Shutters Parking

Sunday, February 3rd, 2013

Barrier, gate? I choose to restrict access to your property? Safety on the roads and limiting access to parking lots and parking, depending on the purpose can be solved in several ways? Safety on the Roads and limiting access to parking lots and parking, depending on the purpose can be solved in several ways: 1 With the gate. 2 zagorozhdeny chain. 3 Protivotarannyh road barriers. Four gates. Typically, these mechanical devices There are hand or used in conjunction with electric drive. How to choose exactly what you need? Guided by the need, above all, a task that stands before you. The first thing you should pay attention to is security. In This category absolute leader protivotarannye device.

The main task protivotarannogo device – to prevent a breakthrough vehicle to an object (even if after such a battering ram to be completely changed or repaired device – it will fulfill its purpose.) Simply put the new equipment than the costly repair of facilities. And, most importantly, while people will be saved, lives are priceless. The second Privacy Policy. Then the gates out of competition. Hide the object area from prying eyes, they can only.

Equipped with drive, automatic gates kept the intensity up to 100 cycles of opening – closing. Are: Sliding is moving along the fence, folding, rolling, lifting and turning and sectional. Sliding (sliding) doors less familiar than the opening, but very popular all over the world. Allow full use of space in front of the gate and do not require constant cleaning snow. Swing gates are easy and relatively low cost. The design includes two swinging gates bearing pillars and doors. Automation installed on each leaf separately Lifting swivel gates are used for equipment entrances into garages, covered parking and other facilities. These garage doors – the most affordable and easiest to install, however, apply only to objects with very low intensity. . Sectional doors are very popular throughout Europe. They not only provide warmth and comfort of the garage, but also have an aesthetic appearance and can perfectly blend in with the design of the building. Rolling Shutters (shutters). Manufactured from the profile of '55 'and '77'. The protective sheet has a filler of polyurethane foam to increase shumozaschischennosti and heat. An important advantage of this gate is that you can install them where able to install other types of gates. The third is the intensity. Without the automatic gates are not enough. Up to 10,000 cycles of opening – closing day High skorstyu only survive them. Barriers come in medium and high intensity, but also differ in the length of the arrows. Another advantage of this is not a high cost. Continued zagorozhdeniya in Russia is not widespread were due to freezing in the winter circuit at the time of lowering the roadway. We only make recommendations, but the choice is yours.

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