Commercial Production

Multimedia advertising in the Internet – professional and original advertising on the Web with audiovisual stimuli takes more and more, as well as in the importance to withdraw from others with his own Videprodukt. Creative ideas are needed.As in a previous article of mine, I already counted on the example to make an image film funny and humorous. Of course, you can themselves also other options or combine them with each other. A company or a product may be advertised as quite outlandish: so that a context between video production and finally advertised product is not visible. However, the viewers through an original designed image film with an equally original idea is impressed by this so-called viral spot and ultimately keeps the company in the head for the spot actually advertises. “You know already the advertising of company X?” is it then and the commercial and Imagefilm is dozen times clicked on YouTube and share sent, whether by mail or on Facebook.

Not only, that is as a result of the name of the company or just the product distributed, to do this, the image is gesfestigt. I will mention a understandable and common example for this: namely the HORNBACH commercials. There are dozens of you on TV and even more in the same style in the Internet on the relevant known video platforms. Through these witty or humorous spots attaches itself in the subconscious of spectators and viewers, that this hardware store company is smart and casual, humorous and dynamically, or also “young”. This greatly helps the good corporate image and spread it even. Also allows to conclude that the ad agency that has the spots come up, has done everything right and was able to secure as a regular customers of a certain size – was the recipe for success.

Although this is again an example which was based on witty ideas, but it’s just the other way around. Shocking commercials such as the awareness campaign “Give AIDS no chance” where cruel dictators such as Hitler and Stalin as a mass murderer compared with HIV are arousing attention and also repulsive safe for many and tasteless – but partly stuck in the mind of the beholder they, as well as the background of the whole. Conclusion: A corporate film or a commercial for companies, products, or even events, are often necessary to mihalten to and proliferate on the World Wide Web. Now the chaff is separated from the wheat, which can – convince spot with quality, originality and a similarly individual idea to differentiate themselves from the bead from video clips.


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