Tao Tao Study

Friday, December 8th, 2017

It is not transmissible. You can either be object of study. Who knows you do not speak of the. Who speak do not know it. The more it’s define and describe, one more away from the. Why the Tao way is contrary to the path of the study. Through the study skills to accumulate they are piling up, and to dedicate yourself to the Tao are decreasing the acquired knowledge, until reaching even non – acting, without do by reaching not work nothing is same. (esoterismo.net) the word Tao means road, path.

Some translators, following a later Chinese interpretation, describe it as celestial path due to a symbolic correspondence with the milky way. Others use the word rule or rule Celeste, being able to understand in a normative and dogmatic sense which does not correspond to the metaphysical conception of the Taoists. It seems much worse use of the term reason, which goes back, as we believe, to the versions of the missionaries. In addition to referring to the logical and discursive thought – that has nothing to do with the Tao – no note that Chinese prefer the implications of implicit in the concept image. Lao Tse is made, aware that his Tao is not a scientific acquisition. Men higher when they hear of him, follow him implicitly. Inferior men they doubt, and follow him as soon as they leave as soon as. Foolish men, when they hear talk of the they laugh out loud, not laugh out loud, it had not been of the true Tao Tao that can be named is not the Eternal Tao.The name that can be named is not the unchanging name.Non-existence is the beginning of heaven and Earth.The existence is the mother of everything.From the eternal non-existence we contemplate in calm the mysterious principle of the Universo.Desde the eternal existence we see with clarity the superficial distinctions.Existence and existence are not one and the same in its origin; They are only separated when they manifest themselves.This unit is called depth.

Always Commercial

Wednesday, March 16th, 2016

In these conversations, some complaints of customers and then the response of a commercial mediocre and a commercial with empathy. CLIENT: Always I receive orders with delay. RESPONSE of commercial MEDIOCRE: I’m sorry, that’s not my Department, call X. (This sounds that you don’t want problems, seeking life client). It is the first time I hear it to the will thus be per…

(Excuses) If your orders on time, would come you before (this response seems ridiculous but is not difficult to hear barbarities so every day in any company. This commercial is facing his client. If but (here add whatever you want. The word but, it is the negation of empathy. When you use it you have to say Mr. Cliente, nothing that tells me doesn’t interest me, now I’m going to tell me my point of view.

The word but is a synonym of however, however, although all mean the same thing, and all are all the opposite of empathy.) COMMERCIAL EMPATHIC response: I understand that the arrival of orders are affecting you. If you allow me, we are going to see the detail of the case and me I promise to see how I can put an end to this situation, or at least give a reason about why it happened. This is just an example of course. In this example the commercial is doing several things well:-shows empathy, first and foremost because it does not excuse, is not facing the client and shows understanding. -Sample humility but in no case gives the reason, since we must not forget, may be the client not have reason, is behind on their payments, has done wrong orders, etc. However what makes the commercial is commit to understand which is the problem that is negatively affecting the client in one way or another. -Offers his help to the customer. You may not be able to fix the problem in its entirety but when to a customer is provided a compelling reason, much happier is that when you try to Dodge giving long.

Establishment Commercial

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Greetings dear readers. In this article I want to comment briefly on the reasons that may motivate a change in the distribution of items of merchandise in a store or supermarket. Many times change is not something desired, however, can be up to vital to continue the business at some point. I am sure that the reader like me has been in limit situations that put us on the edge of the precipice and while there we must decide any changes important to not succumb. The same happens in the business. Among the reasons I understand most important to decide to make major changes in the Layout of our store, supermarket or Local commercial I can quote the following: A bad initial layout changes and evolution in customers and their purchasing habits and consumption changes in the physical environment of the Area in which changes in the products that offer us our suppliers the animation of the point of sales a bad distribution or initial deployment are located.

Given the fact that our initial deployment It will respond to several previous studies, will be strange get to say that to happen; However, it is very possible that we should make adjustments and many times these adjustments involve some time and effort. Paramount in the implementation or physical distribution of the elements of the local is contributing with the profitability of the physical space that we have, that achieved a circulation smoother buyers and take it to each space of the shop or supermarket. Therefore we can realize the need for changes in this respect noting consumers and measuring the results of sales. How our customers run through the establishment, we see lost, customers ask much to our staff where is this or that merchandise? Other clear action we can take in this regard is to do a survey among visitors most frequent.

Greeks Aphrodite

Friday, May 1st, 2015

The game has two groups of arcana, Word of Latin origin which is equivalent to secret thing. They are archetypal symbols which are classified, grosso modo, the virtues, vices, mysteries and fortune of mankind. Seventy-eight letters make up the game of Tarot; Twenty-two for major arcana; the 56 remaining equal the minor arcana. They are grouped into four suits, as the Spanish deck: basto, Cup, gold (or pentacle) and sword. Each of these clubs is associated to a reality of the world of the person who requested the inquiry.

The glasses symbolise the emotional sphere, while the bastos correspond to life in general. The pentaculos (or oros) would represent the material and the swords are attached to the intellectual landscape. Similarly, the sticks in the Tarot usually join the four ingredients of Empedocles. Thus swords thinners air, the cups contain water, the bastos maintaining fire and golds would hide in the profundidaes of the Earth. The emblem of the pentacle, in particular, would be gathering the four ingredients more a mystic quintessence. In antiquity, this emblem (a circle with a star) alluded to the name of the planet Venus or its different variations (Astarte to the Phoenicians, Ishtar between the akkadians, Innana in the Sumerian cult, in the Pantheon of the Greeks Aphrodite and Ashtaroth for the Israelites). Probably, the name Tarot is not anything other than a corruption of the Hebrew name of the goddess Astarte.

In the Bible, we find Ashtaroth, which is the plural of Ashtaroth, Venus, among the natives of Canaan. For more entrevero on the etymological origin of Tarot, the deck 10, wheel of fortune, on occasions be it accompanied with the letters R, O, T, to the broken Word (wheel) dispersed in four points of the wheel, so that if it starts to read by T, would read Tarot. How is a Tarot Chuck carried out?Given that they are archetypal models, major arcana are directly related to the proposal of the psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Gustav Jung upon the unconscious collective. They are considered, then, tickets to the subconscious State. Like psychotherapy, Tarot Reading suggests that the individual who consult the Tarot reader to recognize harmful habits. It enrolls who consult the Tarot cards focus their ideas in a bounded topic. Then cut the wire harness and the Tarot spreads the cards according to a usual way. There are many of these geometric shapes and what will be used depends on the preference of the interpreter and the need of which attended the consultation. The more accustomed chucks are the Celtic Cross, which begins with a letter that corresponds to the particular situation that gave rise to the inquiry. Then, following an order in spiral, the ingredients are located segurmante influence, the obstacles, the present and the future, et cetera. Chuck the Yes or no is also usually consists of five cards; and counted how many of them are to the right. If there is more to the right than letters upside down, the answer to the question is if. If interested you know a little more about Spanish Tarot site free consultation of these chucks can be obtained.

Valencia Without Aid Prosecutors

Saturday, August 10th, 2013

77% Of people in Valencia and could deduct your car rental do not because they do not know or by some kind of fraud. This was revealed by a report of the Union of technical of the Ministry of Finance (Gestha), which raises the amount of these deductions that fail to collect to 38.5 million euros throughout the autonomic territory, according to the 2008 exercise of personal income tax data, the first in which recovered this tax relief for tenants. According to the report by Gestha, of the 147.760 tenants who could have obtained this relief throughout the Valencian Community in 2008, 113.442, not claimed. These deductions can benefit all persons who have their main house rented and whose tax base is less than 24.020 euros annually. The basis of this deduction may not exceed these amounts: to) if the taxable amount is equal to or less than 12,000 euros, the maximum deduction basis shall be 9.015 euros annually. b) if the taxable base is between 12.000,01 to 24.020 euros, the base maximum deduction shall be the amount obtained from lower 9.015 EUR in the amount resulting from multiplying 0.75 by the difference between the tax base and 12,000 euros. IE: 9.015 0.75 x (tax base – 12,000). The formulas above gives the basis of deduction.

The tenant can deduct 10.05% of that amount. The Secretary general of Gestha, Jose Maria Mollinedo, points out that many tenants don’t know their rights and that, Furthermore, there is a deficiency in drafts of the income tax. In this regard, explains that in them is not specified properly there is possibility of obtaining State and regional deductions in rents. In addition, it affects that many tenants are young they are added to the labour market and, apart from the fact that they ignore the existence of these benefits, even you are required to make declaration of income tax because they do not arrive in 22,000 annual euros of tax base. This issue must be added that since Gestha qualify as submerged rentals, i.e., those not made by means of a legal contract. In this regard, another recent report by the technicians of the Treasury revealed that almost 61% of leases of dwellings in the community not declared to the tax authorities. Original author and source of the article.

Exercises To Lose Weight At Home

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

It is enough to devote 20 minutes to half an hour daily to see results in about two weeks. Before beginning these exercises to lose weight at home, performs a warm-up and stretching for 5 minutes. 1 Thing you can do is cardiovascular exercise. At home you can try jumping loop for 5 minutes. This exercise helps to tone up your legs and arms. In addition yuda to burn clorias. This type of aerobic exercise, help us to burn excess calories and help the heart.

If you complicated jump rope, can 2. To continue you can do sit-ups, two sets of 15 repetitions. Stand with your back straight and feet and footrest together, have to bend the knees and lower the most that can be. If we tend to lose balance, we can hold us to a Chair. Continuous 3.Luego with waist rotations.

Standing with your feet slightly apart and without lifting them from the ground, get a turn to the right and another to the left. 2 sets of 15 repetitions. 4. In conclusion, doing 4 sets of 10 push-ups each one. Supports knees in soil (it is simpler that supporting only the tip of the foot) and hands (the height of the shoulders), and begins to lower and raise. 5. A good group of exercises to lose weight at home to fight cellulite is as follows: place weights on the ankles and lifted his legs sideways. Repeat 8 to 12 uprisings. Get two to three sessions per week resting day by half. It is a heavy exercise, so a good trick to achieve this is to control the breathing. It complements the previous routine with a daily walk of 10 minutes. In addition you will have to make changes in your diet, exercise will serve nothing but they reduce calories, eating healthier foods. To enrich this space to tell us if you have an exercise routine to lose weight at home, and what. Original author and source of the article.

Daniel Feldman

Sunday, June 2nd, 2013

Here, is where he began to take relevance didactics, or in the words of Edith Litwin: particular mode that unfolds for favors processes of knowledge construction * 4, favoring learning; through selection criteria for content of the coarse disciplinary field, prevalent both the significance and the sense of learning, and the intentionality of education. TEACHING active and learning meaningful teaching involves an asymmetric initial situation, where a person possesses some skill and/or knowledge and another presents a lack in that area. From a commitment, under some sort of relationship and media type, a person passed on their knowledge to another. This generic concept, exposed by Passmore (1983), Fenstermacher (1989) and accepted by Daniel Feldman * 6 prevents clarify what kind of actions are appropriate so that learning occurs. Likewise, while the domain of knowledge by the teacher is considered a facilitator means, does not understand it is how indispensable so that the student, devoid of the same, to acquire it. It is not mere assimilation of flow of information stored. This process is not synonymous with knowledge or understanding.

David Perkins and Tina Blythe, in its guide for teachers * 7, describe understanding like the possibility, beyond knowledge, be able to perform a number of activities that require a thought on the covered subject; such as: explanation, generalisation, application, presentation of analogies or exemplification. As says Edith Lewin, in his reflections on teaching in the University (1996), learning involves a genuine understanding. Although these concepts underlie ideas from authors of beginning of century, as Claparede or Dewey, others in the 1970s, as Bruner; stands out most strongly in criticism to authors how Maslow are the intrinsic learning (acquisition of contents tax and unrelated to the person’s identity). In school learning and knowledge construction publication * 8, Cesar Coll, on the basis of these ideas and framed in constructivist theory, explicitly that the creation of meaning just It happens when it is able to establish substantive and not arbitrary relations between what is learned and what is already known.

Concordance Grammatical Correctness

Friday, April 19th, 2013

Idiomatic correction: The grammatical concordance although concordance rules are simple, are recorded numerous anomalies, both in the spoken language and the written. Concordance between the following elements should be expressed in prayer: between article, noun and adjective. Between the core of the subject and the verb. Between the relative and its substantive antecedent. Between the pronominal forms the, the, the, the and the direct object.

Between the pronominal forms you, them and the indirect object. We explain in more detail: there should be grammatical concordance of gender and number, from the article, the noun and the adjective: black notebook white pages a hot day this loving torment between the core of the subject and the verb, there must be concordance of number and person: I won you won he won us won they won also there must be concordance between the noun and the verb in sentences in passive voice with, although in this case the concordance is only number: sold sodas. Apartment for rent.Apartments are rented. As we saw in the item on the use of linkages, the relative must agree with its antecedent in gender and number (sometimes only in number): the car in which I traveled was comfortable. The women with whom I saw told me. There are several chairs, which are comfortable. They arrived the children with whom I played…

Pronominal forms thing, the, them, agree in gender and number with the direct object: I saw him. I saw her. I saw them. I saw them. The pronominal forms le and must agree les in number with the indirect object: I gave the books to him. I gave the books to them. I gave the book to them. Errors: Corrections: comfortable apartments for rent.they rented the women were very sad.sad watched the flight of the Eagles.Not we are capable of do it.capable women to whom I saw told me.who is published in the newspaper all items.they published gave work to children.Them in the shop sold soda and ice.sold sent the letters to the Director.You didn’t them find where there were left.the have ever not seen it here? It sells rice, beans and corn.sell give pencils to your brother.

Same Generate

Wednesday, April 17th, 2013

It will serve to have higher incomes if the mentality is the same and not intelligently manages its finances, money will disappear in the same way and will have the same path. Get money only for not knowing what to do with the leave us between those who invest evil then lose their capital or those who hide or deposit your money in a bank with interests that do not report reasonable profits. Problems are not solved when it possesses more quantity of money, must know how to manage it, how to avoid negative outs, bad investments, feasible to eliminate costs. If you want to be financially free, if you want to take control of his life, working above all what generate continuous income, avoid and eliminate as far as possible everything that generate spending, invest in all that which produces recurring revenue, set aside any purchase that does not generate income and is only a delivery that does not bring profit. Learn to say to not to anything that may impair its finances even difficult or annoying, know how to say no to everything that goes against their financial interests. An investment on which it has not been investigated too, a personal purchase on a whim, a favor for someone who needs it, are among many reasons that can undermine their financial capacity. Concentrate on everything that generate income and avoid movements which mean output without return, in definitive allocate their money for what will bring him more money, concentrate on what you leave more money in your pocket and not in what you take it out, avoid everything that generate costs of different types without generating resources that increase its capital. Each ticket has to be inverted to play in more tickets that will come to you, and not movements that do not produce income of any kind.

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