Balneal Park Hotel

The production of Godoy found space in countries as United States, China, Japan, France, England and Germany. In Saints, in an only exposition in the Balneal Park Hotel, arrived to vender all the 102 displayed pictures. Its favourite subject is the human face. Great retratista, adept photograph painter, collector, was known as ' ' painter of cabeas' ' , mainly for its taste in portraying ' ' black color velho' '. Beyond the figures human beings it liked to paint landscapes and to restore workmanships as the several of Guiomar Fagundes, Benedicto Calixto, Oscar Pear tree Da Silva, Peter Alexandrino and all the quantity of the Saint Casa de Misericrdia de Santos. The technique of restoration, used in its workshop in Advising avenue Nbias, 262, was taught by Altini. To work in restoration was alone in days of much sun so that the light allowed to catch the flick of the painter and to have a fast drying.

Godoy hugged Saints as if it was its native land as it shows its speaks when it received the heading from Santista Citizen: ' ' I am santista of what many that had been born in this city. I love this land ' ' Sanseverino, was a painter who if dedicated to the study of navies. For of the sun and the brightness of moonlight if they alternate in its screens, that show to rocks and the waves of the sea breaking in the beach. A painter who repeated its scenes, varying some blue details or the tonality used in its and green ones, searching contemplativo and little suggestive a result. J. Sanseverino had a great production and good moments of sales, alternating phases more difficult and phases, modestly, more favorable. Although the subject (sea), to demand screens of great dimensions, the painter had a series of lesser pictures, what it made possible a reduction in the value of the workmanship, facilitating the commerce.


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