Analysis Info-product

In order to do this anlisi you must start off of the following questions: 1. – Who is your hearing? 2. -Which are their needs or problems? 3. -Have they knowledge on the subject? 4. -They know and they understand the technical terms of the subject? 5. -Exactly what is what they want that your you teach to them? 6. -They try that you teach to them step by step? 7.

-For which type of information your hearing would be arranged to pay? DESIGN This is the main part of the process, this is the step where you write the content of your info-product trying to cover the previous points with the Analysis. When you are writing the content simpre ten in mind That objective the reader with this block of content is obtaining? . You will have to take into account the following questions at the time of writing up the content. 1. -Which is the best way to organize the content of the info-product? 2. -I must include activities and exercises? 3. -How I must present/display the content to my readers? 4.

-How the reader will evaluate if he is learning what I am teaching to him? 5. -Which is the best format to give your content? The answers to these questions will help a you: a) How it must be organized the content. b) How it must be the interactions of the people with the content. c) How it will be the cronogram of activities to create the product. d) How you will evaluate or try if the people learned with the content of your course. DEVELOPMENT In this step the content of your info-product or must be writing, nevertheless certain content can be created in this step, in the development you begin to create your info-product or to take it to the format that will be used to give it. In this step you can personally take part from the development of the info-product depends on the delivery format, by ejempo if you created a course of How to create blog? and you consider that you are not very agile making video-tutorial, then you can contract a person who is in charge to take the content to the tutorial videos and soon she will be called on to you to review that the previous putos of the content are respected. IMPLEMENTATION This is the step that you have hoped finally you will begin to commercialize your info-product to your hearing, in this step you must create the bill of sale of the product and the system that you will use to commercialize it, re prudent you must pre-send to your product with big drums and subjects of gossip. Here you will know the acceptance your product and will begin to receive feedback. EVALUATION In this step you must evaluate the quality of the content, the design, and the format of delivery, you can evaluate it to this with the feedback with the people who acquire your product, in addition hazte the following questions: 1. -The people are enjoying when studying the info-product? 2. -They are reaching the learning objectives? 3. -Where can be made changes to improve the content the activities or the delivery of the product? Once you have completed your evaluation, it takes the information that you found and it improves your product to relaunch it like the version 2.


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