ECommerce Met

Wednesday, October 12th, 2016

“Meet Magento 1.09 – met the future of E-commerce in Leipzig Leipzig, Germany, February 9, 2009 – Ruby and Yoav Kuttner, CEO and CTO of the American software company Varien Roy were the star guests at meet Magento”, the first major event of the German Magento community. Over 250 participants at the Leipzig agency Netresearch and user Congress organized the German Community Manager Rico Neitzel. Magento is on its way to the new model of success of e-commerce. Roy Rubin, CEO of Varien, the American developer company which stands behind this open source, no-based E-commerce software 1.09 raised in his keynote address at the Leipzig Congress of users meet Magento “, indicates that Germany has established itself after the United States as of now most important market. Rico Neitzel, Manager of the German Magento community, spoke of approximately 3000 users and users in Germany. About 250 of them, Villa IDA, Leipzig Savings Bank Foundation came to Leipzig in the media campus.

A total of 14 lectures were agencies, developers, and service providers current Magento based application examples above. The range included in addition to the presentation of successful shop models such as Jack Wolfskin or the live shopping portal price Bock, integrating Magento with TYPO3. More focused on search engine optimization, extension programming, inventory control and payment systems, risk management, as well as the extension and migration of Magento. As we in the summer of 2007 with the beta of Magento have gone live, we’ve talked about, that the time for such a Congress of users in five years will come. Now just have passed one and a half”, said by the rapid development in Germany visibly, CTO at Varien impressed Yoav Kutner at the end of the event. Thomas Fleck, CEO of Magento Platinum partner Netresearch from Leipzig promised a continuation for this year and announced for the autumn meet Magento 2.09 “in Frankfurt am Main.

Then with a clear opening for the European Community.” Rubin and Yoav Kutner Roy already have their renewed participation in notified. Current information on the subject see. Netresearch GmbH & co. KG. founded in 1998 in Leipzig by Thomas Fleck, Michael drain. Netresearch is a member of the typo 3 Association and the first German Magento Commerce Platinum partner.

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