
(B) identification of the SOCIAL reason.-this procedure is performed to avoid that the name you have chosen for that society to double that of other societies. To do this follow these steps: 1. propose names or social reason to society. 2 Select the name. He is the procedure of identification of the social reason in the public records office, against payment of the fee.

C) certificate of search MERCANTILE and request of reservation of name or company name.-after which that Office delivers a constancy of search (certificate of commercial search) which States whether or not there is another company with that name. If not applicable the name proposed by you; in positive case, you will need to choose another name and restart the procedure. These formalities are carried out at offices register of Lima, Callao and regionales. the commercial search involves checking if there is a name equal or similar to the company that you will be. the reservation of corporate name allows you to reserve a name for a period of 30 days.

From the searching of! to denomination, your company will be object of observations by the public Registrar or third parties when you want to register it. D) formalities at the INDECOPI.-If you want to associate the appellation or social reason to particular product or service, have to perform an additional search in the Indecopi. Once you are sure that there is a trade name or brand of product or service equal or similar to yours, please register that become the brand owner for 10 years. for registration you must submit an application and make a payment. After 15 days will give you an order of publication of notice that will have that make effective in the journal el peruano. After the publication, the name can be observed within a period of 30 days. There is no inconvenience, you You can collect your registration in 15 days.


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