
Selfish desire to evolve only in man, whereas in all other parts of creation (Still, vegetative, animal) is unchanged. It is increasing desire to obtain new pleasures and finding ways to meet them and determine the level of civilization and all that we call a word "Progress." Due to the fact that we are constantly growing desire, humanity is moving forward. Selfishness develops along the time axis is gradually and continually: it increases quantitatively, and with the growth becomes qualitatively different desires. Macro-anthropology shared by the entire complex of human desires into five levels, each of which develops is a kind of pleasure: 1. primary desire – physical (food, shelter, procreation), 2. desire for wealth, 3.

the desire for honor, power and glory; 4. thirst for knowledge, 5. spiritual level – the desire to comprehend the meaning of life, the concept of creation. These levels are consistently appear in person for thousands of years to form stage of human development. Primary desires are also called "animal desires", as they are inherent and animals.

Even in isolation, a person experiences hunger and sexual desire. Desire wealth, power and knowledge – it is "human desires", as there are under the influence of social environment, and to meet them one must be with their own kind, that allows you to create classes and various hierarchical structure. In light of the concept review of such areas of human activity, such as culture, education, science and technology, leads us to conclude that it is developing in a person selfishness spawned all of our ideas, inventions and innovations.

HomeForHome – Worldwide Home Exchange

Home Exchange is extremely exciting House – and apartment exchange. It is clear that if you have an apartment on the beach or in a very sought-after area, it receives more requests for a home Exchange. Actually there are many people with a villa or luxury apartments in major cities, which just a different place to the relax search. A large family can save up to thousands of euros for a home Exchange. The only really big money issue is the change of location, or the cost of transfer to the resort.

Once arrived, it spends just as much money as home. Many people who understand a home Exchange, do not, in order to save money, but also for fun, to make new experiences, adventure or simply to connect with other people. Although it appears at first foreign, home Exchange is very modern and each year the number of people who practice home Exchange is growing worldwide. Basically, home Exchange is that you be home against another person for a certain period of time in mutual Exchanges agreement. There is only one rule, at least in HomeForHome: so leave the House or apartment, you’ve found it. As also your home exchange partner will make it, so you should treat his house, as if it were their own. The majority of the exchanges will take place at the same time, but there is no rule. There are many people who change at different times, the House with another family.

Statistically, the cars are replaced with. The money for a car with an exchange of the cars are either way saved. Everything depends on whether it is required in the area and the type of home Exchange. In all offers for the exchange of houses is pointed out explicitly whether or not animals are allowed. The home Exchange in practice to implement, is enough to register, using the appropriate form, to introduce the House and with other members in connection set. Curious? Tried it but just out of fun. Carmen V.

Executive Customer

If you must conduct a survey within the process, invoke functionality so that the form step by step carried it by each one of the questions make you. Finally if your organization works (cross selling) cross-selling strategies you can leverage to talk to the customer about the new product that has not yet bought and registered in CRM customer profile that fits. Reports and queries on the system allows, the call center supervisor and the person in charge of service to the client in the Organization, review the management and efficiency of the agents in the resolution of the requests of the customers.You can analyze types of requests are the most frequent, which are more time taken in responding to the customer, how many are resolved in service agreements established by the company and which agents should improve its performance to meet the Organization’s standards. Similarly the areas of sales and marketing of your organization are aware of the management conducted with the customer so that in the next commercial visit the Executive’s account, then going to be aware of latest calls that the client made to the Contact Center. SalesLogix is a CRM tool that covers excellent customer care processes.Some of the features that gives you SalesLogix include: account management and contacts management of incidents (Tickets) returns management follow-up to defects asset management contract management service database of knowledge and fast searches management activities and calendar integration with other applications, queries and searches in system reports and business intelligence (BI) reporting and alerts self-service for customers (SalesLogix Customer Portal) Portal workflow (WorkFlow) multiple interfaces () operationWindows, Web and mobile) in conclusion, SalesLogix provides functionality and Platform for your organization automate service processes to the customer, ensuring that you have a comprehensive vision of information enabling a competitive difference for your company in the market.

Companies Successfully To Make Is Simply

United planet in practical video tutorials shows how with a series of new video tutorials the software manufacturer United planet now offers insight into the innovative functionalities of modern enterprise portals. In short, practical video clips viewers learn how they create their own applications with just a few mouse clicks, integrate data from MS Exchange or the ERP system into the portal and how they put this data in the blink of an eye on your Smartphone. Fribourg, January 31, 2011. The future of business organization solutions that manage information centrally and distribute in all the right places, electronic mapping business processes, automated run and best yet mobile available to make the whole. This saves resources and creates time to care about the basics.

The platform-independent portal software Intrexx of the Freiburg software producer United planet allows small businesses and medium-sized companies in any industry, with just a few mouse clicks an individual enterprise portal with many applications to assemble, to handle the daily work processes even more efficient thanks to the mobile functionality of Intrexx also from on the road. This efficiency-enhancing Intrexx Portal principle works, United planet shows how well various videos on his website ( These tutorials explain how easy it is to create your own Web applications and then easily to configure it for access from a mobile device (Smartphone, Tablet PC) in a few minutes. The tutorials present based on good screens, business processes through electronic workflows are automated and this significantly simplifies and accelerates. Viewers see how can MS Exchange or MS Office documents Portal data and services integrated into the enterprise and organized there. In addition, they see how they incorporate ERP data from the SAP system of the company to the individual portal applications to continue working in. More tutorials give an insight into business applications in the Intrexx Application store are available.

Glazed French Windows

Surface impregnation applied lacquer coating or tinting. The thickness of the box in the Norwegian windows typically 98 mm and the thickness of the valves – 68 mm, the opening is carried out in two planes. As already mentioned in the beginning, there are windows, in principle, have no loops. They opened a show frame vertically up and fixing it there. These windows are characteristic for all the houses of old England – narrow, high, often equipped with a multipart binding, they are called “English”. Using the binding of small squares goes back to the days when the glass produced in the form of small plates, which are then cut and inserted into the frame. Typically English windows have single glazing, two rows of frames set is extremely rare.

Plus lifting boxes is that the open frame is not “invade” the space of the room. The downside – the principle of this design, which is essentially the principle of the guillotine. Malfunction in a holding frame mechanism can lead to irreparable consequences. Glazed French style shows a broad panoramic windows to the floor, revealing that it is quite possible to go into the garden or on the terrace. Usually they have a built-in decorative layout inside the glass or split into sections, why are large windows “in the box.” , the window unit in the French style is made without the impost – a rigidly fixed bridge, at which the fixed wing. Most often used shtulpovoe connection or a frame with sliding mechanism.

Money and eBooks

Creating your own products of information If these looking for the way to generate additional income from your own house, the business of creating and of selling information products is ideal for you. Even if or these promoting products of other people like affiliates, generating income with Google Adsense, or creating your own list of voluntary subscribers are nothing no better than to sell your own products of information to take your business in Internet to the following level. There are some reasons here: 1. An own product of information offers to majors gains you and you have complete control on the quality of the product. 2. It helps you to create credibility right away since when writing a information product you have demonstrated that you know one or two subjects on your niche of market. 3. Your products of information will become income liabilities.

Thus it is, would take a little effort and time you to create them, but the beautiful thing of information products is that you only must do the work a single time and soon to make money time and time again. 4. You can promote other products and make more money of one same sale. When putting connections of your other related products, the readers will be able to click in those connections and to perhaps do another purchase, depositing but money in your account of bank. 5.

You can gain commissions. When your you create a information product you sell and it, usually you will have the necessity to mention other products, programs, etc., That your readers found beneficial. To registrarte like affiliate of those products and programs that you mentioned within your info-product, you will be able to on sale gain additional commissions of the product by each sale that is realised. 6. But money and traffic. When you have your own product of information you can create your own program of affiliates, thus other salesmen will be directing to traffic and ayudndote to make but sales in exchange for a commission.


Death in the tarot without a doubt, the concept of death is an idea that usually cause terror to human beings. However, we must understand that the symbolism of the Tarot cards does not necessarily refers to the death of one person in particular. All the arcane, whether major or minor, have a highly spiritual interpretation, speak of the soul and feelings rather than facts. With the arcane number XIII, this is done well patent. When this letter appears, the consultant usually makes a grimace of fear.

It is necessary to fully understand the significance of this deck to be able to attribute the sense that it truly deserves. In the case of this mystery, we see a noble, a Knight in armor, a warrior, who moves with his brioso horse. Not going to gallop, but that the animal walks gracefully wielding all its beauty and all its power. There is a new order, no doubt. As the old adage says: dead King, King post. Therefore, the best way to interpret this letter is as the transformation. In theological terms, death nor It’s the end, but it is the passage from physical life to the spiritual life.

Really believers do not die, but that they await the moment of reckoning, when the final resurrection will occur. The only reason why a person can see how tragic transformation, is its attachment exaggerated to the things of the past. The transformation is something positive, because it allows us to evolve from a primitive State to a more advanced state. We must always think that everything happens for a reason. And although transformation when you live with pain or punish, once we have overcome the initial feeling of loss, it will be a great teaching, which is what dedinitiva have to capitalize. Fight against death doesn’t make sense, it only makes things worse. It is necessary to accept the change and let things run their natural course. In the same way that a new conqueror occupies Earth, has no sense to revere the previous King. There is a new sovereign, and is this should be kept to which all the honours. When this letter goes out revealed in the the Tarot spread indicates the consultant who must prepare for a new phase in your life, where few things remain immutable. Know this opportunity of change depends on the wisdom of each one.

Intensive English Course

English remains our great unfinished, and I am referring to the Spaniards, since according to recent reports made porla Union European, Spain still being among the lowest rankings of countries who speak less English. Therefore, it is necessary that we put the batteries at once. Courses England English will help you has shown that making courses England English gives results when purchasing a communicative competence in the language of Shakespeare. Best thing about this is that live abroad is a unique experience, not to mention that the student will be immersed in a native environment on an ongoing basis. Courses England English are specially designed for students who come from many different parts of the world. Thus, combining education and training with a wide range cultural activities and leisure, to enjoy the time and make the most of the game to stay in this country. The advantages of an intensive English course an intensive English course presents numerous advantages in comparison with a general course.

Firstly, the workload is much higher, because the number of hours is considerably increased. This translates into a much more substantial progress in the acquisition of knowledge. The level of work is also more meticulously, so that teachers will have more room to help students on those issues in which you have doubts or present shortcomings. Therefore, it is perfect for those learning English with quality.

Vovelle Michel Vovelle

The historians of the mentalities, go to face a series of critical in this new route that give to practical its historiogrfica, since the same one will present a series of imprecises and ambiguidades, that according to Vainfas ' ' they had contributed for the consuming of proper conceito' ' of mentalities. All yin has its yang. To put, is in the new cultural history that the mentality will go to contribute and to receive new boardings, new unfoldings, without however, to be the determinative factor of the research. Since the historians of new cultural history, as he discloses the Vaifas, not ' ' they go to deny the relevance of the studies on the mental one, nor so little to renounce the approach with others disciplinas' ' – I detach this therefore one of critical the new a history and the mentalities were of what!, if it opened excessively the news to know and questionings, and would have rank in ' ' cheque' ' the legitimacy of the proper one disciplines. ' ' the history of the mentalities does not only define for the contact with other sciences human beings and for the emergency of a domain repelled for traditional history.

also the place of meeting of opposing requirements that the proper dynamics the historical research current force to the dialogue. It is placed in the point of junction of the individual one and the collective one, the long time and the quotidiano, the unconscious one and the intentional one, the structural one and the conjunctural one, the delinquent and geral' '. (Le Goff, 1976, p.71). Frenchmen LE GOFF and VOVELLE had influenced the not French ones, Eric Hobsbawm, Paul Veyne, Peter Burke, Ciro Flamarion Cardoso (Brazilian) and many others. Michel Vovelle Michel Vovelle a French historian of century XX, specialist in centuries XVII and XVIII.

Wildlife Conservation Trust

Gerald Durrell (1925 – 1995): English author and naturalist born in Dzhamsherpura, India. Love of nature struck the little Gerald almost immediately after birth and the first spoken words had become 'zoo'. After his death in 1928 Darrell head of the family moved to England, but after five years decided to move to the Greek island of Corfu, where the boy's ability to bloom in full: Corfu has become a surprisingly rich material for new knowledge. According to relatives, it was a real obsession, but soon all the people are used to close Durrell even scorpions in the kitchen banks. At the same mother Jerry showed amazing tact and understanding in relation to the 'beast' hobby his son, although, of course, all the problems it brought in the highest degree a lot.

Most likely, there would be at least one of Corfu hiding from the inquisitive eyes of young zoologist, an insect, though in a few years did not get up the question of returning to England – despite the lessons with a private teacher, Gerald had to get a normal education. Starting a new life, Gerald Durrell has not stopped his hobbies, which are naturally determined the choice of profession. For many years he practiced at the picturesque jungles and deserts of fishing for different types of zoos, but consistently, giving fed bound to it beasts and birds, naturalist increasingly dreamed of own menagerie. And in 1959, after unimaginable bureaucratic fighting on the island of Jersey in Darrell and his supporters appear zoo. Finally, it was possible not only to learn without the distraction of his pets, but also to realize the dream home of Gerald Durrell: conserve endangered species. Thanks to the patience, dedication and most importantly – incredibly strong, all-consuming love of nature, a small staff zoo, renamed soon to Jersey to the Wildlife Conservation Trust, managed to achieve in your noble mission of incredible results, many of whom do not even dream of big zoos. To voice the idea of human responsibility to our planet, Gerald Durrell began to publish his books, which almost immediately receive a huge worldwide fame. often addresses the matter in his writings. This is understandable, since few people could so fast, funny and yet less instructive to talk about difficult human relationships with the world around them.

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