Commercial Renaissance

Another called phenomenon ' ' renaissance comercial' ' it appeared, opening space for the commerce of come exotic products in its majority of countries of the east. The Italian ports had been to the main door of entrance of the new products and also of illnesses as the black plague, brought for the infested rats of fleas, contaminated with a mortal bacillus. The first one I occasion of the plague occurred in Italy in 1347 and new pandemics if they had spread over all the Europe. The effect of plague had been devastadores, in no region the loss of life was minor who one tero of the population. This picture generated innumerable revolts of the population peasant against you, and also of the bourgeois ones that the order and the protection of the population demanded Dos Reis. This was the picture that led to the increase of the real power and the reinforcement of the power of the State being able on them local. Thus the feudal world was ruindo, and giving space for the birth of the Modern Age.

Conclusion We can conclude that the concept of Average Age was idealized in the period of the renaissance. The reason of the creation of this concept appeared for the fact of that many historians had made certain judgment of value of this time, as having been a period ' ' negro' ' of the history of the humanity. Thus, we arrive at the conclusion of that the world was marked by three great times, of which, only two times had witnessed human development in the intellectual and cultural plan: the time of the Greeks and of the modern inventions. Thus, the Average Age was seen as a time of retrocession of the thought, of intellectual delay, scientific and cultural. A period where the domain of the faith erased ' ' luzes' ' of the reason and it braked the development. During some centuries after the ending of the Average Age, the term was each time more seen of negative form, and fortified for another stronger concept of: ' ' Age of the Trevas' '. The blackout idea fulled, and until today it persists in appearing in the didactic book pages. From century XX, some scholars had started to better study the thought and the productions of that time, and had understood that the idea was a wrong thought of that the Average Age had not produced something of excellent.

Many of the inventions and discoveries of the Modern Age were hidden in the Average Age, however, the thinkers of this time, form some only had the faith as main base of its action. They had thought and looked for to give to answers for great questions that tormented the human spirit, either in the philosophical, social plan, economic politician and. Great thinkers as You take Aquino, Saint Augustin, Peter Abelardo, amongst others, had developed thought systems on: politics, justice, logic and other areas of the human knowledge. Therefore, the idea is missed to appraise the Average Age as the Age of the Darknesses. We, futures professors, will have that to assume the responsibility for the implantation of this new vision on the Average Age in classroom. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES Le Goff, Jacques (2003). The medieval roots of the Europe. Translation of Jaime. the Clasen. 3c Reviewed Ed. Petrpolis, RIO DE JANEIRO: publishing company voices, 2010. 387 P. Everaldo Rufino Da Silva Graduating History


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