Human Resources? Concepts, Definitions And Planning

Definitions Are a set of strategical principles and technician that contributed to attract, to keep, to motivate, to train and to develop the human patrimony of any organization. Another definition is supplied in them by TOLEDO (1986), according to which Human resources would be ' ' the branch of specialization of the science of the Administration who develops all the actions that have as objective the integration of the worker in the context of the organization and the increase of its produtividade' '. Ahead of this, it can be affirmed that this area of the organization deals with to the conscription, the election, the training, the development, the maintenance, the control and the evaluation of the employees of a company. Being thus, it can be considered that the existence of the area of Human resources directly is related to the improvement of the effectiveness of the employees in the companies, implying in the best organizacional effectiveness. (CHIAVENATO, 1981). Concepts To manage people if became an activity strategical inside of the companies, therefore the globalization and the acirramento of the competition had leveled the organizations in the products and the prices. Being thus, to each moment it is more important to select new employees who demonstrate capacity of absorption of new abilities and one strong trend to react positively to the motivacionais processes. The election of professionals with this profile, allied to the systems of evaluation of performance focados in results and complemented by motivacionais systems, will be able to take the companies if to detach in the market. Of this form, the adoption of the Management of People will be the great differential between the companies, since, each time more, the good attendance to the customers (internal and external), the rationalization of the costs, the care with the goods of the company (products, insumos and asset) and the permanent motivation of its Human resources will be basic conditions of survival in a market each more competitive and globalizado time.


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