Architecture Space

In an extremely hard composition of baroque architecture space is constructed rhythmically dynamic. This trend is subject to, and color. It loses its substantive importance and becomes an abstract vehicle color space and ultimately used to deepen the illusion of space. The work of Viennese artist Maulberga (1724-1796) clearly demonstrate the principles of Baroque works with color. In painting, the era of Empire and Classical color schemes in effect limited the use of black, white and gray colors that are enlivened by a few moderately chromatic colors. Realistically such, restrained style of painting has been superseded romanticism. Start the Romantic movement in painting is identified with the work of British artists, with names Turner (1775-1 851) and Constable (1776-1837). In Germany, the largest representatives of romanticism were Caspar David Friedrich (1774-1840) and Philipp Otto Runge (1777-1810).

The artists used color in this direction, primarily as a means of emotional effects that can convey 'mood' landscape. In his paintings of Constable, for example, there is a uniform green color, since he created it from the smallest of gradual transitions from light to dark, from cold to warm, from tonally faint to bright. As a result, the color of the surface gave the impression of living and mysterious. Turner has created several non-objective color compositions that suggest his first 'abstractionist' among European artists. Delacroix (1798-1863), while in London, saw the works of Constable and Turner, the color scheme that made him so impressive that on returning to Paris he rewrote some their work in the same spirit, and it created a sensation at the Paris Salon of 1820.


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