Sustainable Development

Tuesday, July 12th, 2016

Reasons and positionings to defend interests economic politicians and, therefore, are the retail in the interpretation of the effect as positive or negative. The defense of the Environment is important the sufficient so that the quarrels on foreign commerce and Environment are not reduced the less ambient reasons most commercial and, with positionings in antagonism justified politics and economically, instead of social and ambiently. Therefore, the effect of the foreign commerce on the Environment need to be argued and to be interpreted positive and negative under the optics of the Sustainable Development. Implicncias of the external commerce in the environment Reasons for existence of antagonistic positionings on the effect of the foreign commerce on the Environment if does not reduce to the commercial activities, if they relate as rich countries and poor countries commercialize, as the model of unsustainable economic development, in speed of the profit and not in the limit of the nature. Interested people in the foreign commerce live in economic and social antagonism, nations developed and in development or underdeveloped, rich and poor nations, industrialized and agricultural nations. Some in antagonism also politician, socialist capitalists and. This precedes the relation of the foreign commerce with the Environment and pleads the existence of antagonistic positionings on the one effect on the other. Not obstante, it has a question of deep in the existence of this antagonism, disclosed under the optics of the conflict between development that if it proves unsustainable and the challenges for reach of the sustainable development. It is the importance of the ambient questions in the commercial relations between the countries because of the precision and of the urgency in changing the routes of the economic development that depletes natural resources, it exceeds limits and it does not reduce the poverty, in operating deep and global transformations in the production ways, preservation, recovery, consumption, discarding, wastefulness and of behavior in such a way in the governana politics, economic and financial how much of the world-wide population in its daily one.

Commercial Ethics

Thursday, September 17th, 2015

The levels of ethical standards understood to be moderate or low for the superior managers in: In its proper professions or commerce: 53,8% In the commercial community in general: 74,4% In youth in the work: 77,4% However, it must be recognized that optimum voluntary code is only efficient, if the advice of director of the emprea to determine that it must be. The directors must assume the responsibility to verify the application and the comment of the codes of the company, being recognized that they can be half staff to free its obligations to conserve the legal and moral criteria of the company. It is understandable that, in the present situation of great corruption and legal uncertainties very spread out, much company that look international contracts, they are reluctant in running the risk to lose businesses for that they pay bribes. However, all the company can welcome give to the Anti-Corruption Pacts taxes for certain countries to all the adjudicatrios of main contracts public. In these Pacts, all the players start in the level of the field of games and, although still to subsistir some risk of bribe, it greatly it is reduced. It seems to be a considerable objectivo of the associations and international professional federacies to include a mandatria clause anti-corruption in its ethical codes, with expulsion of its members as sanction for not the observance.

When such association is strong in terms of world-wide associates, its members has relatively little to fear in relation to the not-members that gain an unjust advantage with the bribe. For example, the financial institutions can be considered as supporting members of an adjusted professional association against the not-members. Finally, the company of the private sector must recognize that the great corruption is the enemy of the high standards and the efficiency. When a decisor is influenced by a bribe, is created chances for the executants below of the average to gain a contract to the cost of those whose product, reputation or ability would become them the probable winners of a competition joust.

History Of The Money In Brazil

Wednesday, January 14th, 2015

The present study it has for objective to weave consideraes, exactly quebreves, on the History of the Currency in the world, arriving at Brazil under suaforma of use, and passing for diverse mutations until arriving at quehoje we know for transactions of values, observing to the half maisimportantes of these uses, commented exemplificadasparticularmente and. 1INTRODUO the present study has for objective to weave consideraes, mesmoque brief, on the History of the Currency in the world, arriving at Brazil under suaforma of use, and passing for diverse mutations until particularly arriving what we hojeconhecemos for transactions of values, observing to the most important meiosdessas uses, commented and exemplificadas. 2 Origin eevoluo of the money Currency-Merchandise was the first step for the sprouting doque today uses and calls money. The used methods for acquisition debens desired I begin, it was done with the exchange of merchandises, where sepossua something sobrando, as for example culture products, deanimais hunting and creation; These that possuam some proportional value to the desired one, use-silk exchanges for the consignment contract of these. Some of the item more passed to be looked than others, thus guaranteeing differences of prices between some goods and others, estabelecendoum value standard as base of exchanges and the times ace renderings of services. This way also gave left to the wage, normally paid, at the time, with salque origin of the word wage for the Greeks as remuneration. Naviso de Wassily Leontieff (2005) the currency is the value that is equivalent to the sum detodas the merchandises.

Its phases of evolution can be detached in seissesses: 01. The Age of the Trade: Ox and Salt; 02. The Age of the Merchandise Currency; 03. It was of the Metallic Currency; 04. It was of the Paper Currency; 05. The Currency Trustee; 06. Currency Would bank Contractual. 2.1ODINHEIRO IN BRAZIL. In Brazil, this way of I deal was very used dodinheiro printed matter before, for commercialization of sugar, tobacco, wood (mainly wood-Brazil), tobacco, etc.

Japanese Economy

Sunday, December 1st, 2013

In Japan it was not different: the Japanese economy lived one boom nofinal of the decade of 1950 and during the decade of 1960. The exportations flutuarammas had grown, the investments and the saving was high, the use detecnologia, the innovation and the invention was pungentes, action the Nikkei indices, that had beginning with 100 in May of 1949, already was in 5.000 in the start of dcadade 1970, and in 10.000 in 1984. The volume of 120 negotiated actions was of bilhesde action in 1983 for 280 billion in 1989. Comtodo this optimism, the real estate market could not be stops backwards, umndice of prices for residential property in six great cities, comeandocom 100 in 1955, reached 4,100 in 1970 middle, 5,800 for 1980 return, reaching the peak of 20.600 in 1989. Em1991, the added value of the property of Japan reached 18 trillions of dollar, four times the price of all the building and houses of the United States at the time. But the land of the Imperial Palace, in Tokyo, value more than all casase together building of California. Ocrash was inevitable.

It had beginning in January of 1990 when reveladouma was series of scandals involving loans of great clientesfavorecidos banks for, implying in serious losses that had been occulted for fantasiosa umacontabilidade. Ospreos of the property had been even when the Nikkei indices fell, comeandomais late a slow movement of fall, to a large extent due to paralisaodas operations in that market. Naimprensa was divulged daily stories of relative losses mausemprstimos to them carried through for banks and Japanese financial institutions, in suamaioria real estate operations that had reached 550 billion approximately dedlares. Commercial and industrial companies had declared insolvent in average of 1.000 for month. Three great unions of credit had had that to be salutes for the government it was eacreditava at the time that only some few rotten banks did not have credit in its wallets. The result of this was that Japan entered in one longoperodo of economic stagnation that if extends until today.

Nempreciso to say that the phenomenon of the real estate bubbles is not new, nor foiinventado yesterday. Since the lies of the Japanese crisis had not been learned ahistria economic gave in them plus a chance. It remains to know what we will make comela: to study it or to forget it. Bibliography Beinstein, senile Jorge.Capitalismo the great crisis of the global economy. Translation of RytVinagre. Rio De Janeiro: Record, 2001. Canuto, Otaviano. The Japanese financial crisis. Institute of Advanced Studies dUniversidade of So Paulo. 1999. Available text in Kindelberger, Charles Poor. Crazes, panic and crashes. Rio De Janeiro: New Fronteis, 2000. RevistVeja, edition 1939 of 18 of January of 2006. The biggest dahistria economic bubble. For Alexsandro Rebello Bonatto in 29 of November of 2008.


Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

' The nature made the happy and good man, but the society depraves it and becomes it miservel' ' (Jean Jacques Rousseau) I do not want, nor desire a needy society, but yes, to pronounce on the capitalism that destines the sacrifice of the work of all for the enrichment of a minority. ' ' Because I am small, well pequena' ' (Renata Feuser). We can attenuate, but cure In fact, we live in a society lastimavelmente influenced by the medias, to the frantic consumption. Where it prevails the game of offers and looks for. By the way, the mediocre media, pushed in them for alienation of the consumerism and the value, under the domain of the economic groups that empoe.

I still would say that an unknown crisis patrol the world – the crisis of the money. Its recent impacts show a scene of darknesses on the humanity and the planet. That is, one wants that the civilization of the money, continues, to another one wants to surpass it. The first one, come back to the consumerism and the logic of the value. second, of the alert o to refuse it. Lamentable, but real, the capitalism that currently it is presented is of increasing social deterioration, with unemployment, hunger and deep misery. It grows and it grows uncontrollable. future

Capital Stock Analysis

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012

This present work has for purpose to demonstrate to an analysis and quarrel of the thinkers in what it says respect to the concept of Capital stock, in a metodolgica boarding and of chronological order. Quarrel this placed by the diverse points of view of the main authors who discourse on the subject, being they: Bourdieu (1972, 1980, 1986), Baker (1990), Burt (1992), Fukuyama (1999), Granovetter (1974), Grootaert and Bastelaer (2001), Coleman (1986), Locke (2001), Transports (1987, 2000), Putnam (1993), Schiff (1992) and Uphoff (2001). The general objective of this article is to sketch a metodolgica construction on the capital stock, pointing out of form to try to understand in the best possible way the thoughts of each contribuidor author for the advance it capital stock. In order to approach the thought of these, since the primrdios thoughts until most current. Thus assigning to the points divergent correlatos and points between both, of a side, demonstrating moments where the authors if approach and if distanciam in its thoughts.

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