Capitalist Production

In the ticket in the Way of feudal Production for the capitalism, changes in the old way of production had been observed that they corroborate with the marxist analysis. Not the stimulaton the hand of enslaved workmanship, entravando all the process of development of the productive forces was one of the factors internal more important for the aceleramento of the fall in the way of feudal production. As external factor it is distinguished the constant Roman conflicts, culminating with the defeat for the Barbarians.

Of this form the estagnadas relations of production are had initially, hindering changes in the productive forces. In the Way of capitalist production the work force leaves of to be enslaved and the development process if it becomes each efficient time faster e. Let us see the main characteristics in the way of capitalist production, according to Hunt (1989): ) Production of merchandises guided by the market the value of the product of the human work in the capitalism is given by two distinct reasons: value of use and value of exchange. The products can be vendidos in the market because they have value and the productive activity of a person in has any direct bonding with its consumption. Economic Inter-relations and extremely complex dependences exist and that they do not involve interaction and direct personal association. The individual only interacts with the impersonal social institution of the market, in which it changes to merchandises for currency and currency for merchandises. In the reality what if it observes is only one series of impersonal relations between things, that is, between merchandises. Each individual depends on the impersonal forces of the market of purchase and sales, or offers and looks for, for satisfaction of its necessities. b) Private property of the means of production? The society of a certain people the right to determine as raw materials, tools, scheme and buildings destined to the production can be used.


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