ECommerce Met

Wednesday, October 12th, 2016

“Meet Magento 1.09 – met the future of E-commerce in Leipzig Leipzig, Germany, February 9, 2009 – Ruby and Yoav Kuttner, CEO and CTO of the American software company Varien Roy were the star guests at meet Magento”, the first major event of the German Magento community. Over 250 participants at the Leipzig agency Netresearch and user Congress organized the German Community Manager Rico Neitzel. Magento is on its way to the new model of success of e-commerce. Roy Rubin, CEO of Varien, the American developer company which stands behind this open source, no-based E-commerce software 1.09 raised in his keynote address at the Leipzig Congress of users meet Magento “, indicates that Germany has established itself after the United States as of now most important market. Rico Neitzel, Manager of the German Magento community, spoke of approximately 3000 users and users in Germany. About 250 of them, Villa IDA, Leipzig Savings Bank Foundation came to Leipzig in the media campus.

A total of 14 lectures were agencies, developers, and service providers current Magento based application examples above. The range included in addition to the presentation of successful shop models such as Jack Wolfskin or the live shopping portal price Bock, integrating Magento with TYPO3. More focused on search engine optimization, extension programming, inventory control and payment systems, risk management, as well as the extension and migration of Magento. As we in the summer of 2007 with the beta of Magento have gone live, we’ve talked about, that the time for such a Congress of users in five years will come. Now just have passed one and a half”, said by the rapid development in Germany visibly, CTO at Varien impressed Yoav Kutner at the end of the event. Thomas Fleck, CEO of Magento Platinum partner Netresearch from Leipzig promised a continuation for this year and announced for the autumn meet Magento 2.09 “in Frankfurt am Main.

Then with a clear opening for the European Community.” Rubin and Yoav Kutner Roy already have their renewed participation in notified. Current information on the subject see. Netresearch GmbH & co. KG. founded in 1998 in Leipzig by Thomas Fleck, Michael drain. Netresearch is a member of the typo 3 Association and the first German Magento Commerce Platinum partner.

Managing Director

Friday, April 22nd, 2016

ShopFacer Goppingen supplemented with features for YouTube and Twitter July 20, 2012, – a few months after the successful launch of ShopFacer the social commerce solution that makes Web shop as a virtual storefront on Facebook, will be complemented by new features. Additional tools are available, which with just a few clicks of product videos for YouTube, create and communicate up-to-date product information fully automated via Twitter are now the operators of online shops. These new features make it easier for companies that are active in e-commerce with its own shops, to use the most important social media channels without having to develop solutions for itself as a marketing and distribution platforms. To succeed in e-commerce, the company must show presence, where their target groups. For this reason we ShopFacer designed first of all, that the software is from existing Web shops practically by Knopfduck in Facebook”, Axel Burgbacher, Managing Director of Kelly Ltd. and Chief developer of ShopFacer is reported. The huge success of Twitter but especially the continuously increasing number of accesses on YouTube have prompted us now bring appropriate additional modules on the way for ShopFacer.” About a year ago the number of videos viewed daily on YouTube amounted to three billion. In the meantime, users retrieve nearly four billion videos on the world’s most successful online video portal.

According to the news agency of Reuters are video material uploaded currently per minute about 60 hours. The spread of smartphones, Tablet PCs as well as Internet-enabled TV sets is considered to be one of the reasons for the success of YouTube, which is part of Google for quite some time. With the YouTube module, the social automatically creates videos with credits, credits, and the Web address ecommerce solution ShopFacer from the product range of the connected Web shop. As are the videos on the YouTube channel associated uploaded automatically.

Social Commerce

Thursday, April 14th, 2016

How online retailers can remain the future e-commerce – Internet on the ball social commerce who dealer would like to succeed as further, must rediscover the Internet and take advantage of. Most customers today want to don’t just buy a product, but interact with the seller. Portals such as Twitter, Facebook or XING are popular. The fusion of E-Commerce and social media is no longer to ignore. Also the acquisition of new customers in the Internet is increasingly operated using social commerce. Lindt Chocolates follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. This refers to the active involvement of the customer and the personal relationship, as well as the communication between each other.

A conversion is also increasingly required in online shops. Through such discussions and holdings customers can actively involved in the creation or sale, often about buying recommendations, comments or reviews (recommendation). Thus, an enormously important assistance is given other Kaufinteressanten in the product search can stimulate more and more for sale. Important is also the option that Customers for example via email, Facebook or Twitter directly from the online shop out who can recommend products. You can’t get a better advertising”as a seller buyer product purchased recommend friends and acquaintances! So often seen I like it”is one button from Facebook now on each Web page. At the same time can collect about online merchants not only useful information to optimize the website own, but create a trusting basis to the customers. So have the possibility to use the own shop central point of not more than only seller with the help of social commerce, the different product offerings can be distributed to as many small portals and blogs. Online merchants can present thus there where consumers often, usually increases the awareness also. Who wants to stand with his shop or its Web site in the future successfully on the market, must identify the trends and quickly put them into practice. Only so, you can meet the growing needs and requirements of our customers.

IBM WebSphere Commerce

Tuesday, March 15th, 2016

Which shop solution is suitable for my project? Not just beginners who are just at the beginning, but also established shop owners who want to grow are “What online shop software is the right solution for me?”, this question. Unfortunately, there is no standard solution that is for all of the right choice. My opinion stands or falls on the decision with the precise definition of the request for the own shop. If you want different social media functions have or maybe is a better client management? The shop solutions available today offer many different features namely, but only with the right system, you can celebrate successes. For this reason, I want to introduce just a few, selected free shop systems, short: WebSphere Commerce (for a fee) is a product of by IBM WebSphere Commerce and offers a tremendous wealth of functions on, including merchandising, marketing, Web Analytics, or catalog management. May at the present time here but the perhaps most important tools not to be missed: mobile and social commerce.

Now this area is covered in this ideal. At the same time, the operator enjoys an optimum scalability. In addition to the online trading the platform can also be used for cross-channel activities. Web site: software/de/websphere/commerce / Intershop Enfinity (for a fee) the strength of this software is probably in sales support (such as cross-selling and up-selling). Furthermore you will find very many interesting tools to get complex trading platform in the life. Nothing to be desired leave an almost perfect technical architecture for programmers and users. Especially the Enfinity Suite 6 is the main project of Intershop and already applied for some major projects. Web site: ePages (fee required) this solution is perfect for ecommerce beginners.

The handling and installation is quite simple, the design can to a large extent in the backend to be performed without programming skills. Web site: en / oxide eSales (as paid or) Open source variant available) as you can choose the enterprise, professional, or Community Edition (open source) operator. All three products are professional and have all the necessary basic functions. The two paid versions (Enterprise and professional) are of course equipped with many additional features. In particular, the Enterprise Edition 4 features mail and client functions (for international use with sub shops). Web site: en / home Joomla VirtueMart, Typo3 and Magento (all open source) these three open source variants are suitable for use in small shops. Many functions and features that are available in commercial products, are also used. However, technical architecture is very rudimentary and sometimes unsuitable for large-scale projects. As a shop owner, one should take with the selection of the correct system time and precisely define in what order of size you would like to operate. Open source products are rarely for large Suitable projects. Just the topic of social commerce “must be taken into account, which integrates the most paid editions already by default.

The Managing Director

Friday, March 11th, 2016

Internet auction: the successful business models in the E-Commerce on July 6 have been sent to all Magento partner letters with stunning news. The Managing Director of the company said that an agreement for the purchase of Magento Inc. the company eBay Inc. was made: I have some great news about Magento to share with you: we’ve reached on agreement to be acquired by eBay Inc. Apart from the fact that many sources go – SAAS of the solution for small business through the acquisition of Magento, it not is written in the official letter of POY Rubin, involves the complete acquisition of the company. In February 2011, invested $ 22.5 million eBay in Magento and had 49% shares of the company. How much and for how much, today acquired the auction site eBay, was still not widespread. By the way afire headcount of the company since then to the multiple and basically income of the business also.

E-Commerce intends to develop something new (“integrated open commerce platform group”) under the name X-commerce Titan. With this designation, and under other brand names, long-awaited Magento2 sees the light of the world. Probably, this service is closely linked with the retailers and Amazon. A successful and profitable business in the E-commerce is online auctions. Our experts have over 30 years of experience and can say with certainty that occur each year a large number of new Start-Ups in the online market, making their owners millionaires. SoftAU offers pre-packaged software solutions for your business with Internet auctions and e-marketplaces, which today are regarded as prime example of successful E-commerce. Allows a short time your own project with all level type functions and exclusive design start in our base. The popularity of these platforms bear witness to the ever-increasing number of Internet auctions.

Vouchers In The E-Commerce

Sunday, July 19th, 2015

Save time and money with coupon portals. Nine out of ten Internet users have ever ordered something online and deliver to home. Specifies the number of Internet users in Germany with over 50 million. That at least says a study by BITKOM, the German Association for information technology, telecommunications and new media. Online shoppers are therefore in all age groups.

While the number of younger users is bigger, but always people shopping online in the area for 50 years. There are primarily books, clothes and shoes, but also music CDs, movies, or software can be purchased on the net. Coupon codes offered special programs almost all online merchants as a trendsetter, serve new customer acquisition and customer retention. Often offered vouchers that can be redeemed with the first purchase. To order a newsletter of online – mail-order company, you often get discount code a 5 or 10 euro. This can then be entered in the online store and will be applied to the order. The collect of vouchers is in the United States to a Become a trend. There are sometimes the vouchers, which determine purchasing behavior: is purchased, what is advertised on the vouchers.

There are often things that are offered in large quantities. The customers there are convinced that they can save a lot money. Still, this trend has not arrived in Germany. However, you will find a lot of portals, providing targeted vouchers on the Internet. What it is to be observed at many discount solutions however restrictions. So, a minimum order value is specified or you must leave its data to get a coupon code. Who doesn’t mind can save when buying online: between 5 and 50 euro, between 5% and 20%, for example. The amounts vary depending on the product and online shop. Nevertheless, voucher portals are a welcome opportunity to save money when buying online. Note the fine print, however. The conditions that come with the use of a coupon code, should be known to the online buyers. Transparent online stores already set value to customers, the come back, and be online buyers in the form of vouchers to submit interesting offers. More information:

E-Commerce Guide: Successful E-commerce

Sunday, July 19th, 2015

The new E-Commerce Guide is here! To find answers to the most important questions around to give Internet trade, already has ibi research at the University of Regensburg in 2007 together with the leading solution providers from the E-commerce area, as well as other experts created the well-known E-Commerce Guide. Nearly half a million downloads were reason enough since the first edition of the Guide, now in its 3rd Edition to publish the Guide. Were significantly extended the existing priorities of the Guide and the latest developments of on-line trading processes. Now over 400 pages, answers to the main questions related to e-commerce Commerce Guide is compact and made of a cast. These include inter alia legal aspects of E-Commerce, shop systems and merchandise management, the importance of an intelligent search function, new payment methods and efficient risk management, innovative approaches to online marketing and also the area of internationalization of the Internet. In addition to extensive updates were also new trends and developments on the market, as the electronic invoice processing, picked up and pointed out ways, how online retailers can take advantage of them or deal with them.

In the creation of the Leitfadeninhalte were the technical know-how of the consortium partners Atrada atriga, cateno, ConCardis, exorbyte, Hermes logistics group Germany, janolaw, mpass, PHOENIX MEDIA, RatePAY, Saferpay, STRATO and xt: Commerce, who reported their experiences in practice as well as the scientific method competence of the Research Institute an ibi research. On important topics, such as online strategy, multi channel sales, selection of the shop system, mobile commerce, secure bill payment, shipping and E-commerce law, by various experts working with 29 expert interviews. 15 Checklists for usability, social media, evaluation criteria for payment procedures, home remedies against returns, or for the introduction of SEPA give further practical assistance. The new edition comes at a time where is hardly a company of the attractiveness of the Internet as a sales and Communication channel can be closed.

Commercial Production

Thursday, April 23rd, 2015

Multimedia advertising in the Internet – professional and original advertising on the Web with audiovisual stimuli takes more and more, as well as in the importance to withdraw from others with his own Videprodukt. Creative ideas are needed.As in a previous article of mine, I already counted on the example to make an image film funny and humorous. Of course, you can themselves also other options or combine them with each other. A company or a product may be advertised as quite outlandish: so that a context between video production and finally advertised product is not visible. However, the viewers through an original designed image film with an equally original idea is impressed by this so-called viral spot and ultimately keeps the company in the head for the spot actually advertises. “You know already the advertising of company X?” is it then and the commercial and Imagefilm is dozen times clicked on YouTube and share sent, whether by mail or on Facebook.

Not only, that is as a result of the name of the company or just the product distributed, to do this, the image is gesfestigt. I will mention a understandable and common example for this: namely the HORNBACH commercials. There are dozens of you on TV and even more in the same style in the Internet on the relevant known video platforms. Through these witty or humorous spots attaches itself in the subconscious of spectators and viewers, that this hardware store company is smart and casual, humorous and dynamically, or also “young”. This greatly helps the good corporate image and spread it even. Also allows to conclude that the ad agency that has the spots come up, has done everything right and was able to secure as a regular customers of a certain size – was the recipe for success.

Although this is again an example which was based on witty ideas, but it’s just the other way around. Shocking commercials such as the awareness campaign “Give AIDS no chance” where cruel dictators such as Hitler and Stalin as a mass murderer compared with HIV are arousing attention and also repulsive safe for many and tasteless – but partly stuck in the mind of the beholder they, as well as the background of the whole. Conclusion: A corporate film or a commercial for companies, products, or even events, are often necessary to mihalten to and proliferate on the World Wide Web. Now the chaff is separated from the wheat, which can – convince spot with quality, originality and a similarly individual idea to differentiate themselves from the bead from video clips.

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