Sandoval Robert President

Wednesday, November 21st, 2012

Somewhat sense, Jesus Perez Lopez remembered the words of the mayor Sandoval Robert: the president said that it had commitment with the town solely and I mean that we also are town (), however, the one that supports retailers of Morolen, of Leon Guanajuato and that allows to the increase to the informal commerce that is to govern for other people and it does not stop who we deserve ourselves respect. Reason why the president of the CANACO said to me and by the declaration that I listened to Monday of the mayor of Tepic, he could deduce that everything is part of a lack of communication. There is no necessity that the retailers feel displaced and who they threaten cancelling the payment of his taxes. The ideal would be that the capital edile and the members of the CANACO agenden an encounter to dissolve the understood evil, as simple as that. They celebrate changes Whereas President Felipe Caldern informed that the functions of the Secretariat of Tourism will happen to the Secretariat of Economy, whereas the Secretariat of the Agrarian Reformation is into the hands of the Secretariat of Social Development (Sedesol) and the Sagarpa, settled down that the Secretariat of the Public Function will be replaced by one contralora federal, that will depend directly on the President.

The propose measures to the Congress would generate income to help Mexican more poor men a to palliate the effects of world-wide the economic crisis. Briefly, these changes they would generate significant a budgetary saving for 2010, and that it would be possible to be increased in 2011 once finishes the process of reconstruction of the federal public administration. To sum up, in the 2010 savings until by 180 billions would be generated. In relation the changes in SAGARPA, PEMEX and PGR, the deputy panista Angel I castrate Bush thought that the decision could be due to that the civil servants already had fulfilled their cycle in the secretariats and dependencies where they were.

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