
To speak of the agricultural one in the region is to speak of the proper experience: many people have roots in the field, had grown hearing the parents to tell the reality, had lived the popular manifestations, the favorable situations to the small producer. The research was carried through first through bibliographical survey periodicals, regarding basic concepts on the relations between field and city, culture, economy and the place of study. After that detailed information had searched more on the object of study through field research, in which the verbal history of inhabitants and former-inhabitants was rescued through interviews not structuralized, informal. An iconographic survey (old photos of the place) next to the inhabitants was also become fullfilled. In the occasion recent photos of the place had been carried through.

It fits to stand out the difficulty for the attainment of data, since the memories of these places are if losing, do not consist registers of moments important, few photos, the scarce information exist: at last, the unfamiliarity of the people brings a past without register. The main sources of the research are the verbal depositions and the pages of relationships of the Internet in which it can? if to get some information for the story of saudosos former-inhabitants of its old quarter, beyond the personal experience of the author. What it is agricultural quarter? When if it speaks of agricultural, one mentions an integrated universe to it the Brazilian society, is not about an isolated place, but yes of a society that participates actively of the economy of the country, produces, consumes and in them it brings historical particularitities, social and cultural. The agricultural term is defined through history for different meanings, has some types of agricultural reality, therefore they depend on global factors, and local factors. Until century XVII, the agricultural way presents primary importance for the society, possessing bigger productivity and greater population that the city.


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