Part Functions

The company in question understands despite its success depends on the performance of its collaborators, in this direction, becomes fullfilled training with all the employees since the box operator, salesman the logistic operators. Lectures given for suppliers are carried through, enrolling information on characteristics of the acquired products and procedures of storage. This method provides knowledge, on the part of employees of all the processes, generating automotivao and specialization of one all in detriment of a part, still provides, the direction of collective and work in team in favor of the organizacionais objectives internalizados by the organization as a whole. After the act of receiving and verification due of the materials in comparison to the demanded standard, the next step is the storage or stockage, not less important and that it demands a multicriteria work that it uses of techniques that assist in a more efficient performance. 4-STORAGE OR STOCKAGE OF the MATERIAL Storage is a set of reception functions, finished and half-finished raw material discharge, shipment, arrumao and conservation, products. It appears as one of the functions that if add to the logistic system, therefore in the suppliment area is necessary to adopt a system of rational raw material storage and insumos. ' ' The storage process involves merchandises, this only produces resulted when an operation is carried through, in the existences in transit, with the objectivo of them to add valor' ' (Days, 2005, P. 189).

Pode to define the mission of the storage as the commitment between the costs and the best solution for the companies. In the practical this it is only possible will have in account all the factors that they influence the storage costs, as well as the relative importance of mesmos' ' (Casadevante, 1974). The company, that we interview, uses the terms ' ' armazenagem' ' ' ' estocagem' ' frequently to identify similar things.


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