Dreams Exist

Edson Silva I believe that many also remember films and series with histories on brilliant inventors and half malucos that they develop machines that allow to travel for the time, being covered the past or future. Normally engenhocas, capsules or tunnels capable are great to shelter some people, everything very illuminated by rays and sparks, stuffed of fantastic explosions. What I could not imagine is that machines of the time and dreams exist yes and are very different of that we came in the fiction of the screens of the cinemas and TVs. They are small, individual, she has accessible prices and can at any time be used or in any place. Finding maluquice or literally ‘ ‘ viagem’ ‘? I explain, we travel in the time when we endow a simple device with cellular telephone with collections of musics in MP3. In mine in case that, the taste is for the good times of Msica Brazilian Popular (MPB) and some good talentos that are appearing, but is little recognized for the media, that it prefers to massificar trams, ‘ ‘ batides’ ‘ , pagodes and sertanejo, segments that also its public has, who deserves respect for the choice right. But, in my particular machine of the time, the random choice of musics, for example, carried me in seconds to the times from the college Athenaeum, in 78, the sonorous track was Milton Birth singing ‘ ‘ Promises of Sol’ ‘. Until it seems that I heard rica to say that my voice was still more thick when singing cited music to the chapel.

had always come to the thought as many friends, Isabel, Gisele, Spanish Rachel, Ftima, Isaiah, Erval, Chilean lex, Young, Jai, Asshi, Helenice, the Paulinho, being that this last meeting in the games of the Guarani. Dynamics, the portable and particular machine of the time surprises at the pretty voice of Elis Regina to the foot of our ears; the Vandr arguing against a multitude that supported ‘ ‘ vaiando’ ‘ its competitors and the jury, that did not make winner magnificent ‘ ‘ Pr not to say that I did not speak of flores’ ‘. To the impatient public, Vandr says that Jobim (Antonio Carlos) and Chico Buarque de Hollanda deserved respect. The composers ‘ ‘ venceram’ ‘ the festival with Wise person, since the juries had been guided not to premiar music that made propaganda of the guerrilla, resulted: the loser ‘ ‘ Caminhando’ ‘ Vandr it turned then hymn of the freedom, of the left. Still it was in the festival of the agitated year of 68, when the machine of carries me to the time to 82, the first year of college, in the Puc-Campinas. The brothers gauchos Kleiton and Kledir alert that ‘ ‘ He gave pr you, low astral, I go pr Porto Alegre, tchau ‘ ‘ the souvenirs if mix more, the abominable attempt to place bombs in a stuffed show of artists and public.

The friends of ‘ ‘ Facul’ ‘: Toninho, Clia, Link, Eliane, Sandrini, Cidinha, ‘ ‘ Edisons’ ‘ (Luis and Geraldo), the Teixeira, Joo, Miguel, Bocatto, Fly and as much others that the life places in ‘ ‘ Lista’ ‘ of that it has much time we do not see, as the Oswaldo Montenegro says. It makes me to MPB to travel in the time and prevail good souvenirs, how much nostalgia leaves it for pagodeiros and listeners of sertanejo. Edson Silva, 48 years, journalist, was born in Campinas and works as assessor of the press in Sumar.


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