Peter Lessa

In 1917, this picture started to move, therefore at this time Germany decreed a naval blockade against England, however the United States kept one strong commercial relation against England, and this blockade was making it difficult very the commercial transactions between the two countries, this form, inevitably the United States turns over forced to enter in the conflict. With the entrance of the United States in the conflict, the decreases suffered for the Entente Cordiale had been being ‘ ‘ repostas’ ‘ for soldiers rested and ready for the battle. With this renewal of the contingent of the troops of the Entente together with the exhaustion of the forces of the troops of the Trplice Alliance, the victory was only one question of time, that arrived in 18 of November of 1918 with the German surrender 8. 4 BRAZIL AND FIRST 4,1 WAR the debate of the national ones In its book, 9 Clodoaldo BUENO explain that with the beginning of the world-wide conflict, it also started to have internal quarrels on the position that Brazil would go to take front the international community. fer their opinions as well. In the Brazilian society they had those that were ‘ ‘ aliadfilos’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ neutrais’ ‘ ‘ ‘ germanfilos’ ‘.

Amongst the aliadfilos, the most known they were: Jose Verssimo, Antonio Azeredo, Peter Lessa, Barbosa Rasp, Olavo Bilac, Manuel Bonfim and Rui Barbosa. In way to the neutrais, most famous they were Saucers of the River, Assis Chateaubriand, Vicente de Carvalho, Jackson de Figueiredo, Azevedo Amaral, Salty Gabriel, Carlos de Laet and Alberto Towers. The argument used for the neutrais ones was of that the alignment with the United States was occurred, Brazil if it would become more dependents of them of what already they are.


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