Indigo Children

Club parents 'indigo children' in Moscow is closed, but not because of elitism, it's just a necessary precaution, because without understanding and, most importantly, trained adults 'star' child – it is always white crow among their peers. Meanwhile, the phenomenon of so-called "indigo children" has long been exploring the world's best psychologists. These children, so named for the color of their aura, now called the children of light, a new civilization or generation of the new millennium. They are familiar with the angels and other worlds, other times remember who they were in a past life, and know why they came into this world. The existence of the aura or astral body, now accepted by virtually all scientists.

Aura – this expression of the force field of the human body. Just as the electric, the force field is a person of different color. Richer field of energy and with higher frequency oscillations (frequency property as inherent to electricity) – from blue-gray to dark blue. Indigo. Children with such an aura of color – a generation with very special qualities that we are used to assign a clairvoyant psychics and sorcerers.

They were always, at all times and in all civilizations, and were considered geniuses or obsessed. Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci, Lomonosov – typical indigo. According to the newspaper 'version', all authors of books about 'indigo children' describe that in contrast to normal children, such children are born with an already codified in an internal moral code. They are very well aware of what a 'good – not good, it is dangerous – not dangerous.


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