The Development

Saturday, March 14th, 2015

1. INTRODUCTION the intellectual capital comes if becoming the main resource for the development of organizations. This because, currently, diverse technological changes, social politics and, and the organizations occur has searched new knowledge and new values that are being part of this new global phase. Stewart (1998, P. 13) defines intellectual capital as the addition of the knowledge of all in a company who, in contrast of the other assets can be used for the wealth generation. Face to the displayed one, the organizations, searching its solidification in the market, if comes across with the necessity to possess each time better one capital intellectual, in view of whom this comes to add value to the products and services by means of the magnifying of the human knowledge. In this process, it is important on the part of the organizations one consistent politics of motivation and management of the knowledge, valuing and respecting the especificidades of the collaborators.

It is known that one of the aspects that influence in the productivity of the professional it is the motivation, therefore, a time that this recognizes its importance inside of organization, is felt more engaged with the activities, culminating in one better productive performance. However, to a large extent of the sectors of the public organizations motivation is understood as being only pecuniary. This makes with that the professionals feel themselves not motivated, therefore even though inexists a process of qualification and continued training or of humanizao, that can contribute in the development of its activities. Another important factor is the management of the knowledge. Although it is great the importance of the learning and the knowledge in the organizations, many not yet know to deal adequately with these resources. Many of the chances can be used to advantage from practical of management of the knowledge, being necessary to stimulate its job in all the organizacionais levels.

Integrated Control

Friday, January 17th, 2014

The IOCB still detaches that the presence of residues of insecticides and acaricidas on the fruits in the harvest must diminish increasing it the maximum the stated periods of lack and scrumbling it the minimum the chemical treatments in regimen of after-harvest. When possible, application directed of products sends regards to it directly on the targets and must be established the maximum volume of Calda applied for hectare in function of the volume or transport of the plant. atual.REFERNCIAS also sends regards that the people carry through the applications with knowledge and training in spraying techniques, respecting itself always to the CONSULTED BIBLIOGRAPHICAL legislation: GALLI, J.C. ; PAZINI, W.C. Selectivity of Inseticidas and Acaricidas: it emends for disciplines of chemical Control and Selectivity for Arthropods of the CPG/Entomologia Agrcola/FCAV-UNESP.

Jaboticabal-SP, 2011. 30p.GRAHAM-BRYCE, I.J. Chemical methods. IN: BURN, A.J. ; COAKER, T.H.

CLT Employees

Saturday, January 11th, 2014

Legally the employees of the CORSAN, as well as of any another public company or mixing economy, do not possess stability, therefore they are prevailed by the CLT and not for the statute of the State servers. In a superficial evaluation this could seem a disadvantage in relation to the employees of the direct administration. In the practical one, however, thanks to the collective agreements, the employees and unions of these companies had obtained to join conveniences of the Estatudo of the Servers with the ones of the CLT. The employees of the CORSAN have, for example, weekly day of 40 hours, when the majority of the workers of the private initiative conducted by the same consolidation, works 44 hours per week. Another example is how much to the stability in the job: Nenhumn officially employee of public company has stability guarantee, in the practical one, however, the company simply does not fire its employees.

She is notable as these protectionistic characteristics not planned administratively and hardly imaginable in a private company, they finish bringing some benefits. We perceive that the majority of the employees found in this environment a place adjusted for the exercise of its professional life. The natural election was puted in charge to homogeneizar the picture of the company: The unsatisfied employees with the lack of perspectives and the previsibility of the plan of positions and wages finish if disconnect, others finish if adaptando, many find in it the ideal job and produce realtivamente well. One group that we perceive to be sufficiently significant is of people who search perspectives of cresimento in the market but time in the company is remained sufficiently, therefore perceives in it the chance to acquire experience while they search to improve its professional qualification for the academic formation being also considered the possibility of installment of competition in the proper company for positions for which they will be apt. Still thus, the number of completely not motivated people, and until moved away for psychological problems as depression, in function mainly of the lack of perspectives and challenges is considerable.

The biggest joined difficulties mention the knowledge to it that the majority of the employees has of the market, to supply a comparison parameter and thus to be able to evaluate the proper functional situation under the perspectives of the external way. The majority of the employees – about 75% of the picture of the searched superintedncia – is in the company has 15 years more than and amongst these the majority has in the CORSAN its only job. new employees had been almost unanimous in considering the company as excellent to work, they compared when it with its last job, and, according to its you command the production between these employees is considerably to mair that of old fucionrios. We discover that the relations of being able and the efficient leadership depend very on the contigenciais factors. In the case of the CORSAN, as the presented diagnosis, many factors are favorable for the leader beyond these many times not to more have the looked characteristics in the leadership. However, in an environment of freedom with little pressure for goals and almost the inexistence of the unreliability of the empregabilidade, the employees finish positively contributing for the matuneo of this order. The CORSAN does not depend on the safes of the government to remain itself, presents efficient management, although not necessarily efficient, and still you make use of proper resources to invest


Tuesday, September 17th, 2013

To speak of the agricultural one in the region is to speak of the proper experience: many people have roots in the field, had grown hearing the parents to tell the reality, had lived the popular manifestations, the favorable situations to the small producer. The research was carried through first through bibliographical survey periodicals, regarding basic concepts on the relations between field and city, culture, economy and the place of study. After that detailed information had searched more on the object of study through field research, in which the verbal history of inhabitants and former-inhabitants was rescued through interviews not structuralized, informal. An iconographic survey (old photos of the place) next to the inhabitants was also become fullfilled. In the occasion recent photos of the place had been carried through.

It fits to stand out the difficulty for the attainment of data, since the memories of these places are if losing, do not consist registers of moments important, few photos, the scarce information exist: at last, the unfamiliarity of the people brings a past without register. The main sources of the research are the verbal depositions and the pages of relationships of the Internet in which it can? if to get some information for the story of saudosos former-inhabitants of its old quarter, beyond the personal experience of the author. What it is agricultural quarter? When if it speaks of agricultural, one mentions an integrated universe to it the Brazilian society, is not about an isolated place, but yes of a society that participates actively of the economy of the country, produces, consumes and in them it brings historical particularitities, social and cultural. The agricultural term is defined through history for different meanings, has some types of agricultural reality, therefore they depend on global factors, and local factors. Until century XVII, the agricultural way presents primary importance for the society, possessing bigger productivity and greater population that the city.

Part Functions

Sunday, April 22nd, 2012

The company in question understands despite its success depends on the performance of its collaborators, in this direction, becomes fullfilled training with all the employees since the box operator, salesman the logistic operators. Lectures given for suppliers are carried through, enrolling information on characteristics of the acquired products and procedures of storage. This method provides knowledge, on the part of employees of all the processes, generating automotivao and specialization of one all in detriment of a part, still provides, the direction of collective and work in team in favor of the organizacionais objectives internalizados by the organization as a whole. After the act of receiving and verification due of the materials in comparison to the demanded standard, the next step is the storage or stockage, not less important and that it demands a multicriteria work that it uses of techniques that assist in a more efficient performance. 4-STORAGE OR STOCKAGE OF the MATERIAL Storage is a set of reception functions, finished and half-finished raw material discharge, shipment, arrumao and conservation, products. It appears as one of the functions that if add to the logistic system, therefore in the suppliment area is necessary to adopt a system of rational raw material storage and insumos. ' ' The storage process involves merchandises, this only produces resulted when an operation is carried through, in the existences in transit, with the objectivo of them to add valor' ' (Days, 2005, P. 189).

Pode to define the mission of the storage as the commitment between the costs and the best solution for the companies. In the practical this it is only possible will have in account all the factors that they influence the storage costs, as well as the relative importance of mesmos' ' (Casadevante, 1974). The company, that we interview, uses the terms ' ' armazenagem' ' ' ' estocagem' ' frequently to identify similar things.

Satisfaction In Level

Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

However, it indicates a great renewal in the functional pictures and strong presence of the call generation Y (situated generation between the 25 and 35 years). Table 1 – Escolaridade Even so the minimum level of escolaridade, demanded for this sector, either average education, salient the great number of individuals with complete superior level and after-graduation. It calls the attention, the fact of 3,1% of the respondents to declare after-graduation in mestrado level of, that is, 3 individuals in a population of 98, what it denotes the concern of the workers of these institutions with the personal improvement, in special making possible the encarreiramento. As much in the private institutions how much in the public, existence of previous experiences highly is desired, in order to speed the process of integration to the routines and activities. With regard to the civil state and children, 57% of the searched population are married or keep steady union and 49% possess children. This data are excellent for influencing excessively the life of the worker and can contribute for its maintenance in the job and to become bearable a bigger load of estresse, however can contribute, in some cases, also, for the sprouting of problems of relationship and burnout. Through the applied instrument, it can be evidenced that the degree of satisfaction of the bank clerks, analyzed in this sample, meets in a good platform, as presented in the graph to follow.

Table 2 – Satisfaction In accordance with the research, 94% of the sample had answered to be between satisfied or total satisfied I obtain exactly. The degree of satisfaction with the familiar nucleus demonstrated that more individuals (95%) present themselves satisfied. In regards to the work in Bank (financial institution), 82% had demonstrated satisfaction in being in the banking branch, however with regard to encarreiramento, environment of work and current position, the results are in 78%, 74% and 70% respectively.

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