Companies Sector

According to evermind, Spanish multinational of computer science engineering, every time is plus the companies that are sent to the world of the movable applications, mainly looking for services of CRM (Management of the Relations with the clients) and geolocalizacin. Nevertheless, analyzing the tens of requests that receive on the part of the companies, the needs are very varied. Hospitals, companies of leisure, chains of supermarkets and banks are some of the companies that already are asking for to companies like evermind the development of applications for adapted movable devices to its needs. According to the prediction of the Gartner consultant, in 2014 the 90 percent of the organizations will use enterprise applications in their movable devices since they count whereupon the use of smartphones between its public is already very considerable and goes in continuous increase. Of this form, the sector of the pharmaceutical industry looks for applications to visualize the guide of references of medecines, a tool that would allow them to update at the moment, the changes that take place in their catalogues after the sale of a certain product. Also in the sector health, the hospitals are looking for the form that their doctors can have by hand and always updated files of the patients. The banks require tools of visualization of the movements and the sector consumption usually begins with the service of CRM (management of the relations with the clients).

The sector of the restoration scores, in the same way, to the world of the movable applications. Some restaurants already have asked for applications so that the clients know their location, the supplies and even which is the meal of the day. With respect to the difference between countries, evermind assures that England, where also it has soothes, goes passages in front of Spain. This must to that in this country a greater number of great companies exists, which are before sent to bet by the new technologies, whereas the Spanish enterprise weave is constituted essentially by SMEs, that they take more in adapting to the new ones tendencies and are now when they begin to think about these services.


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