
Monday, December 4th, 2017

Selfish desire to evolve only in man, whereas in all other parts of creation (Still, vegetative, animal) is unchanged. It is increasing desire to obtain new pleasures and finding ways to meet them and determine the level of civilization and all that we call a word "Progress." Due to the fact that we are constantly growing desire, humanity is moving forward. Selfishness develops along the time axis is gradually and continually: it increases quantitatively, and with the growth becomes qualitatively different desires. Macro-anthropology shared by the entire complex of human desires into five levels, each of which develops is a kind of pleasure: 1. primary desire – physical (food, shelter, procreation), 2. desire for wealth, 3.

the desire for honor, power and glory; 4. thirst for knowledge, 5. spiritual level – the desire to comprehend the meaning of life, the concept of creation. These levels are consistently appear in person for thousands of years to form stage of human development. Primary desires are also called "animal desires", as they are inherent and animals.

Even in isolation, a person experiences hunger and sexual desire. Desire wealth, power and knowledge – it is "human desires", as there are under the influence of social environment, and to meet them one must be with their own kind, that allows you to create classes and various hierarchical structure. In light of the concept review of such areas of human activity, such as culture, education, science and technology, leads us to conclude that it is developing in a person selfishness spawned all of our ideas, inventions and innovations.

Vovelle Michel Vovelle

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

The historians of the mentalities, go to face a series of critical in this new route that give to practical its historiogrfica, since the same one will present a series of imprecises and ambiguidades, that according to Vainfas ' ' they had contributed for the consuming of proper conceito' ' of mentalities. All yin has its yang. To put, is in the new cultural history that the mentality will go to contribute and to receive new boardings, new unfoldings, without however, to be the determinative factor of the research. Since the historians of new cultural history, as he discloses the Vaifas, not ' ' they go to deny the relevance of the studies on the mental one, nor so little to renounce the approach with others disciplinas' ' – I detach this therefore one of critical the new a history and the mentalities were of what!, if it opened excessively the news to know and questionings, and would have rank in ' ' cheque' ' the legitimacy of the proper one disciplines. ' ' the history of the mentalities does not only define for the contact with other sciences human beings and for the emergency of a domain repelled for traditional history.

also the place of meeting of opposing requirements that the proper dynamics the historical research current force to the dialogue. It is placed in the point of junction of the individual one and the collective one, the long time and the quotidiano, the unconscious one and the intentional one, the structural one and the conjunctural one, the delinquent and geral' '. (Le Goff, 1976, p.71). Frenchmen LE GOFF and VOVELLE had influenced the not French ones, Eric Hobsbawm, Paul Veyne, Peter Burke, Ciro Flamarion Cardoso (Brazilian) and many others. Michel Vovelle Michel Vovelle a French historian of century XX, specialist in centuries XVII and XVIII.

Maria Agriculture

Sunday, May 1st, 2016

Ribeiro says: ' ' The fair free is one of the institutions most solid of Minas Gerais; mainly of the North, Northeast and the Northwest of the State. It is part of the economy and cultura' ' (RIBEIRO, 2006, p.97). For being one it and co-ordinated by the association of feirantes practises cultural regional, the fair of Major Prates keeps its permanence the twenty and five years, without aid governmental, that takes care of of all organizacional structure. A member of the association says: In 1985 one appears the fair of Major Prates getting numbers considerable of feirante, having the necessity to expand the fair. In 2005 association of feirantes is created that it searchs for improvements in the same one and takes care of of all organization opening chances to that they desire to commercialize. The Association has conscience of the commercial importance, therefore the fair contributes with the economy of familiar agriculture and also with it practises cultural regional. But this commercialization is a reality and a necessity for the agricultural families, therefore the ones that they get as profit helps in the familiar expenditure, complementing the income together with the governmental benefit (stock market family). Story of feirante Maria: I live in Saint next Barbara agricultural zone the Clear Mounts.

I and my family live of manual agriculture and have a small creation of animals (hens and pigs). We are part of familiar agriculture the only incomes that we have and the aid of the stock market family and of the sales that we get to the sundays in the fair (interviewed Mr. Maria). The agricultural families make use of little land, the majority of them practises a manual agriculture having as tools hoes and machetes for the agricultural manuscript. Because of the culture simplicity, many products lose in the plantation, for not having access the resources technician and financiers the agriculturists find difficulties to produce and to organize the commercialization.

Commercial Renaissance

Saturday, March 5th, 2016

Another called phenomenon ' ' renaissance comercial' ' it appeared, opening space for the commerce of come exotic products in its majority of countries of the east. The Italian ports had been to the main door of entrance of the new products and also of illnesses as the black plague, brought for the infested rats of fleas, contaminated with a mortal bacillus. The first one I occasion of the plague occurred in Italy in 1347 and new pandemics if they had spread over all the Europe. The effect of plague had been devastadores, in no region the loss of life was minor who one tero of the population. This picture generated innumerable revolts of the population peasant against you, and also of the bourgeois ones that the order and the protection of the population demanded Dos Reis. This was the picture that led to the increase of the real power and the reinforcement of the power of the State being able on them local. Thus the feudal world was ruindo, and giving space for the birth of the Modern Age.

Conclusion We can conclude that the concept of Average Age was idealized in the period of the renaissance. The reason of the creation of this concept appeared for the fact of that many historians had made certain judgment of value of this time, as having been a period ' ' negro' ' of the history of the humanity. Thus, we arrive at the conclusion of that the world was marked by three great times, of which, only two times had witnessed human development in the intellectual and cultural plan: the time of the Greeks and of the modern inventions. Thus, the Average Age was seen as a time of retrocession of the thought, of intellectual delay, scientific and cultural. A period where the domain of the faith erased ' ' luzes' ' of the reason and it braked the development. During some centuries after the ending of the Average Age, the term was each time more seen of negative form, and fortified for another stronger concept of: ' ' Age of the Trevas' '. The blackout idea fulled, and until today it persists in appearing in the didactic book pages. From century XX, some scholars had started to better study the thought and the productions of that time, and had understood that the idea was a wrong thought of that the Average Age had not produced something of excellent.

Many of the inventions and discoveries of the Modern Age were hidden in the Average Age, however, the thinkers of this time, form some only had the faith as main base of its action. They had thought and looked for to give to answers for great questions that tormented the human spirit, either in the philosophical, social plan, economic politician and. Great thinkers as You take Aquino, Saint Augustin, Peter Abelardo, amongst others, had developed thought systems on: politics, justice, logic and other areas of the human knowledge. Therefore, the idea is missed to appraise the Average Age as the Age of the Darknesses. We, futures professors, will have that to assume the responsibility for the implantation of this new vision on the Average Age in classroom. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES Le Goff, Jacques (2003). The medieval roots of the Europe. Translation of Jaime. the Clasen. 3c Reviewed Ed. Petrpolis, RIO DE JANEIRO: publishing company voices, 2010. 387 P. Everaldo Rufino Da Silva Graduating History

General Company

Tuesday, September 22nd, 2015

A law, dated of 1680 also existed, that it forbade the escravizao of indians in lands of the colony. However, the proper heads of province ignored these prohibitions, what she generated serious conflicts between the colonists and the diverse operating religious missions in the region. To skirt the conflicts and to guarantee the man power, the solution was the adoption of the existing slavery of blacks already in other regions of Brazil. The flow of black slaves increased considerably from the second half of century XVIII, when the State of Grain-Par and Maranho was formed, tying the administration of the region directly Portugal. The purchase of black slaves was subsidized by the General Company of Commerce of Grain-Par and Maranho in exchange for the monopoly of the commerce in the Amazon region.

In the period that invigorated of 1755 the 1778, the company more than brought to the region 25 a thousand slaves. Of this total, 15 a thousand if had approximately established where today it is the State of Par. With the extinguishing of the company, the commerce of slaves continued, however in lesser number. From this time, the blacks had started to come of other regions of the country or through the contraband. The traffic remained active until the first decades of century XIX.

The slaves brought of Africa had worked in agricultural activities (in the tobacco and cacao, cotton, sugar cane-of-sugar farms), in the extrativismo of the calls ' ' drugs of serto' ' (as the cinnamon, vanilla, cravo, the aromatical roots, salsaparrilha, urucum and the oleaginosas seeds), beyond serving in domestic works and public and private urban constructions. The increase of offers of African man power in the Amaznia did not eliminate the aboriginal slavery. ' ' Blacks of terra' ' ' ' blacks of the frica' ' they had divided, for much time, the same work world.

Peter Lessa

Friday, May 1st, 2015

In 1917, this picture started to move, therefore at this time Germany decreed a naval blockade against England, however the United States kept one strong commercial relation against England, and this blockade was making it difficult very the commercial transactions between the two countries, this form, inevitably the United States turns over forced to enter in the conflict. With the entrance of the United States in the conflict, the decreases suffered for the Entente Cordiale had been being ‘ ‘ repostas’ ‘ for soldiers rested and ready for the battle. With this renewal of the contingent of the troops of the Entente together with the exhaustion of the forces of the troops of the Trplice Alliance, the victory was only one question of time, that arrived in 18 of November of 1918 with the German surrender 8. 4 BRAZIL AND FIRST 4,1 WAR the debate of the national ones In its book, 9 Clodoaldo BUENO explain that with the beginning of the world-wide conflict, it also started to have internal quarrels on the position that Brazil would go to take front the international community. fer their opinions as well. In the Brazilian society they had those that were ‘ ‘ aliadfilos’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ neutrais’ ‘ ‘ ‘ germanfilos’ ‘.

Amongst the aliadfilos, the most known they were: Jose Verssimo, Antonio Azeredo, Peter Lessa, Barbosa Rasp, Olavo Bilac, Manuel Bonfim and Rui Barbosa. In way to the neutrais, most famous they were Saucers of the River, Assis Chateaubriand, Vicente de Carvalho, Jackson de Figueiredo, Azevedo Amaral, Salty Gabriel, Carlos de Laet and Alberto Towers. The argument used for the neutrais ones was of that the alignment with the United States was occurred, Brazil if it would become more dependents of them of what already they are.

Black Plague

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

From the new forms of social organization, the vision of the society divided in three invariant orders passed to be questioned, sanctions as well as it social left exclusively of being decurrent of the land ownership. The money accumulation (capital), it started to be seen as a form of social asceno (seed of the Capitalism). It was appearing a new set of values, beliefs and traditions called for the historians of Modern Mentality. In the field, considering the custosa and little productive servitude very, had looked for to you to breach with contracts of obligator service and had organized a mixing system with wage-earners and free arrecandatarios, that second its vision produced more. However, exactly with the alterations in the production system many times the amount of foods was not enough for the population, generating increase of the prices and hunger.

The deficiency of the feeding and the lack of hygiene in the urban centers had favored the appearance of illnesses and epidemics as the Black Plague, for example. As well as a series of wars between the European regions, in sc.XIV and XV, being the main a War of the One hundred Years, between English and Frenchmen. To the few the old way of life was being substituted for another one, after the end of the Average Age, characterized for the production of excesses, for the commercialization on a large scale, wage-earning work, new order politics, for a new mentality and I accumulate of money. Valley to stand out, that many characteristics of the Average Age continued existing in the Modern period, as for example, the majority of the Europeans continued liveing in the field. On the other hand, the seeds of a new age sprouted. Amongst them, they are distinguished the balance between the two classrooms, since the bourgeoisie enriched each time more, the technological new features had gained prominence with the firearms (cannons), the invention of the press, caravelas, the steel mill, asiderurgia, etc.

Portugal Trips

Monday, December 17th, 2012

Thornton starts its book trying to explain the origins and reasons of the navigations in Atlantic, clarifying us that in some regions, as much Africa how much America, already knew and practised the commerce. For in such a way, Thornton leaves clearly that both the continents made use of fluvial routes for ends deal, mainly in the internal routes as the rivers and as well as the Europeans, in the attempt to expand its commerce, the Africans had also made attempts to sail for the Atlantic coast, however these attempts badly had been succeeded. The author still cites the theory of Ivan Van Sertima of that the diverse Africans would have fact trips to America since about 800 d.C., pointing out that this to occur would be necessary a more advanced naval technology and that the short African trips do not make possible this advance. However we can perceive that Thornton is ' ' encima of muro' ' when it says that these trips can have happened accidentally due the strong flow of the equatorial chain of the west of the Senegmbia to the Caribbean basin, leaving clear its position in relation to the theory does not dispatch by post. On the other hand the Europeans who of beginning they had not obtained to sail in the Atlantic, by the simple satisfaction of the discovery and to break the commercial monopoly of the mulumanos in the east, also had been financed by infant D. Enrique, the Navigator, prince of Portugal and Isabel queen of Spain, providing a fast advance in the naval technology, what it made possible so mentioned navigations of the Atlantic. It is well-known and important, therefore, the other point of view mentioned for the author, of the Portuguese historians Duarte Leite and Vitorino Magalhes-Godinho, who emphasize that the trips and the exploration had been carried through gradually for a long period of time and that they had been stimulated by the expectation of a great profit in short term.

Brazil Automobile Activity

Thursday, October 11th, 2012

The company in principle did not obtain great productive expression, therefore of any form she kept the strategy to be present in a inexpressivo market in relation to the European and American. The boxed vehicles arrived at the country and disassembled, the first product was the Ford T that got great acceptance. The decision of if installing in the country left of the proper Henry Ford that objectified to produce the rubber of the proper tires of its cars, established a city, the Fordlandia in the state of Par, where they would be planted seringueiras. That is, the American company had strategical interests in what she refers to its performance in the Brazilian market. The General Motors arrived at the country in 1925, installing itself in a small shed in the So Paulo quarter of the Ipiranga.

It initiates its activity with capacity of production of 25 daily cars. From the great gotten commercial success (the company the same entered the sales of 5.597 vehicles in year), GM was seen needed to extend its production for 40 daily cars. In 1930 in the city moves to a land of 45.000m of Is Caetano of the South. At this moment the country if showed as a promising market, and its sales already revealed of some excellent form. The Volkswagem is implanted in Brazil from 1953 and in the same way that GM and Ford only mount its vehicles Fusca and Kombi, that had arrived at the country disassembled in boxes in system CKD. The great data of this moment are that the national fleet in the period between 1920 and 1930 jumped of 30.000 units for 250.000 units, that is, an increase of 90% in 10 years.

Boris Fausto

Friday, August 24th, 2012

With twenty years last five hundred cooperative warehouses existed more than, being then created ' ' Great Association of Manchester for sales in atacado' ' , with the pioneers of Rochdale, representing an important consuming market and starting to have great influences social and politics. Being also responsible for the foundation of some cooperatives of production in other areas. The Cooperativismo in Brazil Analyzing Brazil of middle of century XIX, when great changes occurred in the old world and from now on the system Brazilian economic partner starts to be questioned, the main generating force of wealth in Brazilian soil, starts to receive critical. country adheres to the liberal chains influenced by the Europe, that are each stronger time in function of the estruturao of the capitalism, entering in contradiction when allowing enslaved work in its territory, such situation generated a serious problem for Emperor D. Peter II to manage. Brazil suffered great pressure on the part from England that interested in extending the consumption of its products, enxergavam in the consuming potential captives, in case that they started to receive wages.

Boris Fausto in its workmanship ' ' Concise history of the Brasil' ' it deals with this subject: In 1826, England pulled out of treat Brazil one by which three years after its ratification would be declared illegal the traffic of slaves for Brazil of any provenincia. England if still reserved the right to inspect in suspicious auto-sea ships of illegal commerce. The agreement entered in vigor in March of 1827, having, therefore to have effectiveness from March of 1830. A law of 7 of November of 1831 searched to put in progress the treat one, when foreseeing the application of severe penalties to the dealers and to declare free all the captives who after entered in Brazil that date. All pressure exerted from the first decades of century XIX, collaborated so that the slavery was gradual being extinct in Brazilian territory.

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