Commercial Center

Thursday, March 3rd, 2016

The lovers to music in many occasions we waited for long tails to the doors of department store, to secure some entrance of our favorite group. But all this is changing thanks to Internet where entrances in other occasions can be bought cheap entrances or be obtained free. In the last the groups are many that sell the totality of their entrances by the Network avoiding that his fans they must spend the night to the door of the Commercial Center. This allows a greater control of the same and to avoid agglomerations in the points of sale where in many occasions faints, fights took place and by all means robberies due to the masificacin of people. In Internet, in addition, there is Web specialized in music that allows to see the dates us of concerts of our favorite groups, being able to buy the entrances a long time of advance. Also it is the social network dooplan that it offers the agenda to you of concerts by cities as can be Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao or Valencia. In addition to all the registered users it offers the possibility of securing entrances to them to concerts free for being members of the social network. Internet has facilitated the management of many proceedings as it can be the sale of entrances for music concerts.

The following step is to turn the entrances into bar codes that are identifiable by the moving body, to save the cost of the paper and to avoid the possible falsification of the same. The future without a doubt it is Internet and still more with the improvement of the movable technology. I hope that soon it is possible power to directly buy an entrance by the moving body and that it remains stored to go to the concert without having to validate it or to realise any other management before listening to music group. It lives music and Internet. Another Blogs Related

Formulation Members

Friday, January 10th, 2014

– To observe in detail the concepts learned during the theoretical phase. – The control of the efficiency of the learning through its demonstration in a real situation. – Taking of brings back to consciousness as much of the accessible problems doing them rational as emotional. – The participants transfer and translate the concepts learned in the theoretical session to real situations. – To solve existing conflicts with a more favorable climate for its solution.

– To be applied to overcome the stagnation of a group. – Problem analysis. – To present you rule of behavior. The characteristics of the group, according to the group dynamics, are: – A two more person or association. – The members are considered like group, have a perception collective of unit, a conscious identification of with others. – It exists shared intentions.

The members have the same objective. – A sense of reciprocal dependency in the satisfaction of needs exists. The members need to help themselves mutually to obtain the intentions for whose fulfillment they met in group. – The members can be communicated with others. The principles for the group development are: – Ambient propitious in the meetings: Reference to the physical space becomes the one that must be adapted to the number of members and the form of work of the same one. They must feel comfortable. – Reduction of the intimidation: It must tender obtain good interpersonal relations, reduce the tensions. – Distributed Leadership: To foment that all the members put into play their aptitudes and abilities to facilitate the group process and the profit of the objective. – Formulation of objective adapted to the interests of the group: The objective must be chosen by common agreement between all the members, never must be tax. It must adapt to the age, potentialities and possibilities of the members with the purpose of to avoid the frustration of the members by the failure before inadequate objectives. – Flexibility: The group does not have to be rigid, must adapt as much to the changes of the external circumstances as internal. – The consensus in the adoption of decisions: All the resolutions that the group takes must start off of this one. The base is the participation total in democratic means. – The understanding of the process to orient or to modify the objectives: The participants must have brings back to consciousness of how she occurs the interaction, the communication and the productivity, with the object of structuring and reconstructing situations that favor the group process. – Continuous Evaluation: The group must analyze its process and how they are achieved the proposed aims, by means of a permanent evaluation. It is important in all dynamics: – To know the group and its characteristics. – To know the differences between the individual work and the group one. – To analyze the phases by which the group evolves. – To know the characteristics the groups – To know the structure the group. – To analyze the paper of the guide-mediator in the group. – To know the different techniques group. – To know how to select and to apply a group technique.

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