England Brazil

Saturday, June 27th, 2020

Happily the English is offered in some schools of initial series, in special of the state of the Paran, exactly that in experimentation character, by means of projects developed for city halls. In Cornlio Procpio, one of the cities that year offers to English of 1 to 5, is in development the extension project ' ' A Colaborativa Action between the University and the Municpio' ' , which is a partnership enters the course of Letters of the Uenp and the Municipal City hall, that it aims at to the insertion of the English language in the basic resume of the initial series of Basic Ensino, for then, the education of the related language to leave the experimental character and to consolidate themselves legally in the resume for its excellent importance, as well as excessively disciplines. 1. The FOREIGN LANGUAGE IN the FORMATION OF the LEARNING the influence of the foreign language in Brazil, in special the English, already becomes gift in Brazil since the beginning of century XVI, with the bond created between Brazil and England. To this time, the only objective of if knowing a LE if limited the easiness of the diplomatical relations enter the countries (YOU MARK, 2010). Also after World War II, importance of if learning English if made necessary for the great dependence of Brazil in relation to the United States (PARAN, 2008). Today, with the existing cultural diversity in the world, the importance of a foreign language in the cultural luggage of an individual exceeds the diplomatical questions between countries, putting in xeque questions concerning the insertion of this individual in the society, making it to act in its context in critical, reflexiva and active way in order to transform its half one into a better place. The pupil in the world contemporary if finds immersed in a world, where the English is present in musics, films, videogames, in the Internet, in products, trade names among others.

English Teaching For Profit

Saturday, December 5th, 2015

TEACHING ENGLISH IN GROUPS: YOU LOSE YOUR MONEY AND TIME A great number of English language courses throughout the world offer and use different teaching methods that are not always worth the investment in them funds. Very often people who want to learn English is selected and written for the course to only one criterion: price. They were not very interested in how, who and how they will teach. This approach always leads to a loss money, time, faith in my abilities and to learn a foreign language. Virtually all of today's existing English language courses in groups have a very significant drawback: students and the students get in best, half the time during which you pay for. In other words, paying, say, 100 hours of training on the course, you actually get about 50 hours of pure time allotted to you personally. How does this happen? Let us consider one common lesson of the English course in a group of several people.

Situation One: Work on conversational English tutor offers a free and begins to develop it with students, talking with each of them. He appealed to anyone of them, asking questions, trying to 'call' it. While the student or the student anything otvetichaet whole group is waiting. Having finished a little conversation with the student, tutor goes to the next in the group and so on. Until you get the chance to talk, thus developing your conversational English runs from 5 to 10 minutes. Then the teacher offers a different theme and develops it in similar scenario.

Austrian Freud

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

The Psychoanalysis can transmit we educators ethics, a way to see and to understand practical the educative one. The professor is it of superior education or of other modalities of education, he must have as first of its action a pedagogia based on the formation and development of the personality human being who includes all the dimensions of the life: the body, psique, the nature and the society. To kill symbolically the master to become the master of itself exactly, is and a lesson that we can extract of the proper life of Freud. Bibliographical references BREUER, J.; FREUD, S. (1895). Studies on would histeria. In: FREUD, S. Brazilian standard Edition of the complete psychological workmanships of Sigmund Freud.

v. 2, Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 1990. OF FIGUEIREDO, Vinicus. (2010). Philosophers in the classroom. Publishing company: Berlendis & Vertechia, Volume 2. FREUD, S. in the matter.

(1894). The Neuropsicoses de Defesa. In: FREUD, S. Brazilian standard Edition of the complete psychological workmanships of Sigmund Freud. v. 3, Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 1990. FREUD, S. (1900). The Interpretation of Dreams. Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 2001. FREUD, S. (1915). The Unconscious one. In: FREUD, S. Written on the psychology of the unconscious one. v. 2. Rio De Janeiro: Imago, 2006. JOLIBERT, Bernard. (2010). Sigmund Freud. Publishing company: Massanga of the Foundation Joaquin Nabuco and printed matter in Brazil, Translation and organization: Elaine Terezinha Dal But Days. 1AlunodoInstitutoFederaldeGois CampusInhumas, CursandoosegundoperododeLicenciaturaemQumica. 2Sigmund Freud, born in 6 of May of 1856 in Freiberg in Mahren, Morvia, Austrian Empire (currently Czech belongs to the Republic), died in 23 of September of 1939 to the 83 years, in London, England. Son of Jacob Freud and its third woman Amalie Nathanson. Jocob a Jew proceeding from Galicia and woollen trader. Sigmund Freud was a medical neurologist founding Jew-Austrian of the psychoanalysis, it initiated its studies for the use of hipinose as method of treatment for patients with would histeria. 3Em psychology insight a process for which the human beings pass, to the times and involuntarily, to arrive at a conclusion on something. In the intuition, the reasoning that if uses to arrive the conclusion is purely unconscious, fact that makes many to believe that the intuition is a paranormal process or the holy ghost. Its functioning and even though its existence is an enigma for science. Although already many theories to exist on the subject, none are given as still definitive. The intuition takes the subject to one to believe with determination that something will be able to happen. 4Psicanlise a clinical field and of theoretical inquiry of psique independent human being of the psychology, even so also inserted nestadesenvolvido by Sigmund Freud, doctor born Austrian neurologist in 1856 that one considers to the understanding and analysis of the man.


Friday, September 14th, 2012

The principle we had as masters the Jesuit priests, who with its jesutica education, followed the model of academic education of the time where education and religion walked together, wanted to catequizar and to save the indians of the ignorance with a classic education and humanist as the European, in the second half of century XVIII for reasons politicians the Jesuits had been expulsos of the country for threatening the power of the crown, to substitute them in the education of the natives the same crown as been tried to assume for the first time responsibility of the education with certain delay, the professors all of the masculine sex were paid with many delays for the State and as almost all pedagogical organization of the Jesuits he was abandoned, the country took certain time to place in practical the ideas of the marquis of Pigeon house, therefore the masters had been formed by the Jesuits and its ideas prevailed, authority of the master, memorization, classic education, only with the coming of the imperial family we had the first institutions of superior education and only for the classroom that could pay it; with the advent of the republic we have a moment that if would become crucial for the Brazilian society that lasts until today, the bifurcation of education, for the ruling classes superior and academic, it stops the people primary and professional school, the professionals also they were the adjusted ones to take care of to each requirement. With the new school it was tried democratization of education in country, with education lay public school, but the thought to form the responsible elite for the commercialization of the agrarian product of the parents, and the remain for the production of this product, with the change geographic for urban-industrial, in the education little it moved, but the necessity of if characterizing this population technical, in 1961 we have the first LDB that also it confirms these estimated, in the decade of 1990 we have the second LDB that it tries again this ideal to take care of to all the Brazilians in the question education of quality, however what we see until today for results as of the international evaluation of ensino2 it is that the debt of rescue to the right to an education that not only serves for the material reproduction and the economic development, as well as for sociocultural rise that allows the construction of a national identity for the dependent Brazilian population of the public education, not yet was reached.

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