Integrated Control

The IOCB still detaches that the presence of residues of insecticides and acaricidas on the fruits in the harvest must diminish increasing it the maximum the stated periods of lack and scrumbling it the minimum the chemical treatments in regimen of after-harvest. When possible, application directed of products sends regards to it directly on the targets and must be established the maximum volume of Calda applied for hectare in function of the volume or transport of the plant. atual.REFERNCIAS also sends regards that the people carry through the applications with knowledge and training in spraying techniques, respecting itself always to the CONSULTED BIBLIOGRAPHICAL legislation: GALLI, J.C. ; PAZINI, W.C. Selectivity of Inseticidas and Acaricidas: it emends for disciplines of chemical Control and Selectivity for Arthropods of the CPG/Entomologia Agrcola/FCAV-UNESP.

Jaboticabal-SP, 2011. 30p.GRAHAM-BRYCE, I.J. Chemical methods. IN: BURN, A.J. ; COAKER, T.H.


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