Brazil Automobile Activity

The company in principle did not obtain great productive expression, therefore of any form she kept the strategy to be present in a inexpressivo market in relation to the European and American. The boxed vehicles arrived at the country and disassembled, the first product was the Ford T that got great acceptance. The decision of if installing in the country left of the proper Henry Ford that objectified to produce the rubber of the proper tires of its cars, established a city, the Fordlandia in the state of Par, where they would be planted seringueiras. That is, the American company had strategical interests in what she refers to its performance in the Brazilian market. The General Motors arrived at the country in 1925, installing itself in a small shed in the So Paulo quarter of the Ipiranga.

It initiates its activity with capacity of production of 25 daily cars. From the great gotten commercial success (the company the same entered the sales of 5.597 vehicles in year), GM was seen needed to extend its production for 40 daily cars. In 1930 in the city moves to a land of 45.000m of Is Caetano of the South. At this moment the country if showed as a promising market, and its sales already revealed of some excellent form. The Volkswagem is implanted in Brazil from 1953 and in the same way that GM and Ford only mount its vehicles Fusca and Kombi, that had arrived at the country disassembled in boxes in system CKD. The great data of this moment are that the national fleet in the period between 1920 and 1930 jumped of 30.000 units for 250.000 units, that is, an increase of 90% in 10 years.


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