Palacios Celi Faith

Monday, April 27th, 2015

Kentenich, is that faith has a God who knows how to get out of the Tomb!, cuentCon a God that knows sailing against the current, has a Dios Vivo y Vigoroso!, and why when faith was thrown to the dogs that they devour it and when Yaparecia than dogs it would devourThe dogs were those who perished! Are losEnemigos of faith and Christianity that they perish, is in history! CONCLUSIONS and the syndrome of CAINEn the couch of Dr. Freud, someone has to lie down, because against the faith, the dogs ate it is or perished! we’re with God or without God! as Miguel de Cervantes said: Tenir or not Tenir, in the world there are no more than these two lineages can not fight for humanity, without faith! don’t let’s be watermelons!, cuandoActuamos as dried radishes, so jump the couch of Dr. Freud and Asimilemos the lessons of history launch our heart of chest yDejemos that will be standing by! the world!, fight the mob rule by the people, for Social Justice, but do so with faith and God, stop drinking brebajesAdulterados who sell in the taverns of atheism and do justice to nuestrConciencia and reconcile us to God!, take advantage of Christmas Ycuremonos of the syndrome of Cain (walk fleeing from God), as did CesarVallejo, who before his death wrote to Georgette him now only to God, Say that it makes me not fear, because I believe that God is my friend! as seSabe Vallejo was a good man, immensely human and died as such. Miguel Palacios Celi original author and source of the article.

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