The Case

Saturday, January 19th, 2013

We cannot leave to see the other side, the problems that the globalization brings for the provincial peoples. These problems come with the technological and informacional illiteracy, making with that thus the inferior classrooms do not have no information, to transforming into object of this impious system of the capital. In one it analyzes on the northeast development, to make reference the industry becomes necessary, therefore, presents itself as one of the main ones, if not main it half of entrance of the region in the processes of modernizations. The inherent processes to northeast industrialization as all, if of the one in way to an ample space, where the workmanship hand immensely is devaluated in relation to country. These industries come if installing in the interior, more aggressively in recent years, aiming at all these structural exemptions intentionally orquestradas.

These desenvolvimentistas industrial processes come searching each time a bigger depreciation of its employees who if become dependents of such industries completely. This comes occurring with much violence on the part of this industries, which is making nothing more, nothing less than game of process capitalist globalizado, that in turn understands the great gamma of consequncias for the population that is not the pair much less in the domain of the current situation, for one better substantial agreement of the arcabouos of the system. Many of the transformations in the space are pparently excellent for the great majority of the populations, people ' ' leigas' ' of agreement of this widely perverse structure and the demagogies and fallacies politics. These are understood as tranquility of an industrialization and modernization widely global, however these bonanas are not the priorities of these structures. The tax incentives offered by the governments are the dictators of rules in the industry northeastern, that is, so that these industries and such modernizations are installed in the empty spaces, empty speaking and industrially uninformed of the interior northeastern she is necessary that governments of state and city halls deem the commercial maximum of possible exemptions for many industries and companies; we can see in the case of the industries gauchos who Pear tree (2000) standes out in its work.

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