipal City hall, that it aims at to the insertion of the English language in the basic resume of the initial series of Basic Ensino, for then, the education of the related language to leave the experimental character and to consolidate themselves legally in the resume for its excellent importance, as well as excessively disciplines. 1. The FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN the FORMATION OF the LEARNING the influence of the foreign language in Brazil, in special the English, already becomes gift in Brazil since the beginning of century XVI, with the bond created between Brazil and England. To this time, the only objective of if knowing a LE if limited the easiness of the diplomatical relations enter the countries (YOU MARK, 2010). Also after World War II, importance of if learning English if made necessary for the great dependence of Brazil in relation to the United States (PARAN, 2008). Today, with the existing cultural diversity in the world, the importance of a foreign language in the cultural luggage of an individual exceeds the diplomatical questions between countries, putting in xeque questions concerning the insertion of this individual in the society, making it to act in its context in critical, reflexiva and active way in order to transform its half one into a better place. The pupil in the world contemporary if finds immersed in a world, where the English is present in musics, films, videogames, in the Internet, in products, trade names among others.


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