Black Plague

From the new forms of social organization, the vision of the society divided in three invariant orders passed to be questioned, sanctions as well as it social left exclusively of being decurrent of the land ownership. The money accumulation (capital), it started to be seen as a form of social asceno (seed of the Capitalism). It was appearing a new set of values, beliefs and traditions called for the historians of Modern Mentality. In the field, considering the custosa and little productive servitude very, had looked for to you to breach with contracts of obligator service and had organized a mixing system with wage-earners and free arrecandatarios, that second its vision produced more. However, exactly with the alterations in the production system many times the amount of foods was not enough for the population, generating increase of the prices and hunger.

The deficiency of the feeding and the lack of hygiene in the urban centers had favored the appearance of illnesses and epidemics as the Black Plague, for example. As well as a series of wars between the European regions, in sc.XIV and XV, being the main a War of the One hundred Years, between English and Frenchmen. To the few the old way of life was being substituted for another one, after the end of the Average Age, characterized for the production of excesses, for the commercialization on a large scale, wage-earning work, new order politics, for a new mentality and I accumulate of money. Valley to stand out, that many characteristics of the Average Age continued existing in the Modern period, as for example, the majority of the Europeans continued liveing in the field. On the other hand, the seeds of a new age sprouted. Amongst them, they are distinguished the balance between the two classrooms, since the bourgeoisie enriched each time more, the technological new features had gained prominence with the firearms (cannons), the invention of the press, caravelas, the steel mill, asiderurgia, etc.


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